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Welsh farmers on the brink: Could we soon see protests like in Europe?



WHILE scenes of agricultural protest sweep across Europe, from the bustling streets of Brussels to the historic avenues of Berlin, Britain’s farmland remains notably calm. Yet, farmers have been gathering in large numbers, voicing their concerns in packing out cattle markets rather than taking their issues directly to the streets.

The relative quiet of the farmers in Wales might seem puzzling against the backdrop of widespread European demonstrations. The agriculture sector across the whole of the UK, in fact, is grappling with significant challenges.

Recent surveys revealing alarming concerns among fruit, vegetable, and dairy producers about their survival in the coming years.

Nearly half of the UK’s fruit and veg growers and a third of dairy farmers fear their operations may not last beyond 2025, a statistic that paints a grim picture of the industry’s future.

One might speculate that Brexit has shielded British farmers from the tumult affecting their European counterparts.

Tractors parked at the farmer’s meeting in Carmarthen last week (Image C Campbell/Herald)

However, this assumption quickly falls apart when one delves into the myriad issues facing UK agriculture.

The crisis is not of isolation but of scale, economics, and policy. British farms are generally larger than those in the EU, which may buffer them against some pressures but does not immunize them against the high costs of fuel, stringent environmental regulations, and the uncertainties post-Brexit policy changes bring.

In Wales, the situation is particularly acute. The Welsh government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme, set to redefine agricultural funding post-Brexit, demands significant environmental commitments from farmers.

They are required to dedicate portions of their land to tree planting and wildlife habitats, a mandate that many argue is impractical without undermining their business viability.

Coupled with the reduction in environmental payment schemes and sweeping regulations on slurry and fertiliser usage under the new nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZ) policy, Welsh farmers find themselves at a crossroads.

The dissatisfaction runs deeper, touching on the essence of farming identity and its place in society. British farmers, particularly in Wales, express a profound concern over their perception by the public and the political establishment. There is a fear of far-right or populist groups exploiting their cause, a worry compounded by a perceived lack of public empathy towards the agricultural sector. This cultural and political disconnect has left many feeling isolated and misunderstood, reluctant to adopt the protest tactics seen elsewhere in Europe.

Moreover, the shadow of bovine tuberculosis (TB) looms large, with Welsh farmers calling for more decisive action to tackle the disease that has led to significant cattle losses. The government’s refusal to consider a badger cull, seen by many as a necessary measure, has added to the sense of frustration and helplessness within the farming community.

The challenges are manifold: rising operational costs, from fertilisers to machinery fuels, have squeezed margins to breaking points, while environmental and regulatory demands place additional burdens on an already struggling sector. Yet, despite these hurdles, the response from Welsh farmers and their British counterparts has been markedly different from the uproar seen across the Channel.

A coffin placed at the meeting in Carmarthen last week as a stark warning from farmers (Image: BBC)

This divergence perhaps speaks to a broader narrative about the British agricultural ethos – one of quiet endurance and a focus on adaptation over confrontation. The farming community in the UK, and particularly in Wales, is at a pivotal moment, navigating the complexities of modern agriculture, environmental stewardship, and economic survival.

In response to the crisis, Welsh Government Minister for Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths MS, has invited the presidents of the two farming unions to an urgent meeting to hear their views and discuss the serious concerns of Welsh farmers and rural businesses.

The meeting has been arranged following an urgent request from NFU Cymru President Aled Jones who met with Minister Griffiths earlier this week to express the deep sense of feeling and anguish that the industry is feeling at this moment in time.

NFU Cymru President, Aled Jones said: “We met with the Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths on Tuesday this week to express the deep concerns of the industry and we left her in no doubt over the strength of feeling and seriousness of the situation following the robust feedback we have received from our series of roadshows. I welcome the fact that the Minister recognises the serious concerns of farmers and as such has agreed to meet and look at ways to address these issues.

“Having travelled the length and breadth of Wales in the past week and met with thousands of members, it is clear that the current Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) consultation and the proposals laid out in it are causing a deep sense of anguish and concern as members contemplate the future scheme and the implications on their own individual business.

“The Minister has assured me this remains a genuine consultation and so I would urge anyone with an interest in Welsh farming to respond and let the Government know directly the strength of feeling that exists amongst our farming community. The information, briefings and response template are all available on the NFU Cymru website.

“The current consultation which proposes that the Basic Payment Scheme will be fully phased out in 2029 with no long-term stability payment in its place within the SFS is set against the backdrop of a challenging time for Welsh farmers. Agricultural inputs are over a third higher than pre-covid times, water quality regulations have added a huge regulatory and cost burden on farming businesses and bovine TB continues to cause heartache to farming families.

“NFU Cymru will take the concerns of the industry directly to the Minister at our meeting, and we will clearly set out our key asks.”

Samuel Kurtz MS, Shadow Rural Affairs Minister (Pic: Herald)

The conservatives, in opposition in Wales, have been vocal about what they feel is Welsh Labour’s lack of support for the farming industry.

Responding to news that protest action amongst farmers may soon be “inevitable”, Samuel Kurtz MS, Shadow Rural Affairs Minister, said: “The Labour Government must listen to the farming industry before it is too late.

“Welsh farmers have had to deal with a host of policy changes in a short space of time, their frustration is not being heard by the Labour Government and they are left feeling protests are the only option.

“There is a real sense of frustration and anger in the sector at the moment, therefore I am urging the Welsh Government to pause this consultation and to redouble their efforts to get the scheme right so that it works for Wales’ farmers.”

He later added: “Had the Welsh Government taken seriously my calls to pause the SFS consultation, then changes to the proposal could have been made. Sadly, my calls, like the calls from the farmers themselves were ignored.

“The inevitably of farmers protesting is linked to the Welsh Government’s inability to listen.

“I will stand shoulder to shoulder with farmers during any protest. My message to them is only stick together, be respectful, but the Welsh Conservatives will be with you.”

Cefin Campbell, Plaid Cymru Member of the Senedd for Mid & West Wales, who spoke at the large farmers’ meeting on Thursday (Feb 8), said: “Enough is enough was the resounding message amidst the 3,000 heavy crowd in Carmarthen.

“The frustration our farmers and rural communities feel towards the Welsh Government and Westminster on many issues was all too clear. I will do my best to make sure their voice is heard in Cardiff Bay, and I would urge the Welsh Government to accept the unanimous call made by those present for a meeting, where these concerns can be discussed further”. 


Langdon Mill Farm major development approved by planners



PLANS for new calf buildings one of Pembrokeshire’s largest dairy farms, described as having near-five-star animal welfare despite previous concerns, have been given the go-ahead.

At the September 3 meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council’s planning committee, an application by Hugh James of Langdon Mill Farms Ltd for a calf building, weaned calf building, and associated yard areas, at Langdon Mill Farm, near Jeffreyston, Kilgetty was recommended for conditional approval.

The application was previously heard at the July meeting, again recommended for approval, but was deferred pending a site visit.

Ahead of that application, a supporting statement, through agent Reading Agricultural Consultants, said: “The holding currently has a milking herd of approximately 2,000 cows, which are housed indoors for the majority of the year, with dry cows [cows that are not lactating, prior to calving] and heifers grazed outdoors when weather and soil conditions permit.”

Currently, calves are reared at Langdon Mill Farm for two months before being transported off-site to be reared at a number of third-party farms in the area before being return later; the proposed 61.2m long calf building is required to accommodate young-stock, following separation from the cows, to two-months, with the 164.8m weaned calf building to be used for calves from two months to seven months.

The application said the proposals would “clearly make the enterprise more financially robust by reducing reliance on third party farms”.

16 letters of objection to the proposal have been received, raising concerns including claims the size of the operation is already out of keeping with the area, a potential impact on highway safety, environmental concerns including smell and claimed river pollution, a report for planners says.

Concerns were raised at the July committee meeting by objector Ian Dennis, a former vet of some four decades’ experience, who said the 2,000 cattle currently on site “are never allowed to graze,” the proposal, he said, would add another 1,000 cattle to the site.

“This is factory farming, an intensive livestock unit, no longer a farm.”

Speaking at the September meeting, Mr Dennis raised concerns about the potential pollution of nearby water sources from the development.

Following the site visit, an officer report is recommending conditional approval of the scheme said it “would enable efficiencies in the operation of an existing dairy farm business that will have associated environmental and animal welfare benefits”.

At the September meeting, Councillor Brian Hall, who later moved the application be approved, referred to the committee’s site visit.

“I was initially very concerned about the animals in the buildings, but once I looked in, I was very impressed by the condition of the cattle, they looked as if they had just come out of the barbers.

“On the basis of what I saw, the condition of the calves, in all honesty I have no hesitation in moving approval of the site, it’s got to happen so these farmers can increase their very successful operation.”

He was backed by Cllr Mark Carter, who said: “It’s a huge farm with lots of cows, it may be thought that big farms don’t equal a lot of welfare; in my past jobs I’ve driven a livestock lorry, the cows and calves all looked very healthy to me.

“The reason we’ve been told the shed is required is to effectively make a closed unit to minimise the effect of TB; TB is an absolute scourge for agriculture, to me this farm has got the right idea: they are not being moved around the county.

“I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with this application, I’ve no concerns about the welfare of the animals.”

While Councillor Jon Cole raised concerns about the ‘factory’ nature of the farming, Councillor John T Davies, himself a dairy farmer, supported the scheme.

“It is impressive, clearly the gent seemed to be very committed to animal welfare; this new building will make it significantly better as far as animal welfare is concerns, I certainly have no question marks whatsoever, it was no less than four-star, bordering on five-star.”

He said dairy farming was being forced to bigger farms due to economies of scale: “Whether you agree with industrial size farming or not, it exists; sadly in the world we now live in the market and supermarkets are now pushing in this direction – the milk prices at 30 years ago but the costs at 2024.”

The application was unanimously approved by committee members.

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Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society say thank you to all county show supporters



Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society would like to thank all those who supported this year’s county show with competitor numbers up on the previous year as well as an increase in ticket sales.

The Society, which is celebrating its 240th anniversary this year, has praised the hard work of the huge army of volunteers, sponsors and exhibitors, without whom it would not have been possible to hold the show.

Adam Thorne, Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society President, said, “Thank you to everyone who came and supported the show, especially the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, who we were privileged to have with us. We witnessed two fantastic days of competitions throughout all the livestock categories. It was such a shame the glorious sunshine of day one was replaced with heavy rain on day two. Planning now begins for the 2025 event on the 20 and 21 August.”

Award winners at this year’s Pembrokeshire County Show included:

Baron de Rutzen Award Those under the age of 45 who farm in Pembrokeshire and could demonstrate their farm’s use of the latest technological methods to promote progressive, sustainable agriculture were encouraged to enter the prestigious Baron de Rutzen Award. The winners were Andrew and Jane Phillips of Windsor Farm, Lamphey. They farm 1,100 acres, with 3,000 breeding sheep and lambs. A herd of British Blue cross Limousin suckler cows sired by a Limousin bull and all calves are sold as weaned. The arable side of the business includes 80 acres of winter and spring barley which is mostly used for stock consumption. The surplus is sold. They grow 150 acres of maize which is used in a Totally Mixed Ration (TMR) for their sheep. Again, the surplus is sold to dairy farms. Some land is rented out for growing potatoes and leeks. The autumn season sees the general public invited in to buy some of the six acres of Pumpkins they grow for the Halloween market. Besides this, they are also involved with the holiday business by renting out two shepherd’s huts for visitors.

Student Bursary Award was awarded to Catrin Palferey from Llanfyrnach who will begin studying at Aberystwyth University this autumn. The £1,000 bursary is open annually to all qualifying students studying agriculture, veterinary science, agricultural engineering, food technology, forestry or other subjects clearly allied to agriculture.

Ambassador for 2025 to help support officeholders in promoting and meeting the aims of the Society. During the show, the role was awarded to Alys Owens, who works for Castell Howell and lives in Haverfordwest. Alys is an active member of Llysyfran YFC and was Club Secretary last year, for which she was awarded Club Secretary of the Year at County level. She is a cornet player for Goodwick Brass Band.

Long Service Award – Farm and estate workers from Pembrokeshire, who have been employed on the land for 25 years or more, could be nominated for this Award. There were three recipients for the inscribed Awards: Gary Barber who has been employed by Pembrokeshire Farmers Hunt for 33 years; Robert Davies who works for Michael Morris and Sally Rees who works for Tom Goddard & Sons in Camrose.

The next large event to be held on the Showground will be the Christmas Fair which will take place over two days this year on Saturday and Sunday, 14 and 15 December, between 10am and 4pm. There will be gift and craft stalls, food and drink, festive music and a Santa’s Grotto. Admission is Free.

The date has been set for Wales’ largest county agricultural show, Pembrokeshire County Show in 2025. The event will take place on 20 and 21 August at Pembrokeshire County Showground in Haverfordwest.

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Urgent call for vigilance among Welsh farmers following latest fatality figures



FARMERS across the country are being urged to prioritise safety after new figures revealed 27 people were killed in Britain’s agricultural industry in 2023/241.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), two of the deaths in the sector – which encompasses agriculture, forestry and fishing – were in Wales.

“The number of fatalities serves as a stark reminder for anyone involved in agriculture that safety must always be a top priority,” said Alex Cormack, of Lycetts Risk Management Services.

“While accidents can happen, many are preventable. It is crucial to implement and maintain rigorous safety protocols, which may include regular training, the proper use of equipment and strictly adhering to all safety guidelines.

“Farmers should also conduct regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential hazards on their farms.

“By taking these proactive steps, we can reduce the number of preventable incidents and protect the lives of both workers and the public in this essential industry.”

The data also revealed that more than two-fifths (44 per cent) of fatalities nationwide involved individuals over the age of 60.

“Older farmers face unique challenges, such as reduced physical strength, slower reaction times and underlying health conditions, which can increase the risk of accidents,” added Cormack.

“In addition to standard safety practices, they should consider taking more frequent breaks to help prevent fatigue and enlisting extra help when needed.”

Cormack also suggested embracing new technologies.

“Wearable safety devices and real-time hazard monitoring systems can play a significant role in reducing risks.

“Furthermore, farm owners, colleagues and family members should be vigilant in recognising when older workers may be struggling and provide appropriate support. This could involve assigning less physically demanding tasks and fostering a culture where asking for help is encouraged and respected.”

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