FOR many, Christmas begins with the magical sound of carols from King’s College, Cambridge. This year, a week before their globally broadcast performance on BBC TV...
CELEBRATE the holiday season with André Rieu’s dazzling Christmas Concert, “Goldand Silver,” exclusively in cinemas and on the Torch Theatre screen on Saturday 7and Sunday 8...
When Pembrokeshire’s cool evenings and misty breezes invite you to stay inside, it’s the perfect time to enjoy cosy indoor activities. Whether you’re alone, with family,...
Monopoly is one of the most beloved board games in history, enjoyed and argued over by groups of players since the 1930s. The original board was...
SINCE Miles’ last tour finished at The London Palladium in 2017, he’s been in The Full Monty on Disney Plus, The Durrells and Why Didn’t They...
Welsh households have faced an increase in the cost of living over the last few years. Between 2022 and 2023, nearly half of Welsh residents (43%)...
The digital age is radically changing entertainment. As time passes, more shows are being released for online platforms, rather than having drawn-out residencies at theatres. This...
Bingo is a popular game in the UK, with over three million people playing bingo at least twice a week. Wales in particular has a strong...
CAREW CASTLE is thrilled to invite families and visitors of all ages to experience Glow – a magical event illuminating the season every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from...