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Welsh Government issues community safety statement following Southport tragedy



FOLLOWING the knife attack in Southport on 29 July, which resulted in the deaths of three children and left several others critically injured, the Welsh Government has responded with a strong commitment to ensuring the safety and cohesion of communities across Wales.

The incident, which took place during a children’s dance class, has not only shaken the local community but also sparked a wave of unrest and hate crimes across the UK.

First Minister: “I am focused on the potential for disorder and the steps needed to safeguard those who may be at risk.”

In a written statement issued on 9 August, First Minister Eluned Morgan expressed her deepest sympathies to those affected by the tragedy and underscored the Welsh Government’s resolve to combat the rise in violence, racism, and Islamophobia that has emerged in its wake. “Wales has no place for discrimination, victimisation, harassment, or abuse,” Morgan stated. “We stand opposed to hate committed against any of our communities, including online hate.”

The First Minister highlighted the proactive measures being taken to prevent similar incidents in Wales, including high-level meetings with senior policing leads and community representatives. She noted that these discussions focused on the potential for disorder and the steps needed to safeguard those who may be at risk. “I welcome the decisive and supportive approach [policing partners] are taking to address the threat of potential disorder in our communities,” she said.

Morgan also reflected on the broader impact of the Southport attack, acknowledging the fear and anxiety it has instilled in many, particularly within Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities. She stressed the importance of unity and collective action in the face of such challenges, urging elected officials and community leaders to play their part in reassuring the public and resisting the spread of misinformation.

Protests in England and Northern Ireland have taken significant resources to police

In her statement, Morgan also reaffirmed the Welsh Government’s commitment to fostering cohesive, anti-racist communities through the continued implementation of the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan. She concluded by expressing her hope that Wales will remain a “warm and welcoming nation” where all individuals can live free from fear and hatred.

The First Minister’s statement is a clear indication of the Welsh Government’s determination to protect its citizens and promote harmony in the face of adversity. It also serves as a call to action for all Welsh residents to stand against hate and support one another during these trying times.


Welsh rugby great supports lifesaving charity in unique partnership



WELSH rugby great Shane Williams, MBE, has thrown his support behind Wales Air Ambulance and four of its medics who will be taking on Ironman this weekend.

Like Shane, the Charity’s medics Mike Palmer, Ruby Thomas, Simon Cartwright and Caroline Arter, will push their bodies to its limit to take on the ultimate challenge of Ironman Wales – swapping their flight suits for tri-suits.

The gruelling long-distance triathlon consists of a 2.4-mile sea swim, a 112-mile hilly bike course and a marathon through the streets of Tenby.  

Shane’s new sportswear brand, AGILIS, has provided each of the medics with Wales Air Ambulance branded tri-suits free of charge, but the support doesn’t end there. The unique partnership will see AGILIS support the Charity in future events, providing discounted sportswear to enable the Wales Air Ambulance to raise even more funds.

Shane said: “I am very proud to say that myself and AGILIS will be working in partnership with Wales Air Ambulance. Obviously, it’s a fantastic Charity and cause, we’ve all seen the great work that they have done, how amazing they are and the difference they make to a lot of people’s lives, so I am very proud to be associated with them on this adventure.”

Since retiring from the professional game Shane has found a new passion for endurance sports. 

As part of the unique partnership between the brand and the Charity, the former Wales and British and Irish Lions international rugby player will show his support to the lifesaving Charity by wearing one of the Wales Air Ambulance tri-suits.

Shane continued: “I can’t wait to get out there with all the great fantastic people. I’ve met the crew taking part on Sunday, there are some real good triathletes there. I’m looking forward to seeing them do their business on the Ironman course and what’s exciting is that I’m going to be running and cycling in the Wales Air Ambulance colours, red and green! I’ve got the Welsh colours back on! It will be a very tough day, but I’m very proud.”

AGILIS will be supporting the Charity moving forward and has also donated hoodies for the medics to wear on the day. Shane will also be meeting up with the medics on Saturday, prior to the triathlon.

Mike Palmer, a Critical Care Practitioner onboard Wales Air Ambulance, said: “Shane Williams is not just a legend of rugby, but also of triathlon. It means so much to me and my colleagues to have the support and mentorship of someone who has pushed his body to the limits numerous times on one of the toughest Ironman courses in the world.

“To have been gifted the suits, and to wear the same as Shane on Sunday is remarkable. Balancing 12-hour shifts, a master’s degree and the intense training hasn’t been easy. There’s been many times that I’d be going for a long run before starting my shift at 7am, but we’re so near now and I’m so excited (and nervous) to step foot on that start line.

“We’re all so passionate about the Wales Air Ambulance, and me, Caz, Ruby and Simon continue to see first-hand the impact this charity has on people’s lives. So, on Sunday, when we feel like we can’t go any further, we’ll think of our patients and our supporters – and that’ll give us the push to carry on.

“Thank you to Shane, AGILIS and to all those who have donated to our challenge so far. If you can, please donate via our JustGiving page, and cheer for us on Sunday.”

Wales Air Ambulance is consultant-led, taking hospital-standard treatments to the patient and if required, transferring them directly to the most appropriate hospital for their illness or injury.  

It is delivered via a unique Third Sector and Public Sector partnership. The Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS) supplies highly skilled NHS consultants and critical care practitioners who work on board the charity’s vehicles. 

As a pan-Wales service, the dedicated crews, regardless of where they are based, will travel the length and breadth of the country to deliver emergency lifesaving care. 

The 2008 World Rugby Player of the Year has further shown his commitment to the all-Wales Charity by signing up to another event alongside his AGILIS colleagues. The trio will be raising awareness of the lifesaving charity next month in the second largest half marathon event in the UK, the Cardiff Half Marathon.

Laura Slate, Communications and Engagement Manager for Wales Air Ambulance said: “Every day, our crews deliver advanced medical care to people across Wales, and alongside the 12-hour shifts, Caz, Mike, Simon and Ruby have been training for this massive challenge and raising money for our charity.

“We are absolutely delighted to be working with AGILIS and Shane and are incredibly grateful for the donation of tri-suits for the critical care practitioners. The company and the Welsh rugby great have already shown their dedication to our cause, and I offer my heartfelt thanks to all those who have been involved in creating this partnership. We are a proud Welsh charity, and Shane is a proud Welshman – it’s a perfect match, and we’re excited to see how the partnership will grow.”

The Wales Air Ambulance needs to raise £11.2 million every year to keep its helicopters in the air and its rapid response vehicles on the road.

Laura continued: “There are many ways in which individuals and organisations can support us. AGILIS is great example of how businesses can contribute to our lifesaving service by supplying goods and services at a reduced rate, alongside traditional fundraising activities. It all helps us to ensure that as much money as possible goes directly to our frontline service for the benefit of the people of Wales.

“Good luck to everyone taking part on Sunday, and a special thank you to Shane and our heroes of the sky.”

Show your support to the Wales Air Ambulance Ironman team by donating to their JustGiving page

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20mph limit in Wales – one year on, the debate intensifies



AS Wales marks the one-year anniversary of the introduction of the 20mph speed limit on residential roads, the policy continues to stir controversy.

Initially rolled out by the Labour government with the intention of improving road safety, the reduced speed limit has faced both criticism and support from various quarters, with ongoing debate about its effectiveness and economic impact.

Welsh Conservative Shadow Transport Minister Natasha Asghar has been vocal in her criticism of the policy, calling it a “disastrous 20mph rollout.” She emphasised that despite widespread public dissent, including the largest petition in the Senedd’s history and predictions of a £9 billion impact on the Welsh economy, the government has been reluctant to reconsider the policy. Asghar reiterated the Conservative stance: “Scrap the £33m scheme altogether, only have 20mph in high footfall areas and get Wales moving again.”

The policy has not only faced political opposition but also a significant public backlash. A petition against the default 20mph limit garnered nearly half a million signatures, highlighting the extent of dissatisfaction among the Welsh public. Additionally, there has been a reported rise in offences related to the new speed limit, with many motorists finding the varying speed limits confusing.

The 20mph speed limits have been welcomed by some, such as these St Dogmaels residents (Pic: Herald)

Labour’s Eluned Morgan has acknowledged the policy’s challenges, admitting that the blanket implementation of the 20mph speed limits had caused problems. She indicated that the government recognises that some roads may need to revert to 30mph, and a review is currently underway. The First Minister recently acknowledged that through roads with 20mph limits had been causing the most frustration among the public, and it is now up to local councils to address these concerns.

Lee Waters, the former transport minister who introduced the policy, defended it, stating that reduced speeds have led to fewer accidents and saved lives. However, he conceded that the rollout could have been better executed, citing insufficient public awareness and preparation for such a significant change.

Despite the criticisms, recent figures indicate a positive trend in road safety, with injuries on 20mph and 30mph roads falling by a third in the final quarter of last year. Furthermore, insurer esure reported a 20% drop in accidental damage claims from Welsh customers following the implementation of the 20mph limit, resulting in reduced insurance premiums for Welsh drivers. If this trend were applied across the UK, it could result in a significant economic benefit, with potential savings of approximately £50 per policy, amounting to £1.4 billion nationwide.

The First Minister recently acknowledged that through roads with 20mph limits had been causing the most frustration among the public

The introduction of the 20mph speed limit has also affected events such as the Junior Tour of Wales cycling race, which had to be shortened and rerouted due to the new speed regulations. This has prompted criticism from Conservative figures who argue that such policies should not negatively impact sporting events and other activities.

Natasha Asghar further commented on the need for a “common-sense approach” to active travel, highlighting that while promoting walking and cycling is important, the current strategy of pushing people out of cars through measures like the 20mph limit is not practical or effective.

The Welsh government’s decision to make 20mph the default speed limit in built-up areas has sparked a complex debate, balancing road safety against public opinion and economic concerns. With a review in progress and ongoing discussions, the future of the 20mph policy in Wales remains uncertain. Whether the government will make adjustments or hold firm in its commitment to reduced speed limits will likely continue to be a point of contention in Welsh politics.

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Welsh Conservatives demand vote in Senedd to save winter fuel payments



THE Welsh Conservatives have forced a vote in the Senedd, urging the UK Government to reverse its decision to end universal winter fuel payments. This move comes amidst growing concern that the UK Labour Government’s policy change will have a severe impact on pensioners across Wales. Approximately 400,000 Welsh households, including 540,000 pensioners, are expected to miss out on payments of up to £300 this winter.

Jane Hutt MS, the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Culture, Trefnydd, and Chief Whip, outlined the potential consequences of this decision in response to a written question by Welsh Conservative Leader, Andrew RT Davies MS. Hutt emphasised that the withdrawal of the universal winter fuel payments could push some pensioners into fuel poverty, raising alarms about the wellbeing of Wales’ elderly population.

In the Senedd session on 18th July 2024, the Welsh Conservatives tabled a motion calling on the UK Government to reconsider its stance on the universal winter fuel payment. Welsh Labour Members of the Senedd (MSs) are set to vote on this motion, which could determine whether the payment scheme will be reinstated.

Ahead of the debate, Andrew RT Davies MS, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, urged Labour MSs to prioritise the interests of their constituents over party allegiance. “This debate is a chance for Labour MSs to show that they have the courage to put their constituents’ interests before their party interests,” Davies stated. “The Welsh Conservatives will not stop fighting to keep pensioners warm this winter.”

Joel James MS, the Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Social Partnership and Social Justice, echoed these sentiments, condemning the decision to scrap winter fuel payments. “Labour’s shameful decision to scrap winter fuel payments risks creating a fuel poverty crisis among pensioners in Wales,” he said. “In the Senedd this week, I look forward to bringing forward our Welsh Conservative debate calling on the UK Government to reverse their decision to end the universal winter fuel payment.”

The decision to cut winter fuel payments has also drawn criticism from Age Cymru. Chief Executive Victoria Lloyd expressed concern about the impact on vulnerable pensioners. “Age Cymru firmly believe that cutting the winter fuel payment this winter, with virtually no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong decision,” Lloyd stated. “People have been sharing with us how they’ll struggle this winter without the winter fuel payment. We have heard from people who have long-term health conditions who need to have a warm home and will need to cut back on food to ensure that their homes are warm.”

The motion submitted by the Welsh Conservatives reads:

To propose that the Senedd:

  1. Expresses deep concern that around 400,000 households in Wales will lose up to £300 per person after the UK Government’s decision to end the universal Winter Fuel Payment.
  2. Notes the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip’s response to WQ93698 where she stated that the UK Government’s decision to end the Winter Fuel Payment will risk pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.
  3. Calls on the UK Government to reverse their decision to end the universal Winter Fuel Payment.

The outcome of this vote could significantly affect the financial stability and wellbeing of Welsh pensioners this winter.

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