Cardiff has announced funding support for the next two years to maintain the momentum of the Wales Games development show, a national and international showcase to promote Welsh talent and expertise in...
IN THE RUN up to the General Election, Labour have called for a lowering of the voting age from 18 to 16. One of Labour’s key manifesto pledges will give...
YOUNG people in Wales have continued to fi nd high-quality work opportunities through Jobs Growth Wales (JGW), the Welsh Government has said. The Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology, Julie James, has welcomed fi...
THE PARTY OF WALES’ Rhun ap Iorwerth has tonight set out why his party is part of a new kind of politics. Plaid, he said, is rooted firmly in the communities...
NEWYDDION syfrandol ecscliwsif i’w ddatgelu’r wythnos hon. Mae’r newyddion yn dal i ddod i law wrth i fi ysgrifennu. Dwi’n whys drabŵd. Dwi’n siŵr y bydd pawb ohonoch am fod yn...
MAE S4C wedi lansio Llond Ceg – cyfres newydd i blant a phobl ifanc sydd yn trafod materion, profi adau a phroblemau sy’n wynebu plant a phobl ifanc mewn modd agored,...
A FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD boy has been arrested following an alleged sexual assault at Pensarn McDonalds. The incident, which is alleged to have taken place on Sunday morning...
MAE’R HERALD SIR BENFRO wedi derbyn llythyr agored gan Gyfeillion Rhys ap Gruff udd. Mae’r cyfeillion yn mynegi eu pryder am ddyfodol Castell Aberteifi ei Seisnigeiddio. Yn benodol, mae’r grŵp yn gresynu methiant...
MAE REBECCA EVANS, Dirprwy Weinidog Ffermio a Bwyd, wedi atgoff a bridwyr cŵn Cymru y bydd y gyfraith yn newid ymhen pedair wythnos gan greu meini prawf llymach ar gyfer lles...
FOLLOWING the signing of a High Court Order in response to the Judicial Review against our original three region approach, the Welsh Government has worked with stakeholder bodies to identify all remaining...