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Drink-driver admits failing to stop after hitting vehicles near Neyland



A 28-YEAR-OLD motorist has admitted driving his Audi A3 into three parked vehicles near Neyland, when he was over twice the legal drink-drive limit.

Macauley Carter hit an Audi A3, a Land Rover and a VW Golf which were all parked at Hazel Bank Hill, Llanstadwell, on the night of May 25.

“A witness heard a loud bang and when they went to see what had happened, they discovered an Audi A3 lying on its roof,” Crown Prosecutor Abigail Jackson told a judge sitting at Haverfordwest magistrates this week.

“Officers attended and discovered the vehicle still on its roof as well as a number of other vehicles which had been damaged in the incident.”

The other vehicles comprised a Land Rover, a Volkswagen Golf and another Audi A3.

Ms Jackson went on to say that the witness also heard a female calling out from the passenger side of the Audi A3, while a male was heard speaking from the driver’s side.

When spoken to by police officers, the defendant initially denied all knowledge of the incident, however his girlfriend subsequently informed officers during a police interview that Carter had been the driver at the time of the offence.  She also stated that he had consumed alcohol prior to the accident.

Subsequent breath tests carried out by officers showed Carter had 93 mcg of alcohol in his breath.  The prescribed legal limit is 35.

At a previous hearing at Haverfordwest magistrates court last week (June 11), Carter denied drink driving plus additional charges of causing his vehicle to be left in a dangerous position, failing to stop after a road accident and using a vehicle without a valid test certificate.  This week, however, he changed his pleas to guilty on all four charges.

The court was told that Carter, of Willow End, Milford Haven, is employed at the Hinkley Point Power Station.

He was sentenced to a 12 month Community Order during which he must carry out 120 hours of unpaid work.  He must also pay £200 court costs and a £114 court surcharge.  He was disqualified from driving for three years.


Man smashes doors to chase down mum in Tavernspite incident



A 45-YEAR-OLD man, Ivor Poulson, from Tavernspite near Whitland, violently broke through two locked doors with a crowbar to chase down his mother after an argument, before proceeding to destroy a bathroom cabinet in front of her. The dramatic event was recounted at Swansea Crown Court, where Poulson faced charges of affray and criminal damage.

Prosecutor Matthew Murphy revealed that Poulson, who had been living with his mother, had consumed alcohol on the evening of June 2. Following an argument, Poulson threatened his mother with what was described as a wrecking bar.

In a bid to escape, the defendant’s mother retreated to her bedroom and locked the door, subsequently locking herself in the bathroom. Despite her efforts, she could hear Poulson shouting “Open the door” and banging on it, prompting her to call 999.

Murphy detailed how Poulson used the crowbar to smash a hole in the bedroom door, reaching in to unlock it. He repeated the same action with the bathroom door. Once inside, Poulson stood menacingly with a crowbar over each shoulder, questioning his mother’s actions before smashing a cabinet with one of the tools.

Police arrived swiftly and arrested Poulson, who chose to remain silent during the interrogation. “The defendant was reckless as to whether serious injury would be caused to the complainant,” Murphy asserted, highlighting Poulson’s ignorance of what lay behind the doors he was demolishing.

Poulson, with two previous convictions, pleaded guilty to both charges at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court. Judge Geraint Walters, upon reviewing the case, noted, “It’s perfectly plain from everything I have read that this defendant has profound difficulties – some of his own making, some not of his own making.”

The court was informed that Poulson had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which David Singh, in mitigation, suggested was a significant factor leading to the confrontation. Singh described the incident as an “appalling confrontation,” expressing Poulson’s deep regret over his actions towards his mother.

Judge Walters addressed Poulson directly, condemning his behaviour: “You don’t need me to tell you, but this is an appalling piece of behaviour towards your own mother. The reality here is you were going through a mental breakdown at the time.”

Poulson received a two-year community order, including 150 hours of unpaid work, 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days, and a 120-day alcohol abstinence and monitoring requirement. Judge Walters concluded, “It’s time for you to see if you can continue to salvage your relationship with your mum.”

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Woman denies crashing into concrete bollards while drink-driving



A HAVERFORDWEST woman has appeared before magistrates after allegedly crashing into five concrete bollards and a stone wall after drinking alcohol.

Leah Harries, 29, of Gerald Road, Haverfordwest was charged with drink-driving following the alleged incident at City Road, Haverfordwest in the early hours of February 17.

“It was 1.25 am and reports were made to the police about a single vehicle road collision,” Crown Prosecutor Linda Baker told Haverfordwest magistrates this week.

“The vehicle, a Volkswagen Golf, had been travelling at speed and had taken out approximately five concrete bollards and had damaged a stone wall.

“Residents saw a male get out of the passenger’s side of the vehicle, and a female get out of the driver’s side.”

Ms Baker went on to say that when police officers arrived at the scene, they discovered the male standing beside the vehicle, while the defendant had left the scene,

“Leah Harries was then found at her address following a short search of the area,” said Ms Baker. “When interviewed, she admitted that she was the person driving the vehicle and provided breath samples at the police station which gave a reading of 56 mcg.”

The prescribed legal limit is 35.

However Harries denies the charge of drink-driving. Her solicitor, Mr Michael Kelleher, told the court the defendant had consumed the alcohol after returning to her home following the accident.

The matter was adjourned to August 15 when Harries’s trial will take place. The defendant was released on unconditional bail

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Shortage of taxis leads to driving ban for Honda driver



A SHORTAGE of taxis in Tenby town centre two nights before Christmas resulted in a disqualified driver jumping into a parked Honda Jazz and driving towards his home in Manorbier.

Following unsuccessful attempts to hail a taxi shortly before 4am on December 23, Mark Powell, 39, made the reckless decision of walking over to a former employer’s car and driving off.

“He walked to the Pay and Display car park where the  victim’s car was parked,” Crown Prosecutor Linda Baker told Haverfordwest magistrates this week.

“He knows the victim, and he knows that [the victim] sometimes leaves the keys in the car when he wants it washed.  The defendant was well aware of this, so he took the vehicle.”

But Ms Baker said the decision was made despite Powell having been disqualified in June 2023 following a conviction of drink-driving.

“That night he was in town, he couldn’t get home, so he took a friend’s car who he’s known for a considerable length of time,” said Powell’s solicitor, Tom Lloyd.

“No damage was caused and the car was returned the following day.”

Powell, of Dewing Avenue, Manorbier, pleaded guilty to driving a vehicle which had been taken without the owner’s consent, of driving whilst disqualified and of driving without insurance.

Powell was sentenced to a 12-month community order during which he must carry out 80 hours of unpaid work.  He must pay £85 court costs and a £114 surcharge.  He was disqualified from driving for six months which will be added to his current disqualification.

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