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Over 117,000 people newly registered to vote in Wales



AS the deadline passed yesterday to register to vote, 117,477 people in Wales signed up who were not previously on the voters toll.

However, the The Electoral Reform Society (ERS) is calling for the next government to bring in Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) across the UK to make it easier for people to cast their vote and help enfranchise millions of missing voters. Wales is already planning to introduce AVR, with legislation progressing through the Senedd currently. This should be introduced for 2026, pending a successful pilot. 

AVR can work in a number of ways. It involves registration officers pre-populating the register from existing databases, rather than voters having to initiate the registration process themselves.

The ERS’s call comes after government figures showed that just under 2.9 million applications to register to vote were made from between when the general election was called on May 22nd and the registration deadline of 23:59 on June 18th. Despite a huge surge on the last day of 632,863 applications lifting the total figure, the overall number of applications is still well short of the around 8 million people the Electoral Commission says are not registered to vote or registered incorrectly.

Following yesterday’s deadline, the final number of registrations since the general election was called stood at 2,898,265. This broke down as 2,450,646 in England, 281,339 in Scotland, 117,477 in Wales and 48,803 in Northern Ireland.

Willie Sullivan, Senior Director of the Electoral Reform Society, said: “Despite a huge surge in last-minute applications to register to vote, it is clear today that millions of voters will still be missing from the electoral rolls come polling day. That means millions of people will effectively be locked out of having their say on the direction of the country in the coming years.

“This should be the last election where we are in this damaging situation. We are calling on whoever is in government after July 4th to bring in Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) across the UK, which is already set to be introduced into Wales.

“Moving to AVR would be a win-win for the next government as it would make life easier for voters by taking one more thing off their to-do list while at the same time strengthening our democracy by helping enfranchise millions of missing voters.

“However, the high number of unregistered voters also points to a deeper malaise in our politics, where millions of people are clearly disengaged with our democracy. This comes at a time when trust in our politics is also now at rock bottom.

“A big part of the problem is people not feeling that their vote counts or has any meaningful impact, which is a direct result of the distorting First Past the Post voting system used for Westminster elections.

“Our research found that at the last general election over 22 million votes (70.8%) didn’t count towards the result, in that they were either cast for a losing candidate or surplus votes for the winner.

“The next government urgently needs to grip the crisis of trust in politics and disengagement with our democracy, and a key part of that has to be bringing in a fairer proportional voting system that means every vote would matter come election day and seats in Parliament would more accurately reflect the way the country voted.”


Update: Community rallies for former teacher with GoFundMe campaign



FOLLOWING the sentencing of former teacher Rhodri S. Jones for assaulting a child at Ysgol Caer Elen, the public has launched a GoFundMe campaign to support him. The campaign aims to raise £600 to help pay his court fine.

Organised by Andrew Phillips, the fundraiser has already gathered half of its target. Supporters describe Jones as a kind individual unfairly penalised for a minor incident and are eager to help him and his family move on from this ordeal.

Jones, 40, of Hayston View, Johnston, pleaded guilty to a charge of assault by beating. He was legally represented in court by Mr Michael Kelleher, who highlighted the challenges faced by educators in maintaining discipline. Kelleher explained that Jones is deeply remorseful and has resigned from the teaching profession following the incident.

“This is the difficulty that a teacher or a learning assistant has these days,” Kelleher said. “When a child is being cheeky, rude or refusing to do what he is being asked to do, an adult should avoid touching the pupil.

“My client is mortified at what occurred and has since resigned from the teaching profession – so we’ve lost a teacher.

“The children were heard saying ‘We’ll make sure you’ll be in trouble for this,’ and unfortunately this is what’s happened.”

After considering the mitigation, magistrates fined Jones £400 and ordered him to pay £85 in costs and a £160 surcharge. No compensation order was made against the victim, with the presiding magistrate commenting that compensation was not deemed appropriate.

The GoFundMe campaign has become a focal point for community members who believe Jones deserves support during this difficult time.

You can view and contribute to the campaign here.

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All the candidates standing in Caerfyrddin – who has got your vote?



Simon Hart (Conservative Party)

Simon Hart is the Conservative candidate for Caerfyrddin and has a well-established political career, having served as the MP for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire since 2010. During his tenure, Hart has held several significant positions, including Secretary of State for Wales and Government Chief Whip. His campaign focuses on maintaining economic stability and improving local infrastructure. Hart emphasises his dedication to addressing specific local issues, such as opposing the construction of pylons in the Teifi and Towy Valleys, which he argues would detract from the natural beauty of the area.

Hart’s platform includes a commitment to supporting rural communities, ensuring that farmers and local businesses receive the support they need to thrive. He highlights his long-standing connection to the area, despite the new constituency boundaries, and aims to leverage his experience to benefit the residents of Caerfyrddin. Hart’s campaign also addresses broader national issues, such as economic policy and public services, with a focus on practical solutions that can make a real difference at the local level.

Martha O’Neil (Labour Party)

Martha O’Neil is the Labour candidate for Caerfyrddin, bringing a fresh perspective and a strong commitment to social justice. At 25 years old, O’Neil is a former policy adviser for the UK Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Her campaign emphasises empathy and personal experience with hardship, aiming to connect with voters on a deep, personal level. O’Neil advocates for substantial changes to address the cost-of-living crisis, improve public services like the NHS, and ensure fair economic policies that benefit all segments of society.

O’Neil criticises the Conservative government’s handling of the economy and public services, highlighting issues such as high living costs and inadequate support for families. She promises to deliver better outcomes by pushing for a Labour government that prioritises the needs of ordinary people. Her platform includes specific policies to reduce energy prices, enhance healthcare access, and support education and social services, aiming to create a more equitable and prosperous community.

Ann Davies (Plaid Cymru)

Ann Davies, the Plaid Cymru candidate for Caerfyrddin, brings a wealth of experience and a strong connection to the local community. As a cabinet member on Carmarthenshire County Council, Davies has a deep understanding of both rural and post-industrial needs. Her campaign is built on the legacy of Gwynfor Evans, Plaid Cymru’s first MP, and she aims to follow in his footsteps by providing honest and dedicated representation in Westminster.

Davies focuses on sustainable development and support for local businesses. She emphasises the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the area while promoting economic growth. Her platform includes policies to support the agricultural sector, enhance public services, and ensure that rural communities have access to the resources they need to thrive. Davies also highlights her commitment to fighting for the best deal for Caerfyrddin’s residents, promising to be a strong and vocal advocate for their needs and concerns.

Will Beasley (Green Party)

Will Beasley, the Green Party candidate for Caerfyrddin, is dedicated to environmental sustainability and social justice. His campaign focuses on achieving net-zero emissions through innovative and accountable policies. Beasley criticises the major parties for their inadequate handling of rural issues and positions the Green Party as a forward-thinking alternative that prioritises environmental and community welfare.

Beasley’s platform includes enhancing public transportation, protecting natural habitats, and supporting local agriculture. He advocates for sustainable development practices that do not compromise the environment, ensuring that future generations can enjoy a healthy and vibrant natural world. Beasley also emphasises the importance of social justice, promising to fight for policies that reduce inequality and provide all residents with access to quality public services and opportunities for growth and development.

Nicholas Paul Beckett (Liberal Democrats)

Nicholas Paul Beckett is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Caerfyrddin, focusing on addressing the cost-of-living crisis, supporting local businesses, and promoting educational opportunities. Beckett emphasises the need for practical solutions to local issues, such as improving healthcare access and ensuring that public services are well-funded and efficiently run.

Beckett’s campaign includes policies to support economic growth through investment in local businesses and infrastructure. He advocates for a more inclusive and equitable society, where everyone’s needs are met through responsive and effective governance. Beckett highlights his commitment to transparency and accountability in government, promising to work tirelessly to represent the interests of Caerfyrddin’s residents in Westminster.

Nancy Cole (Women’s Equality Party)

Nancy Cole, the Women’s Equality Party candidate for Caerfyrddin, focuses on gender equality and social justice. Her campaign includes policies aimed at closing the gender pay gap, improving healthcare services for women, and ensuring that public policies address the unique challenges faced by women and marginalised groups. Cole advocates for systemic changes to create a more equitable society and believes that her party offers the most comprehensive solutions to achieve these goals.

Cole’s platform emphasises the importance of creating opportunities for women in all areas of life, from the workplace to healthcare to education. She promises to fight for policies that promote fairness and equality, ensuring that all residents have the resources and support they need to succeed. Cole also highlights the need for greater representation of women in government, arguing that diverse perspectives are essential for effective policymaking.

David Mark Evans (Workers Party of Britain)

David Mark Evans, the Workers Party of Britain candidate for Caerfyrddin, offers a platform that reflects traditional Labour values. He criticises the current Labour Party for straying from its roots and positions his party as a true representative of progressive economics and social justice. Evans advocates for policies that promote economic equity, support local industries, and enhance public services.

Evans’s campaign includes measures to increase funding for the NHS, improve education, and support workers’ rights. He promises to address the economic challenges facing families and individuals by implementing policies that ensure fair wages and job security. Evans also emphasises the importance of community engagement, promising to listen to the concerns of residents and work collaboratively to develop effective solutions to local issues.

Bernard Holton (Reform UK)

Bernard Holton represents Reform UK in the Caerfyrddin constituency. His campaign focuses on reducing government bureaucracy, promoting free-market principles, and ensuring more direct democracy. Holton criticises the major parties for their economic policies and aims to offer a practical and straightforward approach to governance.

Holton’s platform includes supporting local businesses, improving public services, and advocating for policies that prioritise the needs of ordinary citizens over political elites. He emphasises the importance of transparency and accountability in government, promising to work towards a more efficient and responsive political system. Holton also highlights his commitment to protecting individual freedoms and ensuring that government policies reflect the will of the people.

These expanded sections provide a detailed overview of each candidate’s platform and priorities, highlighting the diverse range of issues and perspectives in the Caerfyrddin constituency for the 2024 General Election.

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All the candidates standing in Ceredigion – who has got your vote?



Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru)

Ben Lake, the Plaid Cymru candidate, has been representing Ceredigion since 2017 and seeks re-election to the newly formed Ceredigion Preseli constituency. Lake’s campaign focuses on achieving a fair deal for rural communities, investing in infrastructure, and increasing funding for public services. He emphasises the importance of creating a sustainable economy that prioritises local needs over those of large corporations. Lake has a strong record on public service and environmental issues and aims to continue his work in improving healthcare, boosting the local economy, and safeguarding public services. He also highlights his commitment to working tirelessly to champion the issues that matter most to his constituents, such as public service investment and economic development.

Jackie Jones (Labour Party)

Jackie Jones is the Labour candidate for Ceredigion Preseli. Her campaign emphasises the need for a Labour government to address the economic mismanagement and corruption she attributes to the Conservatives. Jones focuses on tackling the cost-of-living crisis, reducing energy prices, and improving public services such as the NHS. She criticises the current government for high living costs and pledges to bring a fresh start to the constituency with better economic policies and a stronger focus on social justice. Jones argues that a Labour government would work hand-in-hand with the Welsh Government to deliver better outcomes for the people of Ceredigion Preseli.

Mark Williams (Liberal Democrats)

Mark Williams, the Liberal Democrat candidate, previously served as the MP for Ceredigion from 2005 to 2017. His campaign focuses on addressing the cost-of-living crisis, supporting the agricultural sector, and promoting sustainable development. Williams aims to reconnect with voters by offering practical solutions to local issues and emphasising his experience and dedication to the community. He highlights the importance of improving public services, supporting local businesses, and ensuring that the voices of Ceredigion Preseli’s residents are heard in Westminster.

Aled Thomas (Conservative Party)

Aled Thomas is the Conservative candidate for Ceredigion Preseli. His campaign emphasises support for rural communities, farmers, and local businesses. Thomas, who has a background in agriculture and local governance, pledges to address issues such as economic stability, education, and infrastructure development. He criticises the policies of Labour and Plaid Cymru, arguing that they have failed rural areas. Thomas aims to provide a strong voice for his constituency at Westminster, focusing on practical solutions to local problems, such as improving broadband access and supporting agricultural development.

Karl Pollard (Reform UK)

Karl Pollard represents Reform UK in the Ceredigion Preseli constituency. His platform focuses on supporting the agricultural sector, opposing overregulation, and addressing economic mismanagement. Pollard advocates for policies that reduce the burden on farmers and local businesses, and he strongly opposes the current government’s approach to Net Zero policies, which he argues are detrimental to the economy. He highlights the need for practical solutions to help families and individuals struggling with the cost of living, particularly in rural areas.

Tomos Barlow (Green Party)

Tomos Barlow, the Green Party candidate, focuses on environmental sustainability and social justice. His campaign emphasizes the need to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050, if not sooner, through innovative and accountable policies. Barlow criticises the current political landscape for its handling of rural community issues and aims to offer a greener alternative that prioritises environmental protection and sustainable development. He advocates for policies that address the severe bus cuts and other issues impacting the most vulnerable in rural areas.

Taghrid Al-Mawed (Workers Party)

Taghrid Al-Mawed is the Workers Party candidate for Ceredigion Preseli. Her platform focuses on returning power to the local population, improving public services like the NHS and schools, and supporting local businesses and farmers. Al-Mawed advocates for policies that reduce reliance on imported food and rejuvenate coastal towns to make them thriving hubs for local communities. She promises to listen to the people and address their concerns directly, aiming to bring significant improvements to the constituency. Her campaign emphasizes community engagement and direct responses to local needs.

These expanded sections provide a comprehensive look at each candidate’s platform and priorities, highlighting the diverse range of issues and perspectives in the Ceredigion Preseli constituency for the 2024 General Election.

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