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Haverfordwest: Demonstration planned to seek Crabb’s resignation as Mencap patron



stephencrabbPEMBROKESHIRE People’s Assembly Against Austerity are organising a demonstration outside Stephen Crabb’s office on Saturday, April 2.

Organisers have said they plan for the demonstration to take place between 1100HRS and 1300HRS in Market Street, Haverfordwest.

Activists will be demanding that Mr. Crabb recognises what they view as “public opinion” and resigns as Pembrokeshire Mencap’s patron.

Stephen Crabb recently voted to cut ESA by £30 for some disabled people.

Despite not going forward with the announced cuts to PIP and announcing there will be no further welfare cuts, Mr Crabb has stood by the cut to ESA appearing to suggest that placing claimants on the lower JSA rate would be to their benefit, but failing to take account of the purpose of ESA to support those with additional support needs for finding work.

Mr Crabb remains an unabashed apologist for benefits cuts, and even his assurance that no further benefit cuts will take place before 2020 is potentially moot. If benefits are frozen, for example, their value will reduce in real terms.

Organisers say the reason for the demo is that as there has been no statement from Stephen Crabb’s office, nor Mencap Pembrokeshire indicating that Crabb is to resign as Mencap patron. They say that they have no other option but to press ahead with the demonstration.

An online petition calling for Mr Crabb to resign as patron of Mencap Pembs is close to reaching 12,000 signatures

Jim Scott, who started the petition told The Herald: “There is now overwhelming pressure from all quarters for Crabb to resign this post. The Mencap Facebook page has been inundated with comments requesting that Crabb be removed as their patron.

“A great many people have written and emailed Mencap locally as well as nationally.

“Many people have even said that they will be withholding their donations until this matter is resolved.

“The petition continues to grow.

“Public pressure as well as the efforts of DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts) has already forced four MP’s to resign their patronages of other disability charities.

“It is just a matter of time now. Mr Crabb simply cannot and will-not get away with voting in Westminster for cuts such as the ESA cut which is a ‘done-deal’ now for Mr Crabb and cannot be ‘undone’ .

“Yet then masquerade as some kind of champion for disabled people while back in Pembrokshire, his game is up! These cuts have already caused widespread poverty, destitution, homelessness and many suicides among our most vulnerable and deserving members of society. Crabb, and all other ESA voting MP’s simply have to go.”

Romayne Phoenix, National Co-Chair of The People’s Assembly said: “With Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation and the government forced to backtrack on Osborne’s disastrous budget, there are many more British people now recognising the hypocrisy of having Tory patrons of these disability charities & charities which focus on care.

“The pressure is on – and Crabb’s appointment looks to have been a mistake made in a hurry that the `Tories will regret for a long time.”

Natalie Bennett – Green Party leader has publically signed the petition. Bennett was joined in by Alice Hooker Stroud – Wales Green Party leader, Chris Overton – Withybush Hospital campaigner and Kay Dearing of SOS (Save our Sixth Forms Pembrokeshire).

Organisers say that organisations who have been invited to Saturdays demonstration include, National People’s Assembly Against Austerity, DPAC (Disabled People Against cuts) and other local disability groups, Wales Green Party, Plaid Cymru, The Labour Party, The Green Party, The Lib-Dems, Plaid for Pride, Welsh Green Pride, TUSC and others.


Last week Stephen Crabb MP posted on his Facebook page following an act of criminal damage to his office in Haverfordwest.

He wrote: “A few days ago my constituency office was vandalised in response to my recent vote to approve changes to the Employment Support Allowance (ESA). This was not an isolated attack as other MPs offices were targeted by individuals involved in a social media campaign.

“I’m disappointed that some individuals choose to do this instead of making an appointment to see me to discuss their concerns. Sadly all these individuals achieved on Saturday was to create an inconvenience to my office staff, local residents, and the Police. There are lots of ways to communicate to convey concerns but criminal damage just isn’t an option.

“There has been a lot of miscommunication about this vote which I want to put right. A decision was taken by MPs to change the benefit awarded to a specific group of people who receive Employment Support Allowance. These people are in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) and they do have a disability or illness but are considered able to work with support in the future.

“The overwhelming majority of people in this group say they want to work, and so I think it is right that we do all we can to help them get back into work. The changes mean that this group will now access the same level of benefit as those on Job Seekers Allowance, but will be given better tailored support to help them into employment. It doesn’t affect anyone who is already claiming ESA, they will receive the exactly the same amount of benefit as they do now.

“The truth is that not all disabilities prevent people from working. A great many disabled people get enormous fulfilment from being in work. They would be extremely offended not to be considered equal in the job market, and this benefit change means that more people will be able to take these important steps from being benefit-dependent to the workplace.

“Of course we absolutely continue to protect those who are ‘too ill to work’. There is no question about that. Those with the most severe health conditions and disabilities will quite rightly continue to get a higher rate of benefit and support. And despite the political banter from Labour, the disability budget is actually going to be rising by more than £1 billion over the next 5 years which means that more money is being spent in real terms on support for disabled people than at any point under the previous Labour government.”



  1. chizy

    March 28, 2016 at 1:14 pm

    Oh dear, the stratospheric rise to the top is experiencing some turbulence.
    And what with his council house upbringing and Thatcher inspired views from such a tender age, I would like to say that I feel for him. But I can’t because I don’t.
    And anyway, what’s Labour got to do with it? Your party is in office,your party proposed the cuts,you voted for it,you got ‘promoted’ for being a good egg,even more public opinion goes against you,you backtrack,pretend it was someone else and it didn’t really happen.
    Patronising your constituents is not cool Stephen, they are way more clever that you think. People of Pembrokeshire will always recognise a wrong ‘un, like all decent minded people they don’t like being punished for not voting Tory.

  2. Lisa

    March 30, 2016 at 7:07 pm

    I am exceedingly concerned by the lack of knowledge about living with disability shown in the above article by Mr Crabb.

    The UK chose to be a country that supported the rights of disabled people to live, independently, in the community. Calling people ‘benefit dependent’ is erroneous. For people living with disabilities, the Government chose to support them through Disability Living Allowance and the ‘Sickness’ benefits to cover the £550 per week average costs for a disabled person to live and work in the community – rather than in residential homes. The Government has scrapped: DLA, sickness benefits (which have been replaced by smaller PIP and ESA), the Independent Living Fund – these weren’t ‘dependencies’ – these were payments that helped to keep 41% of disabled people in work. They’ve closed specialist remploy factories, got rid of disability access workers and disability access to work scheme funding.

    So all these things that kept disabled people employed are gone. Instead you’re going to ‘incentivise’ people by making further cuts to their income after the bedroom tax and sanctions. Who will get their money cut? You could have Parkinsons, or a brain tumour or a learning disability or arthritis. It’ll be the luck of the WCA test.

    Disabled people now are not going to think ‘we’re alright, he’ll bring it in for the newly disabled or those who reapply through job loss’. It’s cruel and unfair. Changes to health and social care are supposed to go by the ‘nothing about me without me’ consultation, discussion and planning. When you are making cuts that charities think are reprehensible and you are cutting the ability of the disabled to work, you do not get to call them ‘benefit dependent’ to justify your intolerant behaviour.

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Pembrokeshire County Council suffers major funding cut



THE FUNDING of schemes already underway has been threatened by the change in government in Westminster.

The Labour administration has changed the criteria for funding under the Shared Prosperity Scheme, meaning that Pembrokeshire has suffered a cut in funding from it of over 40%. The change means that some projects must either be shelved or reduced in scope.

As projects previously part-funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund include controversial schemes such as the new pedestrian bridge in Haverfordwest town centre, opposition councillors on Pembrokeshire County Council will be delighted at the loss of central government funding for the county.

The UK Government has already announced that the Shared Prosperity Fund will close in March 2026. Although Labour claims it will undertake a review of local growth funding beforehand, that sounds more like a loaded rifle cocking with each passing day.

If funding falls to a Barnett consequential level (i.e. strictly pro rata to the English settlement) from 2026- 27 onwards, the result would be a massive cut in public investment and capital projects undertaken by all Welsh councils. As the Welsh Government has kicked local government finance into the long grass until after the next Welsh Parliamentary election in 2026, there is a void and uncertainty over future funding settlements beyond that date.

Moreover, the Welsh Government’s magic circle of mutual back-scratching with its Valleys and urban councils means Pembrokeshire and other rural areas are likely to suffer major real-terms funding reductions across the board.

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Inflation and election hit Pembroke regeneration plan



A PLAN to regenerate Pembroke town centre must be cut following delays caused by the General Election and an almost one-third increase in the cost of construction.

The Council’s Cabinet will consider an update on the Westgate to Eastgate scheme on Monday, January 13.

The County Council originally applied for around £11.5m from the Levelling Up Fund in June 2022. Although that bid was unsuccessful, the Council was invited to reapply in a further funding round and succeeded. The £11.5m cost of the project is 90% funded by the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund. The Council is due to contribute 10% of that figure.

However, even though the Council succeeded in resubmitting its application early in 2024, the General Election in July stalled further progress. At the end of November last year, the Labour Government in Westminster issued a final memorandum committing to the expenditure.

In the two years since the original application, inflation has increased the project’s construction costs by 30%, underlining – again – that the consumer price index is a nonsensical measure for determining public authorities’ costs.

The Council contends that interventions at Pembroke would help stimulate the town’s economy. The town is experiencing increasing market failure due to increased vacancies in the retail centre, a poor mix of uses and significant leakage to other centres. The regeneration scheme would strengthen the visitor market and capitalise on the current visitor economy for Pembroke Castle, which bypasses the town centre.

Pembroke has the smallest number of commercial units (81) of Pembrokeshire’s six main towns and a high proportion of vacant units (17.3%).

The Cabinet report says: “The private sector will not provide the improvements to wayfinding and public realm improvements that are required to change the nature of the visitor experience. The lack of private sector development resulting from low values and low demand means that the potential of any private sector contributions is limited.”

In the absence of private sector interest, the Council believes public funding is the only tool it has to regenerate Pembroke’s ailing town centre and support new enterprises.

The project has three work schemes. Its primary focus is improving connections between the Commons Road, where most visitors park, and the town centre. The alleys and cut-throughs will be improved, and visitors will be signposted towards Pembroke’s Main Street and Mill Pond.

To increase visitors’ time spent in the town centre, the Council will improve its public spaces and green spaces and fund the renewal of St Mary’s Bells, a noted feature of Pembroke town.

At the town’s East End, the former school building will be stripped back to a shell state and partially refitted in readiness for future use, while steps will be taken to improve vehicular access along Well Hill.

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Veterans urged to register for historic VE and VJ Day events



THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION is inviting Second World War veterans and their families to register for commemorations marking the 80th anniversaries of VE Day and VJ Day in 2025. These events aim to honour the service and sacrifice of the generation that contributed to the Allied victory.

Milestone anniversaries

This year marks 80 years since the end of the Second World War, with Victory in Europe (VE) Day on 8 May 1945 and Victory over Japan (VJ) Day on 15 August 1945. Registration is now open on the RBL website for veterans, their families, or carers to join commemorations at both national and community events.

The RBL is organising a series of events to ensure the service and sacrifice of the Second World War generation are forever remembered. The celebrations will recognise the critical role played by Allied Forces from Britain, the Commonwealth, and beyond.

National unity in remembrance

Last year, the nation came together for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, with major events attended by members of the Royal Family, political leaders, and the public. In 2025, the RBL hopes the nation will unite again to honour the generation that fought for the freedoms enjoyed in modern Britain.

D-Day veteran Jim Miller, 100, from Merthyr Vale, shared his perspective:
“2025 is an important year for my generation, with anniversaries for both VE and VJ Day. It is always an honour being part of a Royal British Legion event, joining with comrades to remember and pay tribute to those we lost. I encourage all who served to register on the RBL website to ensure they are involved.”

Preserving a legacy

Philippa Rawlinson, Director of Remembrance at the RBL, highlighted the importance of these commemorations:
“These 80th anniversaries are likely to be among the last opportunities to come together as a nation with Second World War veterans to honour their bravery and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

“Everyone in modern Britain has a connection to those who experienced the War, whether through family or community. It’s vital we mark these anniversaries with commemorations in communities across the UK and with national moments of gratitude.”

Rawlinson also emphasised the importance of sharing veterans’ experiences:
“We are inviting all Second World War veterans to register so their contributions, including ‘forgotten stories,’ can be shared and remembered. Their service shaped the world we live in today.”

Honouring contributions from all walks of life

The RBL invites registration from British and Commonwealth Armed Forces veterans and those who supported the war effort, such as munitions workers, Bevin Boys, and individuals from reservist occupations or the Special Operations Executive. Registrants will receive updates on commemorative plans and invitations to events.

A time for reflection

While VE Day 80 will reflect the celebratory street parties marking victory in Europe, VJ Day 80 will honour the conclusion of six years of global conflict.

The RBL, working with the Government and other stakeholders, is developing educational resources and community projects to ensure younger generations understand the legacy of the Second World War.

For more information and to register, visit the Royal British Legion’s website.

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