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‘Major step back’ as gender quotas bill postponed



PLANS to introduce gender quotas in future Senedd elections suffered a “major step backwards” due to “unnecessary” delays.

Jane Hutt confirmed reforms under the electoral candidate lists bill – which would require half of would-be Senedd members to be women – could be delayed by four years.

In a letter to Senedd members, Ms Hutt said the 2030 election may be a “more prudent” timetable for implementation than the initial 2026 plan.

Ms Hutt, who is chief whip and Trefnydd, the Welsh Government’s business manager, stressed that she remains committed to making the Senedd more representative.

But concerns have been raised that Wales does not have the powers to pass the bill, which could face legal challenge, with equal opportunities legislation reserved to Westminster.

Plaid Cymru’s Sian Gwenllian was extremely disappointed by the new timetable for the bill, with stage one of the legislative process pushed back from June 18 to July 16.

She questioned the Welsh Government’s reasoning for delaying the first crunch vote, saying the rationale “doesn’t hold water” and warning the latest delay is a huge step backwards.

The Arfon MS, who chairs the cross-party group on women, said: “The whole timetable for the bill is being pushed back. What will running the clock down mean?

“We will have incomplete reform if the candidates bill, which is an integral part of the jigsaw, is not implemented.”

Ms Gwenllian said a Labour UK Government could make an order in council, giving powers to the Senedd to pass the bill and putting the proposals beyond any doubt.

During the business statement on June 18, she accused Welsh ministers of rowing back on a programme for government commitment to introduce gender quotas.

She said: “It’s not two Labour Governments working hand in hand for Wales but rather a weak Welsh Labour Government in Wales just taking their instructions meekly from London.”

Ms Hutt said the bill got off to a disappointing start, with Elin Jones – the speaker or Llywydd – ruling that the proposed legislation would not be in the Senedd’s legal powers.

She told the chamber: “This is one of the crucial things about how we take forward a bill where there are issues about that grey area.”

Ms Hutt, who has been a minister for 25 years, said a voluntary scheme could be introduced if mandatory gender quotas cannot be implemented in time for the next election.

She raised the reform bill committee’s warning that candidate quotas could lead to legal challenge, potentially endangering the outcome of the May 2026 election.

The Conservatives’ Gareth Davies urged the minister to get “back to the real world”, echoing his party’s calls for the candidates bill to be dropped entirely.

Ms Hutt hit back at the Vale of Clwyd MS: “I’m utterly disgusted by what Gareth Davies said, by saying ‘back to the real world’. Why do we need a gender quotas bill?

“Because we need better representation of women, and I have to say, let’s look over there, where we certainly need this gender quotas bill.”

Darren Millar, the Conservatives’ shadow constitution secretary, took issue with the timing of the delay until after the UK general election on July 4.

“This bill shouldn’t just be postponed, it should be ditched altogether,” he said. “Candidates should be elected on merit, not because of their gender or any other protected characteristic.

“The shelving of the bill during an election campaign suggests this is a desperate attempt to avoid talking on the campaign trail about the fact the Labour Party can’t define a woman.”

In a letter to MSs when the bill was introduced in March, Elin Jones explained her position that the bill relates to a reserved matter and is not within the Senedd’s powers.

She said her view is based on legal tests and advice rather than the merits of the policy, stressing that the question can only be definitely answered by the Supreme Court.


Labour rallies support in Mid and South Pembrokeshire



LABOUR PARTY activists gathered at Pennar Hall, Pembroke Dock, to rally behind their candidate, Henry Tufnell, for the upcoming general election. The event, marked by cheering and the waving of red placards, highlighted what the party says is Labour’s commitment to change.

A notable attendee was the controversial First Minister, Vaughan Gething, who has recently faced backlash for accepting donations totalling £200,000 from a convicted criminal.

Tufnell has called the persistence of noxious odours from a landfill site owned by the convicted polluter who donated £200,000 to Vaughan Gething’s Welsh Labour leadership campaign “completely unacceptable” and deeply worrying for residents.

Further controversy erupted when he was accused of lying to the UK Covid Inquiry and deleting messages to avoid disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Additionally, the donor, David Neal, is under scrutiny for potential environmental law violations and tax evasion related to waste disposal at the Withyhedge landfill near Haverfordwest, stirring local discontent due to noxious odours affecting the community.

Vaughan Gething’s presence, especially given the landfill’s proximity, raises questions about whether his involvement will help or hinder Tufnell’s campaign.

Later today (Sunday, Jun 30) Welsh Labour’s Deputy Leader, Carolyn Harris, will bring the Labour Battle Bus to Mid and South Pembrokeshire.

This visit aims to further energise the local base and attract undecided voters, underscoring Labour’s dedication to securing a win in this key constituency.

As the campaign heads into its final days, Tufnell and his team are hopeful, emphasising the need for fresh leadership in the region. However, the controversies surrounding Gething may influence local perceptions, and the overall impact on the election remains to be seen.

Although Labour are leading in the polls in Wales, they are not taking any chances here in Pembrokeshire. The arrival of the battle bus later today shows that the fight is still on between Tufnell and Crabb.

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New supermarket scheme submitted to Pembrokeshire planners



AN APPLICATION to demolish a Pembrokeshire supermarket, replacing it with a more modern facility, has been submitted to county planners.

Lidl Great Britain Limited is seeking to demolish the existing Lidl foodstore and adjoining properties at Great North Road, Milford Haven, building a new Lidl foodstore with associated works.

A supporting statement through agent CarneySweeney says: “The existing Lidl store is small and of an early generation format. Owing to Lidl’s well-established and growing local customer base, Lidl has outgrown its existing premises which no longer meets modern shopper requirements, and a larger store is sought to better serve local customer demand.

“In addition, the existing store is inefficient with regards to warehouse operations. The proposal for a new store aims to alleviate the problems presented by the existing store.”

It adds: “The development is suitably scaled to be no larger than necessary to address identified storage and staff needs and improve the existing store. Moreover, the new store will be better equipped to meet Lidl’s operational requirements, modern day staff requirements and better serve local shopping needs.

“The proposed sales floor space is modest and is not anticipated to lead to any material change in existing shopping patterns. The store will continue to trade on a like for like basis with other large food stores; the majority of which lie out of centre. Based on a quantitative assessment of trading effects no significant adverse impact on in centre turnover and trade is anticipated.”

The application says the development would create up to 40 jobs.

It concludes: “The proposed new Lidl store strives to reduce environmental impact, both through design and through the commitment of Lidl to follow best practice to reduce pollution during the construction phase.”

The application will be considered by Pembrokeshire County council planners at a later date.

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Election hustings cancelled after just two candidates able to attend



A PALESTINE support group-organised general elections hustings saw only four of Ceredigion’s seven candidates offering to attend, and just two able to do so on the day.

Ceredigion Palestine Solidarity Campaign, with Heddwch Ar Waith, had organised the June 25 hustings to take place at Cardigan Guildhall, saying: “This General Election has been called at a moment when Palestinians are confronting the darkest moment in their struggle for liberation. Climate concerns, war in Europe, and the more than 100 armed conflicts across the world further endanger global stability and our economy.

“These are core electoral concerns for many Ceredigion Preseli constituents.

“This hustings is an opportunity for you to put your questions on these core issues to our General Election candidates.”

With a July 4 date set for the general election, candidates for the new Ceredigion Preseli seat are: Ben Lake for Plaid Cymru, Liberal Democrat Mark Williams, Welsh Labour’s Jackie Jones, Conservative Aled Thomas, Tomos Barlow for the Green Party, Karl Robert Pollard for Reform UK, and Taghrid Al-Mawed for the Workers Party of Britain.

The hustings, saw just four of the seven confirmed candidates agreeing to attend: Taghrid Al-Mawed, Ben Lake, Tomos Barlow, and Mark Williams.

On the eve of the meeting, this was reduced down to Mr Barlow and Mr Lake, with the other two candidates unable to attend, for work and health reasons, leading to it being cancelled at the eleventh hour.

Dinah Mulholland, chair of Ceredigion Palestine Solidarity Campaign, a former Labour general election candidate, said the decision was taken not to hold a hustings after the number of candidates was reduced to two.

“The whole issue of Palestine has been completely wiped off the news during the election; nearly all the candidates are avoiding the issue,” said Dinah, adding: “Local democracy has been undermined over this.”

She added: “I really would’ve liked to have done something, even if it was recorded answers with the candidates.

“There’s such a strong history here [in Ceredigion] of radical movements, they’ve got a really strong radical base; all of these people are the same people who have an innate support for the Palestinians. These voters are not hearing any debate about this issue, and not hearing the candidates’ views.

“When I was candidate in 2017 and 2019 I would attend every hustings, that’s what you do here, you go to all the hustings, it’s a really valuable way for people to get to know you and see you under pressure.

“If you can’t cope with the hustings you can’t cope with Westminster.”

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