A Welsh animation company’s children’s series encouraging young audiences to take an interest in nature and the world around them has been picked-up to air by...
A WOMAN from Haverfordwest flew into a rage and stabbed her boyfriend twice after discovering they had run out of milk, a court heard. Melissa Eynon,...
A COUPLE affectionately known by their family and friends as ‘the real Gavin and Stacey’ are hoping for a special opportunity to celebrate their unique love...
This article introduces fundamental ideas about metabolism and caloric deficits. It shows how crucial it is to understand these ideas when creating weight loss strategies so...
Milford United held a memorial football day in honour of George Davies on Sunday (May 19), who passed away on 25 November 2020. He would have...
DOLLY Parton has expressed her delight over the interest in her Welsh heritage, saying she is “tickled pink” about the curiosity. The country music star traced...
The puffin, a beloved seabird and symbol of Pembrokeshire, is caught in a heated dispute over the UK’s post-Brexit fishing rules. Recently, the UK banned fishing...
Country legend Dolly Parton, who has discovered her Welsh heritage, is set to explore her roots in an upcoming TV special. Although the 78-year-old 9 to...
THIS summer season, the Torch Theatre invites you to get involved and to get creative. With acting, choral singing and creative writing all on offer, the...
IT is just over two years since the invasion of Ukraine, and the situation has not improved enough to allow families to return and rebuild their...
THURSDAY, May 2 is your chance to vote for the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner. Don’t forget to use your vote and head to your local...
TENBY is a captivating game that combines card drafting and strategic placement. Despite its abstract nature, it immerses players in the charm of the seaside town...