WELSH music icon Sir Tom Jones, known for his powerful voice and timeless hits, has recently raised eyebrows at his Cardiff Castle show by addressing the...
IN THE QUAINT coastal town of Dinas Cross, North Pembrokeshire, a delightful new fish and chip shop has emerged – Môr Ffres. From the moment its...
A MAN and his daughter stand accused of causing unnecessary suffering to animals at a farm in Pembrokeshire. Richard Scarfe, 42, and his daughter Brogan Scarfe,...
LESS homes than originally planned will be built at a Tenby housing development, but nearly three-quarters will remain affordable. In 2018, Pembrokeshire County Council, which already...
Plans to build new agricultural buildings at a farm known for its ice cream have been backed by national park planners. Applicant Mr Lawrence submitted plans...
PLANS to build social-rented homes in north Pembrokeshire can only go ahead if those seeking to move there can prove local residential conditions. Members of Pembrokeshire...
A PREVIOUSLY-BACKED scheme to turn surplus public toilets to a takeaway ice cream parlour/coffee bar could actually be decided by the Welsh Government. At the June...
PLANS to build six houses on park of the car park next to a south Pembrokeshire social club are expected to be refused next week. Applicant...
PLANS for a “complex and sprawling” expansion of a south Pembrokeshire holiday park, which has attracted hundreds of objections, are expected to be refused next week....
COUNTY planners are expected to refuse a proposed new dwelling on land once owned by it, following a site visit. The application for a two-storey house,...
FOUR members of an organised crime group (OCG) involved in a large-scale drug operation in west Wales have been jailed for a total of 20 years....
PEOPLE are being urged to plan ahead if they are intending to take a trip to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s beaches and attractions this summer....