SIMON HART MP has visited Royal Mail’s Narberth Delivery Office to pass on Christmas wishes and encouragement to postmen and women at their busiest time of year. Mr Hart was shown...
FOLLOWING fierce competition from many charities in Pembrokeshire, Adam’s Bucketful of Hope Charity Support Centre was nominated for the top funding of £3000 from Lloyds Bank to be used to the benefit of...
A NEW online facility to check your Council Tax balance in Pembrokeshire has proved an instant success. Hundreds of people signed up for the Pembrokeshire County Council facility in just a few...
BIG-HEARTED business people and residents from Haverfordwest have raised £3,000 by taking part in a fun and festive fundraising event in aid of disabled children and young carers. Action for Children-Gweithredu dros Blant...
GEORGE, aged 8, had a dream. He dreamt of people without clean water, and disturbed by the dream, spoke to his Nan, Rhonwen, saying he wanted to use his...
AS CHRISTIANS celebrate the birth of a baby in a stable, a bishop is joining an appeal to help improve standards of childbirth in poor countries. The Bishop of Swansea and Brecon,...
DYFED-POWYS POLICE and Crime Commissioner, Christopher Salmon is asking the public to enjoy the holiday season in a responsible manner and to steer clear of difficulties. Dyfed-Powys Police are reminding the public to...
TWO 10-year-old boys won a competition to design the offi cial Christmas card of Dyfed-powys police and Crime Commissioner Christopher Salmon. William Wilson and Henry White from Roch Community School in Haverfordwest designed...
WITH the winter now here, local Assembly Member Paul Davies is supporting Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s ‘Wrap Up Wales’ campaign, which urges customers to make sure that the water pipes in their...
GYDA MARWOLAETH sydyn Alun `Sbardun` Huws collwyd y cyntaf o’r to hwnnw o gerddorion a roddodd Gymru oll ar dân a pheintio’r byd yn wyrdd chwedl Dafydd Iwan. Fel myfyriwr yng Nghaerdydd...