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Health board mulls formal public consultation over selection of new hospital site



HYWEL DDA University Health Board will next week decide whether to hold a formal public consultation to assist with selection of the site for a new urgent and planned care hospital somewhere in the zone between and including Narberth and St Clears.

An extraordinary health board meeting is being held at 9.30am on Thursday 4 August 2022 and one of the recommendations in the report being discussed, and supported by the independent watchdog Hywel Dda Community Health Council, is to hold a public consultation process.

A huge amount of work to review five potential sites for the proposed new hospital – one in Narberth, two sites near Whitland and two near St Clears – has already taken place with public and patient representatives, clinical and non-clinical staff, and stakeholders, including other public sector organisations.

However campaigners fighting to save Withybush Hospital say that the health board has not done enough to engage with the public. They say that most people want services retained at the current Withybush Hospital site.

Ahead of the meeting, Hywel Dda Director of Strategic Development & Operational Planning, Lee Davies said: “We are so grateful for the significant work that has been carried out during the appraisal process and this will be presented to the health board next week. It will be down to the board to determine which sites should be taken forward for further consideration and a recommended public consultation as this is such a fundamental part of our service provision for future generations.”

This would be the next step towards the health board’s long term strategy for a healthier mid and west Wales. It follows submission of a programme business case to the Welsh Government earlier this year, seeking more than a billion pounds of investment in the buildings and capital infrastructure in west Wales.

A fundamental enabler to investing more in community and preventative health and care, and to deal with long standing challenges in the health and care system in the area, is the provision of a new urgent and planned care hospital.

The zone, somewhere between and including Narberth and St Clears, is the most central for the majority of the population in the south and was determined as part of the engagement, option development and public consultation held between 2017 and 2018.

The health board meeting will hear outputs from four separate land appraisal groups, focusing individually on the technical, clinical, workforce, and financial/economic considerations of the possible sites and areas within the zone.

From the reports, there is not a current ‘preferred’ site as there is a range of different evidence, impacts and viewpoints to be considered.

The technical appraisal group, made up of a majority of public from across our localities as well as staff, scored the potential sites considering weighted technical criteria and feedback from public engagement. Four of the five sites had very similar scores, with only one of the sites near St Clears scoring significantly lower than others.

Two distinct clinical groups – one for neonatal services, obstetrics and paediatrics and another for stroke services – considered the implications of siting the new hospital either further east, centrally or further west within the zone.

The neonatal services, obstetrics, and paediatrics expert group found of the three geographical areas within the zone, those furthest east presented the least clinical risk to services. Attendees of the workshop were of the opinion that a site further east outside the zone would be preferable. They were concerned that the zone presents a risk of reduction in critical mass of patients, due to potential for people in the east attending services elsewhere and resulting in a reduction in birth numbers, and neonatal and paediatric admissions. This was outside the scope of the appraisal and the geographical zone was agreed following engagement and consultation in 2018.

The expert group for stroke services reported that any area of the zone would be suitable due to the focus on pathways and how patients are treated beyond their initial admission. It did however state that for access to workforce reasons the sites central or east would be more preferable.

The workforce appraisal focused on the accessibility impact for the Health Board’s workforce. Evidence the group considered, included travel time analysis and potential staffing impact and risk. The group noted that there would be impact on those who traditionally are able to work locally to their homes and those who reasonably expect to travel linked to their professions. Different strategies to reduce this impact would be adopted as work progresses. The group found it inconclusive to say if a site further east would have a greater impact to securing a sustainable workforce overall, including for recruitment.

The financial and economic appraisal focused on appraising the process and outcomes that may be required for capital funding and next steps in land acquisition. It found as a percentage of the overall estimated costs of the development, there was little to distinguish between different sites.

The Health Board will also be presented with information about the overarching and ongoing Equality and Health Impact Assessment and how people with protected characteristics are being involved and considered, as well as how any negative impacts for people will be minimised.

You can watch the meeting on live stream, and a link will be available from the Health Board website.


Pure West Radio gears up for DAB launch



PURE West Radio is poised to enter a new era in its six-year history as it counts down to the launch of Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) later this autumn. The station is awaiting the activation of five transmitters, which will enable DAB to broadcast extensively across Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire. This move is set to significantly enhance Pure West Radio’s listener base and deliver an exceptional radio sound quality.

Toby Ellis, Pure West’s director, expressed his excitement about this milestone. “This is a very exciting time for Pure West Radio as it means we’re now going to be able to continue to expand in so many different directions,” he said. “Our biggest focus has always been the people who listen to us and who’ve grown with us since we first launched back in April 2018. The way in which we’re now moving forward is due to the hard work and commitment that this dedicated team has shown.”

PWR Director Toby Ellis (Image: Facebook)

The station, which has been a key part of the Pembrokeshire community since its inception, boasts a workforce of 13 people, including presenters, producers, journalists, and sales personnel. Additionally, it benefits from a strong voluntary sector comprising over 100 members, contributing to its hybrid working model. This approach allows the station to maintain a strong community commitment while ensuring commercial viability.

“Our move to DAB will enable more people to remain connected to our platform as we continue delivering interviews, local news, information, and of course, a whole load of quality music,” Ellis added. Pure West Radio has grown rapidly, reaching over 500,000 people across its platforms each month. During the COVID-19 crisis, it played a crucial role in providing up-to-date information in collaboration with Pembrokeshire County Council.

On Air: PWR DJ, Tom Dyer

The station, which celebrated its third birthday recently, has seen two million listens since its start, with an average of 50,000 listens per week. This audience engagement is approaching nearly half of the population of Pembrokeshire. The upcoming DAB launch marks a significant development for the station, allowing it to reach a wider audience and continue its mission of delivering local news, community events, and music to its listeners.

Pure West Radio has close links to the Herald, with its Director, Toby Ellis, General Manager Mathew Rickard and its Head of News, Sarah Jane-Absalom all having previously worked at The Pembrokeshire Herald or Herald Radio.

Herald Editor Tom Sinclair said: “Everyone at The Herald wishes Toby and the team the best of luck with this important milestone.

“Getting on the airwaves is what Pure West Radio needs to take it to the next level and we are very proud of what the PWR team have achieved over the last few years.”

Those interested in becoming part of the radio station can get more information by emailing [email protected].

The official DAB launch date will be announced in the near future, Pure West Radio said.

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West Wales teenager sentenced for terrorism offences and assault



A 19-YEAR OLD male from west Wales appeared before Winchester Crown Court today (Thursday, September 19, 2024) after pleading guilty to terrorism offences and an assault that was motivated by and demonstrating hostility towards the victim based on her transgender identity.

Alex Hutton, from Swansea, who has previously been convicted of offences under the Terrorism Act was arrested in November last year after South Wales Police received a report from a member of the public stating they had viewed a video on Hutton’s Instagram in which he claims to have kicked an unidentified person in the head. The video also contained far right imagery. 

Hutton has been sentenced to ten years and four months in prison.

Detective Chief Inspector Leanne Williams, Head of Investigations at Counter Terrorism Policing Wales, said: “We welcome the outcome of this case. Alex Hutton, motivated by hate, engaged in a horrendous and unprovoked attack on a defenceless young girl who was minding her own business one afternoon in a Swansea park in May 2023.

“There is no doubt that the attack will have lasting effects on this young person and I really hope today’s outcome provides her with some comfort.

“Furthermore, Hutton demonstrated a clear intention to spread his hatred across the internet encouraging acts of terrorism. Officers from Counter Terrorism Policing Wales uncovered his actions during a detailed investigation, which then led us to the assault that took place earlier in the year.

“I hope he now uses the time in custody to reflect on his actions, with a view to leading a far more productive life upon his eventual release.”

Bethan David, Head of Counter Terrorism Division at the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “Alex Hutton is not simply a fantasist that held extreme views, he is a dangerous young man.

“His unprovoked attack was driven by hate and he poses a substantial risk to other groups and society as a whole.

“He celebrated terrorist acts of white supremacy and encouraged his friends and associates on various social media and messaging platforms to join him in his extreme and disturbing views.

“The CPS will always prosecute those who encourage acts of terrorism and hate to protect the public.”

Chief Inspector Lindsey Sweeney from South Wales Police said: “We are delighted with the outcome of this investigation, a case which involved a senseless, violent Hate Crime. We want to reassure the community that this behaviour will never be tolerated in our area, and the perpetrators will be swiftly identified, arrested and duly sent to prison.

“Here in Swansea, we have a great multicultural city which has been demonstrated by a series of fantastic events involving the whole community in recent weeks and months. At South Wales Police, we work every day to ensure that the city is a safe and welcoming place for people of all backgrounds.”

Anyone who sees or hears something that could be terrorist-related should act on their instincts and call the police in confidence on 0800 789 321. In an emergency, always dial 999. Visit for more information, including how to report extremist or terrorist content that is online.

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Cardiff Airport’s future under scrutiny as Government proposes £206m subsidy



AT THURSDAY’S hearing before the Senedd’s public accounts and public administration committee, Welsh Government officials revealed that there is currently no “exit plan” for the government to sell Cardiff Airport. This statement came during a session where airport executives and government officials faced questions about a proposed £206 million subsidy intended to support the airport’s growth and development. This move, if approved, would mean the government has invested nearly £400 million in Cardiff Airport since its acquisition in 2013.

Andrew Slade, the Director General for Economy, Energy, and Transport, defended the government’s stance, highlighting the strategic importance of the airport for Wales. “We are committed to the airport and ministers are very clear that Wales needs to have an international airport,” he stated, emphasising the economic contributions and potential surrounding Cardiff Airport. He acknowledged the long-term possibility of exploring different ownership models but indicated that such considerations are not a priority at present.

This proposal aims to boost job growth linked to the airport and attract new airlines and routes, with a target of increasing passenger numbers to over two million annually. Planned upgrades to the terminal and facilities are also part of the proposed investment. While the subsidy has been sent to the Competition and Markets Authority for review, Slade confirmed that their advice would not be binding, leaving the final decision to the Welsh Government.

Challenges in attracting airlines

During the hearing, Cardiff Airport’s Chief Executive, Spencer Birns, disclosed ongoing discussions with airlines such as Jet2, EasyJet, and Ryanair to establish operations at Cardiff. However, he noted that these airlines currently do not see Wales as a “significant marketplace” for investment. Birns explained that while the airlines using Cardiff Airport are growing, the airport has faced challenges in replacing carriers that have pulled out, notably Wizz Air, which was an integral part of their growth strategy. He emphasised that while the airport has recovered 52% of its 2019 passenger volume, achieving pre-pandemic targets remains difficult due to the limited availability of aircraft and a tendency for airlines to prioritise larger markets.

Passenger targets and financial details

The airport had previously set a target of 1.3 million passengers, but this milestone is now expected to be reached two years later than initially planned, by March 2028. Birns attributed this delay to the withdrawal of Wizz Air and route cancellations by airlines like Ryanair. Despite these setbacks, he pointed out a 7% growth in passenger numbers for 2024, asserting that Cardiff Airport is on a positive growth trajectory.

Questions about the financial aspects of the airport’s operations were also raised during the hearing. Conservative MS Natasha Asghar sought detailed information on how the funds provided by the Welsh Government have been utilised. Slade agreed to provide a summary to the committee but cited commercial sensitivities and security concerns for not disclosing more specific details.

The committee discussed the cost implications of upgrading airport facilities, including the installation of new security scanners. While these scanners were included in the airport’s rescue and restructuring plan, the actual costs exceeded initial estimates. Mr. Slade explained that retrofitting modern equipment into a terminal designed in the 1970s presented significant challenges, leading to additional expenses. Cardiff Airport was allocated an extra £6.6 million by the Welsh Government in October to cover these costs.

Environmental considerations were also highlighted, with Birns reporting a 60% reduction in carbon emissions at the airport over the past four years, from 1,700 tonnes to under 600 tonnes of CO2 annually. This reduction was achieved through measures such as switching to electric vehicles, using renewable energy, and minimising natural gas consumption. The airport aims to further cut its emissions by 50% within the next five years, aligning with Wales’ broader environmental goals.

Impact on the Welsh economy

The airport’s role in Wales’ economy was underscored, with Birns stating that Cardiff Airport generates approximately £200 million in economic value, working with 50 companies and supporting 4,000 jobs. The proposed £206 million subsidy is seen as a means to sustain and enhance this economic contribution.

However, the airport has struggled to retain and attract international routes. The direct flights to Doha with Qatar Airways, which were suspended during the pandemic, have yet to resume. Negotiations with Qatar Airways are ongoing, but details remain commercially sensitive.

The proposed subsidy and the future of Cardiff Airport have sparked debate among Welsh politicians and the public. Critics argue that the airport has not met growth expectations and question the continued injection of taxpayer money. Some point to other regional airports, such as Teesside, which have recovered more rapidly post-pandemic and have clearer plans for financial sustainability.

In contrast, supporters emphasise the strategic importance of maintaining an international airport in Wales, not only for travel convenience but also for the economic and employment benefits it brings. The Welsh Government’s commitment to the airport, despite its challenges, reflects a belief in its potential to contribute significantly to the region’s growth and connectivity.

As the Welsh Government awaits the Competition and Markets Authority’s advice on the subsidy, the future of Cardiff Airport hangs in the balance. Whether this latest investment will spur the airport towards its ambitious growth targets remains to be seen. However, for now, the government appears steadfast in its support, with no plans for an exit strategy in sight.

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