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Waverley to makes first visit to Tenby in over 30 years this summer



GET ready to set sail with the world’s last seagoing paddle steamer, the Waverley, as she makes her first visit to Tenby in over 30 years this summer!

This iconic vessel, built in 1947, was once a regular visitor to Tenby and offered day excursions across the Bristol Channel.

After undergoing a magnificent £7m heritage rebuild in the last two decades, the much-loved Waverley is now set to embark on a packed timetable operating from 50 ports and piers around the UK coast this year.

As part of her largest-ever Bristol Channel schedule for over a decade, The Waverley will be in Pembrokeshire for two unforgettable days – Saturday June 17 and Sunday June 18.

This is your chance to step aboard and experience the excitement of a bygone era with Waverley’s coastal and island cruises, departing from both Tenby and Milford Haven respectively.

The arrival of this historic vessel has sparked excitement among locals and tourists alike, who can’t wait to witness the spectacle of the Waverley’s iconic paddle wheels churning through the crystal-clear waters of Pembrokeshire’s coast. It is a unique opportunity to marvel at the craftsmanship of this stunning paddle steamer, as you sail through the stunning scenery of the coast and explore the beautiful islands.

The Waverley’s visit to Tenby has been long-awaited by many, and it promises to be an unforgettable experience for all who come aboard.

So don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to step back in time and cruise in style with the world’s last seagoing paddle steamer!

Waverley has a rich history that spans nearly a century.

She was built in 1947 by A. & J. Inglis of Glasgow, Scotland, and was named after Sir Walter Scott’s first novel. The vessel was built to replace the previous Waverley, which had been sunk during the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940.

For over 30 years, the Waverley operated as a passenger steamer in Scotland, carrying passengers along the west coast and to the islands of Arran, Bute, and Cumbrae.

However, as demand for passenger transportation by sea declined, the Waverley was purchased by the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society in 1974 and began operating as a heritage vessel.

Since then, the Waverley has sailed extensively throughout the UK, becoming a beloved icon of British maritime heritage. In the last two decades, she has undergone a major £7m restoration project, which has seen her return to her former glory.

The Waverley’s arrival in Tenby this summer marks a significant moment in the history of this iconic vessel.

After more than 30 years, she will once again grace the waters of Pembrokeshire, offering passengers the chance to experience the thrill of sailing on a seagoing paddle steamer, and to marvel at the vessel’s intricate and fascinating history.


All the candidates standing in Ceredigion – who has got your vote?



Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru)

Ben Lake, the Plaid Cymru candidate, has been representing Ceredigion since 2017 and seeks re-election to the newly formed Ceredigion Preseli constituency. Lake’s campaign focuses on achieving a fair deal for rural communities, investing in infrastructure, and increasing funding for public services. He emphasises the importance of creating a sustainable economy that prioritises local needs over those of large corporations. Lake has a strong record on public service and environmental issues and aims to continue his work in improving healthcare, boosting the local economy, and safeguarding public services. He also highlights his commitment to working tirelessly to champion the issues that matter most to his constituents, such as public service investment and economic development.

Jackie Jones (Labour Party)

Jackie Jones is the Labour candidate for Ceredigion Preseli. Her campaign emphasises the need for a Labour government to address the economic mismanagement and corruption she attributes to the Conservatives. Jones focuses on tackling the cost-of-living crisis, reducing energy prices, and improving public services such as the NHS. She criticises the current government for high living costs and pledges to bring a fresh start to the constituency with better economic policies and a stronger focus on social justice. Jones argues that a Labour government would work hand-in-hand with the Welsh Government to deliver better outcomes for the people of Ceredigion Preseli.

Mark Williams (Liberal Democrats)

Mark Williams, the Liberal Democrat candidate, previously served as the MP for Ceredigion from 2005 to 2017. His campaign focuses on addressing the cost-of-living crisis, supporting the agricultural sector, and promoting sustainable development. Williams aims to reconnect with voters by offering practical solutions to local issues and emphasising his experience and dedication to the community. He highlights the importance of improving public services, supporting local businesses, and ensuring that the voices of Ceredigion Preseli’s residents are heard in Westminster.

Aled Thomas (Conservative Party)

Aled Thomas is the Conservative candidate for Ceredigion Preseli. His campaign emphasises support for rural communities, farmers, and local businesses. Thomas, who has a background in agriculture and local governance, pledges to address issues such as economic stability, education, and infrastructure development. He criticises the policies of Labour and Plaid Cymru, arguing that they have failed rural areas. Thomas aims to provide a strong voice for his constituency at Westminster, focusing on practical solutions to local problems, such as improving broadband access and supporting agricultural development.

Karl Pollard (Reform UK)

Karl Pollard represents Reform UK in the Ceredigion Preseli constituency. His platform focuses on supporting the agricultural sector, opposing overregulation, and addressing economic mismanagement. Pollard advocates for policies that reduce the burden on farmers and local businesses, and he strongly opposes the current government’s approach to Net Zero policies, which he argues are detrimental to the economy. He highlights the need for practical solutions to help families and individuals struggling with the cost of living, particularly in rural areas.

Tomos Barlow (Green Party)

Tomos Barlow, the Green Party candidate, focuses on environmental sustainability and social justice. His campaign emphasizes the need to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050, if not sooner, through innovative and accountable policies. Barlow criticises the current political landscape for its handling of rural community issues and aims to offer a greener alternative that prioritises environmental protection and sustainable development. He advocates for policies that address the severe bus cuts and other issues impacting the most vulnerable in rural areas.

Taghrid Al-Mawed (Workers Party)

Taghrid Al-Mawed is the Workers Party candidate for Ceredigion Preseli. Her platform focuses on returning power to the local population, improving public services like the NHS and schools, and supporting local businesses and farmers. Al-Mawed advocates for policies that reduce reliance on imported food and rejuvenate coastal towns to make them thriving hubs for local communities. She promises to listen to the people and address their concerns directly, aiming to bring significant improvements to the constituency. Her campaign emphasizes community engagement and direct responses to local needs.

These expanded sections provide a comprehensive look at each candidate’s platform and priorities, highlighting the diverse range of issues and perspectives in the Ceredigion Preseli constituency for the 2024 General Election.

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All the candidates in Mid and South Pembrokeshire – who has got your vote?



Stephen Crabb (Conservative Party)

Stephen Crabb, the Conservative candidate for Mid and South Pembrokeshire, brings extensive experience and a strong local connection to his campaign. Crabb, who has served as the MP for Preseli Pembrokeshire, emphasises his commitment to local issues and his track record of delivering results for his constituents. His platform includes a focus on economic development, particularly through initiatives like the Celtic Freeport, which he claims will bring significant investment and job opportunities to the area.

Crabb is also committed to improving local infrastructure. He highlights his efforts to secure better broadband services and town center regeneration projects, which he believes are crucial for boosting the local economy and improving the quality of life for residents. His campaign stresses the importance of local industry, including farming and tourism, and he pledges to continue supporting these sectors

Healthcare is another major focus of Crabb’s campaign. He positions himself as a defender of local health services, criticising the Welsh Labour government for what he describes as cuts to essential services. He promises to fight for better healthcare access and to ensure that local hospitals and clinics receive the funding and support they need.

Crabb also highlights his efforts to address environmental issues, including securing funding for coastal protection and promoting renewable energy projects. He aims to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability, ensuring that new developments do not harm the natural beauty of Pembrokeshire.

Henry Tufnell (Labour Party)

Henry Tufnell, the Labour candidate, presents a platform focused on change and renewal. He criticises the Conservative government’s handling of the economy and public services, arguing that their policies have led to economic mismanagement and declining living standards. Tufnell promises a fresh start with a Labour government that will prioritise the needs of ordinary people over corporate interests.

Tufnell’s campaign emphasises the importance of cooperation between the UK and Welsh Labour governments. He believes that a unified Labour approach can bring better outcomes for Pembrokeshire, particularly in terms of economic development and public services. He advocates for policies that support local businesses and create good jobs, aiming to revitalise the local economy and reduce unemployment.

Healthcare is a central issue in Tufnell’s campaign. He promises to tackle the long waiting times and accessibility issues that residents face under the current system. By working closely with the Welsh Government, Tufnell aims to ensure that everyone in Pembrokeshire has timely access to high-quality healthcare services.

Education and social services are also key components of Tufnell’s platform. He pledges to invest in schools and social care, ensuring that these services are well-funded and can meet the needs of all residents. Tufnell believes that by strengthening these essential services, Pembrokeshire can become a more equitable and prosperous community.

Alistair Cameron (Liberal Democrats)

Alistair Cameron, the Liberal Democrat candidate, is campaigning on a platform of sustainable development and support for local industries. Cameron emphasises the need for quality local jobs that offer fair wages, and he believes that investing in green industries is the key to achieving this goal. He advocates for the development of offshore wind and green hydrogen projects off the Pembrokeshire coast, which he argues will create sustainable employment opportunities and help combat climate change.

Cameron also focuses on improving healthcare access. He highlights the frustrations many residents face with long waiting times and difficulty accessing GPs, NHS dentists, and hospital treatments. Cameron promises to fight for better healthcare services and ensure that residents can get the care they need without excessive delays.

Support for established local industries like tourism and farming is another priority for Cameron. He believes that these sectors are vital to the local economy and that they need more support to thrive. Cameron advocates for policies that make it easier for local businesses to trade with the EU, arguing that better trade relationships can help these industries grow and prosper.

Education and social services are also important to Cameron’s campaign. He pledges to work towards better funding for schools and social care services, ensuring that they can meet the needs of all residents. Cameron believes that by investing in these areas, Pembrokeshire can become a more vibrant and supportive community.

Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru)

Cris Tomos, representing Plaid Cymru, focuses on strengthening Welsh autonomy and supporting local Welsh culture and language. Tomos advocates for better local governance, arguing that local communities should have more control over their own affairs. He believes that this will lead to more effective and responsive governance, better reflecting the needs and priorities of Pembrokeshire residents.

Tomos emphasises the importance of sustainable development, advocating for policies that promote environmental sustainability and protect natural resources. He supports initiatives that balance economic growth with environmental protection, ensuring that new developments do not harm the local environment. Tomos also aims to promote renewable energy projects, which he believes can create jobs and help combat climate change.

Healthcare is another key issue for Tomos. He promises to fight for better healthcare services and ensure that all residents have access to high-quality care. Tomos argues that the current system is failing many people, and he pledges to work towards a more efficient and effective healthcare system that meets the needs of everyone in Pembrokeshire.

Education and social services are also important to Tomos’s campaign. He advocates for better funding for schools and social care services, ensuring that they can provide the support that residents need. Tomos believes that by investing in these areas, Pembrokeshire can become a more equitable and prosperous community.

James Purchase (Green Party)

James Purchase, the Green Party candidate, focuses on environmental sustainability and social justice. His campaign emphasises the need to address climate change and promote renewable energy. Purchase advocates for policies that support the development of renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar power, arguing that these initiatives can create jobs and reduce carbon emissions.

Purchase also highlights the importance of protecting natural habitats and biodiversity. He supports measures to conserve local wildlife and natural landscapes, ensuring that Pembrokeshire’s natural beauty is preserved for future generations. Purchase believes that environmental protection and economic development can go hand in hand, and he advocates for sustainable development practices that do not harm the environment.

Social justice is another key component of Purchase’s platform. He pledges to fight for policies that reduce inequality and ensure that everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. Purchase advocates for better funding for public services, such as healthcare and education, and he believes that these services should be accessible to all residents, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Stuart Marchant (Reform UK)

Stuart Marchant represents Reform UK, focusing on reforming public policies and governance. His campaign includes reducing government bureaucracy and promoting free-market principles. Marchant argues that reducing the size of government and cutting red tape can lead to more efficient and effective governance, benefiting businesses and individuals alike.

Marchant also emphasises the importance of direct democracy and accountability. He advocates for measures that increase transparency in government decision-making and give citizens more control over their own affairs. Marchant believes that by empowering local communities, Pembrokeshire can become a more dynamic and responsive region.

Hanna Andersen (Women’s Equality Party)

Hanna Andersen from the Women’s Equality Party focuses on gender equality and social justice. Her campaign emphasises the need to close the gender pay gap and ensure that women have equal opportunities in all areas of life. Andersen advocates for policies that promote gender equality in the workplace and support women in achieving their full potential.

Andersen also highlights the importance of improving healthcare access for women. She argues that women often face unique health challenges and that the healthcare system should be more responsive to their needs. Andersen pledges to work towards better funding for women’s health services and ensure that all women have access to high-quality care.

Social justice is another key component of Andersen’s platform. She advocates for policies that promote equity and inclusion, ensuring that all residents have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. Andersen believes that by addressing systemic inequalities, Pembrokeshire can become a more just and equitable community.

Vusi Siphika (Independent)

Vusi Siphika is running as an independent candidate, focusing on specific local issues and aiming to represent constituents without party-political constraints. Siphika’s campaign is less defined in terms of specific policies, but independent candidates typically emphasise direct community engagement and tailored local solutions. Siphika likely advocates for a more grassroots approach to governance, ensuring that the voices of all residents are heard and considered in decision-making.

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New guidance on restrictive practices in healthcare, social care and education



A SET of new resources aimed at reducing the use of restrictive practices in healthcare, social care and educational settings has been welcomed by the Minister for Social Care.

The Reducing Restrictive Practices Framework provides advice to those who work with children and adults across relevant settings and services.

The Framework aims to reduce the use of restrictive practices, also known as restraint, used on people of all ages and on those with additional learning needs.

The set of new resources to support the Framework have been developed by the Welsh Government in partnership with the Restraint Reduction Network and Improvement Cymru. The resources are based on the lived experiences of those affected.

They include an animation produced and written by people with a lived experience, an explainer document, and a poster.

The animation depicts the eight types of restrictive practice; physical, chemical, mechanical, enforced isolation, psychological, cultural, surveillance and blanket restrictions.

As well as the animation, the explainer and poster aim to support discussion and increase public knowledge.

Minister for Social Care, Dawn Bowden, has welcomed the new resources which aim to reduce the use of restrictive practices in relevant settings for people of all ages.

Speaking ahead of the launch of the new resources, Minister for Social Care Dawn Bowden said: “We know that restrictive practices can have a negative impact on the people they are used on, as well as those who implement and witness them”.

“We hope this new set of awareness raising resources will reduce the use of restrictive practices in the future, and increase knowledge of the harm they can cause.”

A webinar hosted by the Restraint Reduction Network in partnership with Welsh Government and Improvement Cymru has been planned for 24 July 2024 to officially launch the new resources.

Ben Higgins, Restraint Reduction Network CEO, said: “We are delighted to support the launch of the Welsh Government’s new resources for practitioners working in health, care and educational settings, created as part of the Reducing Restrictive Practices Framework.

“We hope that this coproduced animation increases understanding of restrictive practices – what they are, the harm they cause and how to reduce and prevent them – supporting practitioners to reduce the use of restraint in Wales and make a real difference to people’s lives.”

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