DEPUTY MINISTER FOR FARMING AND FOOD, Rebecca Evans spoke during the Farmers Union of Wales (FUW) AGM at Aberystwyth University and encouraged members to get fully...
STAFF from the Welsh Government’s Farm Liaison Service (FLS) have been presented with the Farmers’ Union of Wales annual external award for services to the agricultural...
CAROLINE SHEEN yw seren dosbarth cariad@iaith 2015. Cafodd yr enillydd ei chyhoeddi ar raglen olaf y gyfres ar S4C nos Sadwrn Mehefin 20. Wedi wythnos o...
MAE PRIF WEITHREDWR Mudiad Meithrin wedi dweud bod plentyn bach sy’n byw mewn tlodi yn clywed 62,000 o eiriau mewn wythnos, o’i gymharu â phlentyn o...
LLAI NA HANNER y bobl sy’n gymwys i gael y brechiad rhag yr eryr yng Nghymru a fanteisiodd ar y cynnig, yn ôl gwybodaeth a gafwyd...
CBI HEAD, John Cridland, has called for controversial plans to scrap GCSEs in the next five years. He wants them replaced with an equal exam system...
TEACH FIRST, a charity that stands for academic achievement across all socio-economic backgrounds, announced placements of over 60 new teachers this week. The charity states it...
A CARDIGAN man caught dealing in amphetamine for a third time has been jailed for 27 months. Philip Waring, aged 52, was stopped by police as he...
ANOTHER great end of year Art and Design Exhibition opened at Pembrokeshire College recently. Fashion and Textiles, Graphics, Interactive Media, Fine Art, Photography and Foundation students...
HELP is at hand for family researchers seeking information on their military connections, thanks to a London-based researcher who volunteers for the Pembroke Dock Sunderland Trust....