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Plaid Cymru unites against DARC radar proposal for Pembrokeshire



AT Plaid Cymru’s recent Cardiff conference, the party showed overwhelming support for the local Pembrokeshire campaign opposing the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC) project. Delegates unanimously backed a motion committing the party to fight against the proposed radar installation at Cawdor Barracks, Brawdy, amid growing concerns from local communities about its impact on the environment, tourism, and local livelihoods.

Mabon ap Gwynfor MS introduces PARC Against DARC motion to conference

The Pembrokeshire Against the Radar Campaign (PARC), which has spearheaded efforts to stop the DARC project, hailed the decision as a “hugely significant moment.” PARC claims the MoD has been largely unresponsive to local concerns, with no substantial engagement from Welsh Labour, despite a petition signed by over 16,000 local residents. The group asserts that Plaid Cymru’s support signals an escalation in political pressure and believes it will become a key issue in the 2026 Senedd elections.

A campaign gathers momentum

PARC’s spokesperson stated, “Plaid Cymru’s decision to support us against DARC radar is a major step forward. Welsh Labour’s silence on the issue has been frustrating, and the local community is growing increasingly impatient. Today’s vote sends a clear message that if Labour continues to ignore the issue, political pressure will increase.”

The campaign, which has also gained backing from the Wales Green Party, is putting additional pressure on the Liberal Democrats to take a stance. With growing cross-party support, the group believes that this will be a defining issue in the upcoming elections, particularly with the expansion of the Senedd to 96 members. PARC hopes that a coalition between Plaid Cymru, the Greens, and potentially the Lib Dems could force Welsh Labour to rethink its stance on DARC.

Left to Right Jim Scott – PARC against DARC, Sam Bannon – Heddwch Ar Waith, Jill Evans – former Plaid Cymru MEP and CND Cymru Vice Chair. Roy Jones – PARC Against DARC

The MoD’s perspective

In contrast, the MoD has defended the DARC project, citing its critical importance for national security. The radar, which is part of a broader international collaboration between the UK, Australia, and the US under the AUKUS alliance, is designed to detect and track objects in deep space. The MoD asserts that DARC will play a vital role in protecting essential satellite networks that underpin both civilian and military operations, ranging from navigation systems to climate monitoring.

John Healey, the Defence Secretary, has emphasised that the project will not only enhance the UK’s space awareness but also secure long-term jobs in Pembrokeshire. Up to 100 personnel will be stationed at Cawdor Barracks to operate and maintain the radar system, ensuring the site remains active beyond its previously planned closure in 2028. Healey described the radar as essential for both national defence and daily civilian life, from banking services to mobile phone communications.

Addressing local concerns

The MoD has also acknowledged local concerns regarding the environmental and health impacts of the radar system. To address these, it is conducting a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) alongside a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. The MoD has assured the community that DARC will meet stringent international safety standards set by organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These evaluations will be key in securing planning consent from Pembrokeshire County Council.

Public engagement has been central to the MoD’s approach. In September 2024, two public information sessions were held in Solva and St Davids, where residents could raise their concerns and seek clarity on the project. The MoD has pledged to continue its dialogue with the local community, emphasising that it wants to work collaboratively on the development of the site.

Opposition remains strong

Despite the MoD’s efforts to reassure the public, opposition to the project remains strong. PARC continues to argue that the radar will have far-reaching negative impacts on the local tourism industry, property values, and the unique natural habitats in the region. The group has staged several protests, including a high-profile demonstration that garnered national attention, and has established an encampment outside Cawdor Barracks.

PARC also highlights the strategic risks of hosting such a large-scale military installation, arguing that the radar could make Pembrokeshire a prime target in the event of global conflicts. The group remains committed to using all available legal and planning mechanisms to halt the project.

“We believe that DARC poses a real threat to our landscape, economy, and health,” said a PARC spokesperson. “This is not just about local opposition—it’s about protecting our region and making sure Wales isn’t unnecessarily drawn into US foreign policy. We will continue to fight this with everything we’ve got.”

As the campaign continues to grow, it seems certain that the debate over DARC will dominate local politics in Pembrokeshire in the coming years. Both the MoD and local opposition are preparing for a protracted battle over the future of Cawdor Barracks and the role of deep-space radar in West Wales.


Essential gas pipe upgrades underway in Johnston



WALES and West Utilities is making significant progress on a major upgrade to the gas pipes in the Johnston area, aimed at ensuring the continued safe and reliable delivery of gas to local homes and businesses.

The essential work, which is part of a wider project to future-proof the gas network, will help ensure that homes and businesses can stay warm for generations to come. The project, currently in its next phase, will involve key sections of the A4076.

From 28 October to 22 December, multi-phase traffic lights will be in place between the junctions of Langford Road and St Peter’s Road, and Milford Road and Bulford Road. This has been agreed with Pembrokeshire County Council to allow the works to proceed. Motorists are advised to plan ahead and allow extra time for their journeys during this period.

Adam Smith, who is managing the gas pipe upgrade on behalf of Wales & West Utilities, acknowledged that while the works may cause some disruption, they are crucial for the long-term safety and reliability of the gas network in the region.

“We know that working in areas like this is not ideal, but it really is essential to make sure we keep the gas flowing to homes and businesses in the area, and to ensure the gas network is fit for the future,” Smith said.

He added, “While most of the gas network is underground and out of sight, it plays a central role in the daily lives of people across Pembrokeshire. Whether it’s heating your home, making the family dinner, or having a hot bath, we understand how important it is for your gas supply to be safe, reliable, and there when you need it.”

This work is also part of a broader initiative to prepare the network for cleaner energy, including the future transportation of hydrogen and biomethane.

Residents with questions about the project can contact the Wales & West Utilities Customer Service Team on freephone 0800 912 2999 or reach out via their social media platforms on X (formerly Twitter) @WWUtilities or on Facebook at

Wales & West Utilities serves 7.5 million people across Wales and the South West of England. If you smell gas or suspect carbon monoxide, call their emergency hotline on 0800 111 999 immediately. Their engineers are on call 24/7 to respond to emergencies

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Plant eating beetle helps to improve river in West Wales



A project to restore the Cleddau River SAC in Pembrokeshire has been using a herbivorous beetle to control an invasive species.

The Azolla weevil (Stenopelmus rufinasus) was released in June 2024 by the Four Rivers for LIFE Project onto Natural Resources Wales’s (NRW) Llangloffan Fen National Nature Reserve (NNR) near Fishguard.

The weevil will help to control and eradiate the Azolla plant (Azolla filiculoides) that is dominating some parts of the reserve and nearby Cleddau River.

Azolla is classed as an invasive non-native species (INNS) and is one of the most invasive plants in the UK today, however it is highly susceptible to the Azolla weevil, which actively feed and develop upon this plant.  

Azolla is a floating aquatic fern that grows rapidly and spreads across the surface of standing water and slow running water to form mats which can be 30cm thick.

During hot weather, mats can double in size in just four or five days. These block out light, killing other aquatic flora and reduce oxygen availability, which can lead to the death of fish and invertebrates.

Duncan Dumbreck from the Four Rivers for LIFE Project said: “Last summer we found several areas on the reserve where Azolla was taking over from native plants.

He adds: “With CABI’s advice and support we released Azolla weevils at the reserve and the impact has been significant and we are delighted with the changes so far.”

The project contacted the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) as the organisation has successfully controlled Azolla in a number of areas using the Azolla weevil. More on this work can be found on this link.

After only eight weeks the impact has been substantial with most of the Azolla eaten and replaced by native duckweed.

The project will continue to monitor the progress of the weevils over the winter and early in the growing season next spring to assess whether they have managed to bring the Azolla under complete control.

The Azolla weevil is totally reliant on the Azolla plant and does not spread to other plants, therefore there is no risk to important fen plants and farming crops in the area. The beetles are hardy, but may suffer mortality over very harsh winters.

The Four Rivers for LIFE Project is funded by the EU LIFE Programme with support from Welsh Government and Welsh Water.

To find out more about the project please visit the website Natural Resources Wales / Four Rivers for LIFE

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Transport minister rejects calls for free youth travel



THE WELSH Government poured cold water on calls for free public transport for young people.

Ken Skates, Wales’ transport secretary, warned that financial pressures make it impossible to both bring buses back under public control and offer free transport for youngsters.

In his response to a Senedd report on free public transport, Mr Skates said the Welsh Government would instead focus limited resources on reversing 40 years of privatisation.

He said: “We cannot commit to free fares for young people at this time.”

Wales’ children’s commissioner, petitioners and the Welsh Youth Parliament have all added their voices to a chorus of calls for a free travel scheme.

And, as part of an inquiry, Senedd members took evidence on the feasibility of Wales following Scotland’s lead by making buses free for under-22s.

But the Welsh Government rejected half of the petitions committee recommendations.

Carolyn Thomas, who chairs the committee, raised petitioners’ concerns about public transport being unaffordable, with rail, coach and bus tickets up 33 to 74% in ten years.

She said this is especially worrying given that 23% of people have no access to a car.

Leading a Senedd debate on October 9, the Labour MS said the Welsh Government had hoped to explore capped fares but budgetary pressures have made this difficult.

Ms Thomas, who is also chair of the cross-party group on public transport, warned much is hanging on planned bus reforms and the introduction of franchising.

She told the Senedd: “I believe that the will is there to replace existing concessions with universal free or low-cost travel for our young people here in Wales.

“I am hopeful that, even in these straitened times, a way can be found to achieve this sooner rather than later. And, in the meantime, young people will continue to struggle.

“They deserve the best that can be offered to help them to thrive.”

The Conservatives’ Peter Fox said free public transport for young people has long been a policy that his party has advocated for.

Mr Fox, who represents Monmouth, told the Senedd a free travel scheme would help young people broaden their horizons and reach their full potential.

The former council leader raised concerns about the accessibility of public transport, particularly in rural Wales, due to “chronic underfunding”.

Mr Fox said Wales desperately needs investment to drastically improve public transport as he urged Welsh ministers not to “settle for being shortchanged” by Westminster.

He said: “This Welsh Government must make Wales a more inviting place for young people, providing them with more opportunities and a greater ability to move around.”

Peredur Owen Griffiths, Plaid Cymru’s shadow transport secretary, described the context for the committee’s report as stark with a cost-of-living crisis, a pandemic and years of austerity.

He asked: “Is it any wonder our young people are looking for some hope?”

Mr Owen Griffiths criticised “chronic underinvestment” in the rail network and “massive cuts” to bus services while the costs continue to increase.

He said soaring fares hit young people hardest because they often rely on public transport to access education, employment and social opportunities.

Mr Owen Griffiths, who represents South Wales East, warned Wales has the highest number of young people not in employment, education or training across the UK.

Responding to the debate, Mr Skates stressed that the Welsh Government fully supports the conclusions of the report and recognises the potential benefits.

But, pointing to continued funding constraints, the transport secretary said the focus will be on driving forward progress on a bus bill to enable changes to fare structures.

He told the Senedd he has asked officials to work with the children’s commissioner’s office to understand the barriers to encouraging more young people to use public transport.

Mr Skates pointed to the Welsh Government-funded MyTravelPass discount scheme.

The transport secretary committed to developing a fairer fares scheme in future “as we take back control of public transport in Wales”.

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