IT WAS confirmed on Monday (Jan 18) that multinational steel giant Tata would be cutting more than 1000 jobs in the UK, with the vast majority of these losses occurring in south Wales.
750 jobs will be lost at the Strip Products UK business arm in Port Talbot, while 200 support functions staff will be laid off. A further 100 job losses will be shared between Trostre, Corby and Hartlepool.
The Chief Executive of Tata Steel Europe, Karl Koehler, said: “I know this news will be unsettling for all those affected, but these tough actions are critical in the face of extremely difficult market conditions which are expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
“We need the European Commission to accelerate its response to unfairly traded imports and increase the robustness of its actions. Not doing so threatens the future of the entire European steel industry. And while we welcome progress on UK energy costs, the Government must take urgent action to increase the competitiveness of the UK for its vital steel sector. This includes lowering business rates and supporting energy efficiency and anti-dumping cases so we can compete fairly.
“Tata Steel has been a hugely supportive investor, and has invested £1.5 billion in its UK operations. We now need all stakeholders to do their utmost to meet the unprecedented challenges the steel sector is facing.”
Stuart Wilkie, Director of Strip Products UK, added: “We have to accelerate the changes we announced last August, by lowering our costs at the same time as focusing on manufacturing higher-value products. These are urgent steps needed to give this business a chance of survival.
“We will work closely with affected employees and their trade union representatives. Retaining the right skills for the future will be critical, but we will look to minimise employee hardship and redeploy employees where possible.”
Job losses ‘a severe blow’
In a press conference held immediately after the announcement, First Minister Carwyn Jones said : “ This is a severe blow to the community and to steel production in the UK. “Our first thoughts today are with the families, communities and supply chain businesses which depend on steel production,” he added.
Mr Jones called on the UK Government to ‘step up and play its part ‘.
“It is time for swift, decisive action,” he added, before blaming ‘exorbitant’ energy costs, for which he laid the blame at the door of the UK Government, claiming that UK Ministers ‘should gave grasped this years ago ‘.
The First Minister added that a task force led by Economy Minister Edwina Hart would meet on Wednesday (Jan 20) to draw up an action plan to support Tata workers.
Secretary of State for Wales Stephen Crabb said that the UK Government was committed to working with Tata to make sure that they ‘remain a significant presence in south Wales’.
“Workers and their families at the plant face a deeply worrying time, and our priority is to help those likely to be affected,” Mr Crabb added.
“The UK government will keep doing what it can to support a steel industry suffering intense pressures from cheap steel imports and a global slump in prices.”
Numerous Plaid Cymru politicians have criticised the Welsh Labour Government for not doing more to protect the steel industry, as have opponents of all political hues.
Is nationalisation the answer?
Last Wednesday (Jan 13) Jonathan Edwards asked Mr Crabb in the House of Commons whether the steel industry could expect the same support as the last Labour Government offered to the financial sector in 2008:
“What contingency plans does the UK Government have for a worse-case scenario?” Mr Edwards wondered.
“Would he support a Welsh public stake in the Welsh operations of Tata, as was afforded to the banks of London during the financial crash of 2008?”
In reply, Mr Crabb refused to comment on the matter, saying only that there were ‘big issues and questions that need to be addressed ‘.
Speaking after the debate, Mr Edwards said: “The news of job losses at Port Talbot and Llanwern will be devastating for those affected and, of course, their families. If we are to avoid any further job losses then the Welsh Government must be prepared to act swiftly.
“The Port Talbot site is uniquely placed to be able to turn around its fortunes: Planning permission has already been granted for the development of an on-site power station that uses the gases emitted during production, and it is a stone’s throw away from a new Margam coal mine that could deliver much cheaper coking coal than current imports. The ingredients are there to significantly reduce the cost of operations but it needs the tools of government to realise its potential.
“In the event of Port Talbot and the rest of the Welsh steel industry facing imminent closure the Welsh Government must explore the option of part-nationalisation as an emergency measure to save jobs and create the space to put in place a turnaround strategy.
“We can’t look at one place in isolation. I know that jobs in Carmarthenshire rely on the supply chain of steel from Welsh plants. Were these sites to close, the ripple effect on our local economy and level of employment could be devastating.
“Nationalisation should be used judiciously as an option – it is not cost-free. But in areas of strategic importance it can be the right thing to do. It was done for the banks. Similar support should be afforded to the steel industry.”
A spokesperson for Plaid Cymru suggested that concern over EU State Aid rules was a ‘red herring’ as the rules don’t apply to nationalisation. They quoted two examples – the Ilva Steel plant in Italy which was temporarily nationalized in 2014 and is now on the market, and Salzgitter AG in Lower Saxony, which was nationalized in 1998, and remains Germany’s second-largest steel producer, making a solid return for the taxpayer.
However, Shadow Secretary of State for Wales Nia Griffith questioned whether partial nationalisation would make any difference: “In response to the Plaid Cymru’s calls for Welsh Government to ‘nationalise’, this would not resolve the issues because any ‘Welsh Steel Company’ would have exactly the same problems as TATA with the carbon tax, energy costs and lack of defence against Chinese imports and those are all issues which the UK Government should be tackling,” she added.
It is worth pointing out that the UK Government ruled out partial nationalisation when 2,500 jobs were lost in Redcar last year.
Speaking to The Herald, Plaid Cymru Assembly candidate Adam Price suggested that partial nationalisation would be aimed at avoiding ‘the meltdown scenario of Tata’s board in Mumbai deciding to close all their Welsh plants’.
Conservatives: EU should ‘show some teeth’
This view was, perhaps predictably, not shared by the Welsh Conservatives. Leader Andrew RT Davies, while acknowledging that the job losses would have a ‘devastating effect on the larger community’ said “let’s be clear, nationalisation is not the answer.”
Mr Davies claimed that his counterparts in Westminster would ‘continue to do all they can to bring down energy prices’ – something which is in stark contrast to the claims made by Welsh Labour – and concentrated on the ‘dumping of cheap Chinese steel’.
“Sadly a degree of restructuring looks inevitable in this instance, but for the steel industry to be viable going forward pressure must be placed on the European Union to repel the issue of dumping by China,” Mr Davies claimed.
“We are constantly force-fed the line that Britain benefits from being part of a bigger market in the form of the EU; well, it’s high time the European Union showed some teeth, because China’s domestic steel woes cannot be allowed to devastate Welsh jobs and to flood the UK market with cheap and in some instances sub-standard steel.”
It was left to Conservative Shadow Business Minister Will Graham AM to criticise the Welsh Government:
“Whilst many of the factors at play here are global in nature, the Welsh Government also has a job to do and Labour’s Minister has been slow to act on business rate relief, for example,” he claimed.
“There is also the small matter of £500 million which has been committed by the Conservatives at UK level for major infrastructure projects.
“It’s hard to imagine a better way to trigger legitimate demand for local steel, yet these much needed projects remain very much on the back burner under Welsh Labour.
“We would also like to see action from Welsh Government to implement procurement measures to ensure that all steel used in public sector contracts is of a British standard.”
The Lib Dems also suggested that the Welsh Government could have done more. Shadow Economy Minister Elunedd Parrott admitted that Chinese steel imports were causing a major problem:
“However, it’s not good enough for the Welsh Government just to sit back and blame everything on Westminster,” she added.
“Scrapping business rates on plant and machinery of course won’t solve all of the steel industry’s problems, but it’s a tool at Labour’s disposal that it has so far failed to use. The Welsh Liberal Democrats are the only party to have said we will completely scrap business rates on plant and machinery to support our steel industry.”
However, Mr Price claimed that the UK Government was sending ‘mixed messages’ regarding imports of Chinese steel:”These redundancies are certainly a response to current market conditions and we urgently need action at the European level to impose punitive unfair price tariffs – similar to the ones imposed by the US in the summer,” he claimed.
“The UK Government has sent mixed messages on this to the European Commission – supporting tariffs on steel on the one hand but also lobbying for China to be granted what’s called “market economy status” at the World Trade Organisation which would mean that punitive tariffs would no longer be possible. Effectively they are sacrificing the steel industry in order to court Chinese investment and markets in other areas.
EU ‘elephant in the room’
The news was greeted by Eurosceptics as clear evidence of the Welsh and UK Governments’ inability to protect British workers. UKIP Wales leader Nathan Gill MEP said: “It’s yet another devastating blow to Welsh workers, Welsh heavy industry and to the Welsh economy and shows how impotent the Assembly Government and Whitehall is.
“It’s so frustrating for me to look on while the Government is prevented from being able to do anything to reverse the situation, they can’t offer state aid, they are limited in reducing energy costs and they can’t act to prevent the dumping of cheap Chinese steel, all because of the EU, but it’s heartbreaking for the workers who now face the worst possible news.”
Pressure group Leave EU also claimed that the European Union was responsible for lost jobs in Wales:
Jack Montgomery, a spokesman for the campaign, said: “This latest round of job losses in Wales will set alarm bells ringing in Scotland and the north of England. Sadly, further losses are inevitable because the EU elephant in the room remains deliberately unaddressed. with the Welsh First Minister even going so far as to claim that the terrible problems faced by steel workers have ‘nothing to do with’ the EU last week.
“Well, the UK Steel Summit has identified three key problems facing the industry: high energy costs, the Chinese dumping steel on the export market below the cost of production, and restrictions on state aid.
“The first is a product of an energy policy the EU’s own Industry Commissioner warned was creating ‘a systemic industrial massacre’; the second we cannot action at the World Trade Organisation because Brussels has taken over our representation; the third results from ‘extremely strict’ EU rules which mean that, according to Industry Minister Anna Soubry, ‘our hands are tied’.
“Could EU supporters have their heads any deeper in the sand? Plainly, we need to get out of the Brussels straitjacket so we can tackle dumping head on WTO and give the industry the help it needs, without having to waste time begging for the Eurocrats’ permission first.”
Carbon tax hit steel industry – Nia Griffith
As Plaid Cymru pointed out, the EU State Aid rules do not apply to nationalised industries. The claim that Britain was powerless to do anything to reduce energy costs was vigorously refuted by Shadow Secretary of State for Wales Nia Griffith.
The Llanelli MP claimed that ‘so much more could have been done so much more quickly’ by the UK Government. “The industry has been very clear: it does not want hand-outs, but it wants a level playing field in order to survive in a highly competitive environment,” she pointed out.
“Back in 2010, the Chancellor hit the industry with the punishingly high carbon tax, a tax unique to the UK, which is not paid by any of our competitors, inside or outside the EU. In spite of calls from the industry, trade unions and Labour MPs, and even promises back in 2011 from the Chancellor himself of help for the energy intensive industries, he only confirmed this help a month ago, and it is now looking very much like too little too late.
“On the question of Chinese imports, even though the UK signed up to the renewal of specific anti-dumping measures in the summer, it is in fact the UK Government which is blocking further EU reform ( of the trade defence mechanisms) which would make it easier to keep Chinese steel out.
“At a time of low demand in the private sector, the UK Government should bring forward, not cancel or postpone, infrastructure projects, and make sure that we use British steel in them; that would help both the steel and construction industries, and keep up our skills base.The UK Government should sign up, as the Welsh Government has done, to the Charter for sustainable UK steel, and ensure that British steel is used in publicly funded projects.
“Most of the factors which directly affect the steel industry, such as the carbon tax and energy prices, are UK Government issues, but the Welsh Government should do all it can to support those who lose their jobs, and to continue to attract inward investment, and to create skilled jobs in particular.”
When asked if anything could have been done to mitigate the crisis faced by the Welsh steel industry, Ms Griffith said: “The UK Government certainly could have responded a lot more quickly to the asks of the industry: the Chancellor even admitted to the need to mitigate the effects of his high carbon tax back in 2010, but hid behind the smokescreen of getting state aid clearance from the EU instead of getting on with delivering the help.
“They could learn a lesson or two from the French and Spanish who are much more successful at stopping the dumping of cheap foreign imports, and ensuring that their own products are used in publicly procured contracts.”
Industry needs UK Government action – Unions
Commenting on the announcement, Community’s General Secretary, Roy Rickhuss said:
“Our immediate thoughts are with all the steelworkers and their families who may be affected by today’s announcement. We will be doing all we can in the coming weeks to support our members at this difficult time. We will be vigorously challenging the company’s proposals to ensure they do not further weaken the integrity or capacity of our steel plants.
“Today’s announcement is no reflection of the skills and commitment of the Tata Steel workforce, which has been breaking production records over the past year. Rather, it is yet another chapter of the UK’s ongoing steel crisis and the lack of a proper government response.
“This industry needs meaningful action from the UK Government which up to now has been characterised by fast talking but slow delivery, despite persistent warnings from Community that delays in implementing support for steel would have an impact on jobs.
“Even now, promised compensation for energy intensive industries is yet to be received. The UK Government must step up and work with trade unions and businesses to ensure this industry exists for generations to come.
“The dumping of cheap Chinese steel is one of the biggest causes of this crisis, yet the UK Government remains a cheerleader for China and their bid for ‘market economy status’, which would decimate what’s left of our steel industry. This cannot be allowed to happen.
“As well as government support, it is absolutely vital that Tata Steel make clear their long-term commitment to steel making in the UK. The workforce has made significant sacrifices in recent years, on the assurance that jobs would be protected. However, rather than delivering on this promise, Tata have simply continued to slash jobs. Tata Steel must now come clean about their long term commitment to the UK. Community, as the steelworkers’ union, stands ready to play our part in securing a future for the industry.”
Alan Coombs, a Port Talbot steelworker and President of Community said: “Today‘s news is a tragic reminder of the UK’s ongoing steel crisis. Here in Port Talbot we make some of the world’s best steel, but cheap Chinese imports and high energy costs are crippling our industry.
“This announcement will affect everyone here – steelworkers, engineers and office staff. As the steelworkers’ union, Community is ready to work with Tata Steel to ensure that steel making remains at the heart of Port Talbot for many years to come. However, we will not accept anything that threatens the health and safety of workers or the integrity of the plant.
“Port Talbot is a town built on steel, my father and grandfathers worked here, but we risk losing these jobs forever without more action from government to create a level-playing field on which we can compete. Thousands of other families here in Port Talbot rely on the steelworks, it is a source of pride and employment for our town, we simply cannot afford to lose it.”
TUC General Secretary Frances O’ Grady also claimed that the UK Government needed to take action against cheap imported steel: “With the manufacturing sector now in recession, the last thing Britain needs is further damage to the steel industry,” she said.
“Steel is a foundation industry on which other sectors depend. Britain desperately needs a real industrial strategy. “Ministers in London need to wake up and smell the coffee. Cheap Chinese steel imports are wrecking the steel industry. The government must take measures to prevent China from dumping cheap steel on the world market.
“The British government can start by opposing the granting of market economy status to China, and by using business rates and procurement policy to protect this vital industry.”
Pembrokeshire dairy farmer urges the industry to seize CPD opportunities

CONTINUING professional development (CPD) is an anticipated mandatory requirement for all farm businesses in Wales which enter the Welsh Government’s proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS). Due to start on 1 January next year, the version of the SFS currently being considered includes the requirement to complete a minimum of six hours of learning, plus an element of Health & Safety, every year, for each business.
Well-known Pembrokeshire dairy farmer Stephen James, FRAgS of Gelliolau, Clynderwen says this is a positive step forward for Welsh farming. Mr James welcomed the Welsh Government’s response to the last SFS consultation, which resulted in a decision to make the training requirement more flexible and inclusive by including short courses, online training modules, attendance at demonstration days, discussion groups and other knowledge transfer activities eligible for CPD.
“Committing to learning will help equip farmers and all those working in the land-based industries with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive and prosper in today’s rapidly changing rural landscape,” says Mr James, who was recently awarded Lantra Cymru’s prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.
“Most professions insist on some level of CPD and this approach will benefit Welsh agriculture significantly, helping farmers to stay viable, resilient and competitive.
“Whatever age we are and however experienced we might me, the onus is on us as an industry to have the mindset that embraces personal development, which in turn leads to business development.”
Working together will create a professional, efficient and sustainable sector
“Welsh Government provides a wealth of support for rural businesses and thanks to organisations including Farming Connect, Lantra Cymru, our levy boards and others, the industry is working collaboratively to create a more professional, efficient and sustainable farming sector that can adapt to changing policies and market demands while achieving the highest standards of environmental stewardship.
“If we fail to take advantage of all this support and don’t learn about innovation, invest in new technologies, adopt best practice and find more efficient, cost-effective ways of sustainable land, livestock and business management, we risk losing out in today’s evolving markets.
“To safeguard the future of family farms for future generations, we need to focus on farming sustainably and comply with regulations, alongside working towards stronger business performance and achieving optimum productivity levels,” said Mr. James.
Finding solutions to challenges
Mr James, a well-known and well-respected rural figurehead, combines hands-on regenerative farming at the 600-acre family dairy farm he runs in partnership with his son Daniel, alongside numerous public-facing roles. A passionate advocate for young and new entrants, Mr James has been at the forefront of rural affairs in Wales for over 40 years. Chair of the Wales Animal Health & Welfare Framework since 2018, he is a past president of the NFU Cymru, remains closely associated with Wales YFC and has served with numerous agricultural organisations, not only within Wales but internationally. He has advised both the Welsh and UK Governments, former European Commission bodies and remains a vocal and influential figure within many of agriculture’s key stakeholder organisations, including through his longstanding membership of the Farming Connect Programme Board.
“We all recognise that our industry is under pressure. Climate and nature emergencies, market pressures, changing consumer demands and the requirement for sustainable land management which protects the environment, present us all with daily challenges.
“If we stay informed, we stay prepared, we stay adaptable and resilient,” said Mr James who emphasised that it is the responsibility of all those working in the land-based sectors to take full advantage of the wealth of support, guidance, events and training that’s available.
“The level of support available in Wales is the envy of many other farming nations and it’s essential we make full use of this.”
Stay informed, prepared and adaptable
“The transition to the Welsh Government’s proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) heralds change but brings new opportunities too and will transform the way we manage our land, our livestock and our businesses for the better across all sectors, combining sustainable land management with profitability.
“As environmental custodians, it is our responsibility to professionalise and modernise the industry, to protect what we have for the next generation – upskilling must be a key component of this,” said Mr. James.
Eligible farmers registered with Farming Connect can access a range of fully-funded or subsidised training options including face-to-face accredited courses, e-learning modules and knowledge transfer options from key industry experts including Animal Health & Welfare training workshops, all eligible for CPD.
For further information on Farming Connect’s skills, training and knowledge transfer provision, visit or contact your local development officer.
John Cooper appeal file still under review, but CCRC says process ‘will take time’

THE CRIMINAL CASES REVIEW COMMISSION has confirmed that its review of John Cooper’s convictions remains ongoing, with no fixed timeline for a decision. The process, described as extensive due to the volume of evidence and the potential need for expert analysis, is expected to continue well into 2025, with an update likely in October.
Cooper, who is serving a life sentence for the murders of Richard and Helen Thomas in 1985 and Peter and Gwenda Dixon in 1989, applied to the CCRC last year for a review of his convictions. Unlike many applications, which are dismissed early, Cooper’s case has progressed further than most, with dedicated case workers assigned—suggesting it is being taken seriously.

A spokesperson for the CCRC told The Herald on Monday (Mar 10): “Reviews can often be extensive, particularly when there is a lot of evidence to analyse; if we need to consider new case law or instruct scientific experts. A more complicated review can take many months, or even years.”
Sources close to the matter indicate that Cooper’s application, which exceeds 1,000 pages, is well-researched and has met the threshold for further scrutiny. While the CCRC operates under strict resource constraints, it is understood that this case is receiving significant attention.
Despite the high-profile nature of Cooper’s original trial, particularly following the ITV drama The Pembrokeshire Murders, the CCRC review has received little media coverage so far.
Cooper has always maintained his innocence, though previous appeals have failed.
If the CCRC ultimately refers his case to the Court of Appeal, it would be a significant legal development.
When approached for comment, Dyfed-Powys Police told The Herald: “We will comply with our obligations in any judicial process, but consider it inappropriate to provide specific comments at this time.”

The CCRC plays a crucial role in determining whether there are any anomalies in Cooper’s conviction or sentencing. If any are identified, the case will be referred to the Court of Appeal.
Cooper’s case gained national attention partly due to its dramatization in the ITV series The Pembrokeshire Murders, which highlighted his appearance on the TV game show Bullseye—a crucial yet circumstantial piece of evidence in his conviction.
At his 2011 trial, Justice John Griffith Williams sentenced Cooper to life imprisonment, describing him as a “very dangerous man” whose conviction relied heavily on advances in forensic science.
As readers may recall, The Pembrokeshire Herald previously uncovered significant concerns about the handling of forensic evidence in Cooper’s case. An investigation by this newspaper revealed a series of procedural failings, including missing or incomplete exhibit logs, the mixing of different evidence samples, and a previously unreported flood in the storage area where forensic materials were kept.

Documents obtained by The Herald suggested that some forensic exhibits were not properly logged at key stages of the investigation, raising concerns about gaps in the chain of custody.
The absence of complete records makes it difficult to determine whether all items were handled and stored correctly, an issue that is particularly significant in cases where forensic evidence plays a central role in securing a conviction.
The mixing of evidence samples was another area of concern. It was found that items from different cases had been stored together, a practice that increases the risk of cross-contamination. The potential for DNA transfer between exhibits, particularly when stored in close proximity, is well-documented in forensic science. Any such contamination could have serious implications for the reliability of the evidence used to convict Cooper.
Perhaps most troubling was the discovery of a flooding incident in the forensic storage facility. The flood, which had not been disclosed in court or in any official reports at the time, raised concerns about whether water damage may have compromised key exhibits. The extent of any damage and whether steps were taken to mitigate the risk of evidence degradation remain unclear. The possibility that critical forensic materials were exposed to moisture, mould, or other contaminants could be a crucial issue for the CCRC to consider.
Despite these concerns, the forensic evidence presented by the Crown was substantial and was not challenged during Cooper’s unsuccessful 2012 appeal. However, advances in DNA testing and forensic methodologies since his trial may now allow for more sophisticated analysis of key exhibits. If the CCRC determines that new scientific techniques could yield different results, this may influence its decision on whether the case should be referred to the Court of Appeal.
Statistically, Cooper faces an uphill battle. Between April 1997 and February 2023, the CCRC received 29,845 applications but referred only 811 cases to an appeal court.
However, if his case does reach the appeal stage, historical data suggests a roughly 70 percent chance of a successful challenge.
Chloe Handling from the CCRC press office confirmed to The Pembrokeshire Herald previously: “I can confirm we have received two applications for John Cooper.”
“However, we won’t be able to comment any further while the review is underway.”
With no fixed timeline for completion, Cooper’s case remains under detailed review.
The Herald will continue to follow developments and provide updates as they emerge.
(Cover image: Athena Picture Agency)
Withyhedge site monitoring cost the council £170,000

PEMBROKESHIRE County Council’s monitoring of the controversial Withyhedge landfill site and unsuccessful legal challenge cost it nearly £170,000, councillors heard.
Last October, Pembrokeshire County Council went to court to seek an interim injunction against operators RML after asking it to give a legally binding undertaking to stop the odour coming from Withyhedge Landfill, near Haverfordwest.
The legal action came after months of residents complaining of foul odours and potentially harmful gasses coming from the landfill site.
A circuit judge found that the tip was causing nuisance, but believed that the council had gone about its application in the wrong way, refusing to grant an interim injunction.
The authority’s legal counsel had recommended the council appeal that decision, but this was not done due to costs involved and the situation at the tip had improved.
A report, presented by Cabinet member for Residents’ Services Cllr Rhys Sinnett at Pembrokeshire County Council’s March 6 meeting, said: “Although our legal counsel did not believe this decision was correct and recommended an appeal, the Authority was in a difficult position when considering the costs of appealing and the costs outlay already incurred for taking the court action, as well as the provision of independent air quality monitoring and officer time dealing with this issue.
“This was due to the potential financial exposure considered against the fact that a marked improvement in the situation has been noted. We would like to stress that it is firmly believed that the legal pressure the council had placed on the operator in the period from April to October 2024 had a significant impact on the efforts and pace of the remedial works undertaken by the operator.
“Legal costs were ordered to be paid by the Authority in the sum of £169,110.87, although the actual sum was reduced by agreement to £100,000.”
The report also detailed other financial implications for the council: “Costs for air quality monitoring, legal and ancillary costs for translation of reports and some staff overtime in out of hours monitoring total £166,544 [to date]. This figure includes the additional static monitoring until 31 March 2025.”
Members heard that complaint numbers to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and PCC have been low since early January 2025 when waste tipping started again, other than a peak in mid-January from a Ricardo static monitor located at Spittal School, but were “not considered to be emanating from the landfill site,” with site inspections “indicating that the operator is following revised waste acceptance procedures which have previously been reviewed and accepted by NRW”.
Funding from Pembrokeshire County Council and Natural Resources Wales has been secured to allow the air quality monitoring via the static monitor at Spittal School to continue until March 31, but would cost £57,215 for an extra year, members heard.
Members agreed to note the report and to continue the air quality monitoring at Spittal school, reviewed on a quarterly basis, dependent on air quality results and the level of community odour complaints received.
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