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All the candidates standing in Caerfyrddin – who has got your vote?



Simon Hart (Conservative Party)

Simon Hart is the Conservative candidate for Caerfyrddin and has a well-established political career, having served as the MP for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire since 2010. During his tenure, Hart has held several significant positions, including Secretary of State for Wales and Government Chief Whip. His campaign focuses on maintaining economic stability and improving local infrastructure. Hart emphasises his dedication to addressing specific local issues, such as opposing the construction of pylons in the Teifi and Towy Valleys, which he argues would detract from the natural beauty of the area.

Hart’s platform includes a commitment to supporting rural communities, ensuring that farmers and local businesses receive the support they need to thrive. He highlights his long-standing connection to the area, despite the new constituency boundaries, and aims to leverage his experience to benefit the residents of Caerfyrddin. Hart’s campaign also addresses broader national issues, such as economic policy and public services, with a focus on practical solutions that can make a real difference at the local level.

Martha O’Neil (Labour Party)

Martha O’Neil is the Labour candidate for Caerfyrddin, bringing a fresh perspective and a strong commitment to social justice. At 25 years old, O’Neil is a former policy adviser for the UK Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Her campaign emphasises empathy and personal experience with hardship, aiming to connect with voters on a deep, personal level. O’Neil advocates for substantial changes to address the cost-of-living crisis, improve public services like the NHS, and ensure fair economic policies that benefit all segments of society.

O’Neil criticises the Conservative government’s handling of the economy and public services, highlighting issues such as high living costs and inadequate support for families. She promises to deliver better outcomes by pushing for a Labour government that prioritises the needs of ordinary people. Her platform includes specific policies to reduce energy prices, enhance healthcare access, and support education and social services, aiming to create a more equitable and prosperous community.

Ann Davies (Plaid Cymru)

Ann Davies, the Plaid Cymru candidate for Caerfyrddin, brings a wealth of experience and a strong connection to the local community. As a cabinet member on Carmarthenshire County Council, Davies has a deep understanding of both rural and post-industrial needs. Her campaign is built on the legacy of Gwynfor Evans, Plaid Cymru’s first MP, and she aims to follow in his footsteps by providing honest and dedicated representation in Westminster.

Davies focuses on sustainable development and support for local businesses. She emphasises the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the area while promoting economic growth. Her platform includes policies to support the agricultural sector, enhance public services, and ensure that rural communities have access to the resources they need to thrive. Davies also highlights her commitment to fighting for the best deal for Caerfyrddin’s residents, promising to be a strong and vocal advocate for their needs and concerns.

Will Beasley (Green Party)

Will Beasley, the Green Party candidate for Caerfyrddin, is dedicated to environmental sustainability and social justice. His campaign focuses on achieving net-zero emissions through innovative and accountable policies. Beasley criticises the major parties for their inadequate handling of rural issues and positions the Green Party as a forward-thinking alternative that prioritises environmental and community welfare.

Beasley’s platform includes enhancing public transportation, protecting natural habitats, and supporting local agriculture. He advocates for sustainable development practices that do not compromise the environment, ensuring that future generations can enjoy a healthy and vibrant natural world. Beasley also emphasises the importance of social justice, promising to fight for policies that reduce inequality and provide all residents with access to quality public services and opportunities for growth and development.

Nicholas Paul Beckett (Liberal Democrats)

Nicholas Paul Beckett is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Caerfyrddin, focusing on addressing the cost-of-living crisis, supporting local businesses, and promoting educational opportunities. Beckett emphasises the need for practical solutions to local issues, such as improving healthcare access and ensuring that public services are well-funded and efficiently run.

Beckett’s campaign includes policies to support economic growth through investment in local businesses and infrastructure. He advocates for a more inclusive and equitable society, where everyone’s needs are met through responsive and effective governance. Beckett highlights his commitment to transparency and accountability in government, promising to work tirelessly to represent the interests of Caerfyrddin’s residents in Westminster.

Nancy Cole (Women’s Equality Party)

Nancy Cole, the Women’s Equality Party candidate for Caerfyrddin, focuses on gender equality and social justice. Her campaign includes policies aimed at closing the gender pay gap, improving healthcare services for women, and ensuring that public policies address the unique challenges faced by women and marginalised groups. Cole advocates for systemic changes to create a more equitable society and believes that her party offers the most comprehensive solutions to achieve these goals.

Cole’s platform emphasises the importance of creating opportunities for women in all areas of life, from the workplace to healthcare to education. She promises to fight for policies that promote fairness and equality, ensuring that all residents have the resources and support they need to succeed. Cole also highlights the need for greater representation of women in government, arguing that diverse perspectives are essential for effective policymaking.

David Mark Evans (Workers Party of Britain)

David Mark Evans, the Workers Party of Britain candidate for Caerfyrddin, offers a platform that reflects traditional Labour values. He criticises the current Labour Party for straying from its roots and positions his party as a true representative of progressive economics and social justice. Evans advocates for policies that promote economic equity, support local industries, and enhance public services.

Evans’s campaign includes measures to increase funding for the NHS, improve education, and support workers’ rights. He promises to address the economic challenges facing families and individuals by implementing policies that ensure fair wages and job security. Evans also emphasises the importance of community engagement, promising to listen to the concerns of residents and work collaboratively to develop effective solutions to local issues.

Bernard Holton (Reform UK)

Bernard Holton represents Reform UK in the Caerfyrddin constituency. His campaign focuses on reducing government bureaucracy, promoting free-market principles, and ensuring more direct democracy. Holton criticises the major parties for their economic policies and aims to offer a practical and straightforward approach to governance.

Holton’s platform includes supporting local businesses, improving public services, and advocating for policies that prioritise the needs of ordinary citizens over political elites. He emphasises the importance of transparency and accountability in government, promising to work towards a more efficient and responsive political system. Holton also highlights his commitment to protecting individual freedoms and ensuring that government policies reflect the will of the people.

These expanded sections provide a detailed overview of each candidate’s platform and priorities, highlighting the diverse range of issues and perspectives in the Caerfyrddin constituency for the 2024 General Election.


A dazzling display awaits at Tenby’s Summer Fireworks Spectacular



TENBY is gearing up for its much-anticipated Summer Fireworks Spectacular, set to light up the skies on August 11 and 25. The event, kicking off at 3 PM, promises an evening filled with food stalls, live music, and entertainment, culminating in a breathtaking fireworks display. Prime viewing spots include the harbour, Castle Hill, and North Beach, ensuring everyone can enjoy the show.

Organised by the Tenby Round Table, this community event aims to support local charities, with all proceeds going towards various community initiatives. The fireworks display is professionally managed, ensuring both safety and a stunning visual experience. Visitors and locals alike are invited to join in the festivities, making it a perfect summer evening to remember.

Tenby’s Summer Fireworks Spectacular is more than just a pyrotechnic display; it’s a celebration of community spirit and local culture. The event’s popularity has grown over the years, attracting visitors from near and far, all eager to witness the vibrant atmosphere and dazzling lights. The combination of live music, delicious food, and the enchanting coastal backdrop makes it an unmissable event for families, friends, and fireworks enthusiasts.

The organisers have also emphasised the importance of sustainability and safety, with measures in place to ensure minimal environmental impact and maximum enjoyment for all attendees. Local businesses and vendors are set to showcase their offerings, adding to the festive spirit and providing a taste of Tenby’s unique charm.

For those planning to attend, it’s advisable to arrive early to secure the best spots and fully immerse in the pre-show festivities. The event is not just a highlight of Tenby’s summer calendar but also a testament to the town’s vibrant community life and its commitment to creating memorable experiences for all.

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Fishguard RNLI volunteers on exercise tasked to real casualty



A VOLUNTEER crew out on training exercise were diverted to a real casualty within minutes of launching.

Three volunteer crew members from Fishguard RNLI had just launched the charity’s D class inshore lifeboat Edward Arthur Richardson for a planned routine training exercise, and were attempting to notify HM Coastguard of their intentions when they were tasked to a genuine shout.

The request was to attend to a 5m rigid inflatable boat (RIB) with 2 persons onboard which was located approximately 1.5 miles east of Pen Anglas and had lost all means of propulsion.

With rain moving into the area the two casualties onboard were also open to the elements. On rounding Pen Anglas the casualty vessel was spotted in the distance and the lifeboat made best speed into the conditions.

Once on scene an assessment was carried out and due to the worsening weather conditions and with the boat at risk of drifting towards cliffs due to having no means of propulsion, it was determined the safest course of action would be to establish an astern tow and return the casualty vessel to the nearest safe harbour at Goodwick.

Following a slow tow at 3-4 knots the casualty was brought inside the breakwater at Goodwick where a lifeboat crew member was transferred across to assist in taking the vessel from an astern tow to an alongside tow, giving the volunteer helm more control to bring the casualty vessel alongside the slip at Goodwick.

Once alongside the slip the casualty vessel was made fast and casualties transferred safely ashore to recover their vessel. The lifeboat then returned to station where it was washed down, refuelled and made ready again for service.

Fishguard RNLI volunteer inshore lifeboat Helm, Ian Davies, said: ‘We had launched to carry out routine training for crew working towards their upcoming assessments, this included setting up and establishing astern and alongside tows when we were called upon to assist the casualty, as a result we ended up putting that training into practice to safely return the casualty vessel to shore.

‘The owner did the correct thing and contacted the Coastguard using their radio on channel 16 to report their situation. We would like to remind any water users to ensure they always carry a means of calling for help, most commonly a personal VHF radio or mobile phone kept in a waterproof pouch and should be within reach at all times.’

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Union calls off strike for further talks on future of Welsh steel



THE UNITE UNION has decided to call off a strike planned for July 8 to allow for further discussions about the future of the UK’s largest steelworks at Port Talbot in Wales. The Pembrokeshire Herald has been informed that this decision comes amid concerns over the potential accelerated closure of the site’s remaining blast furnaces.

Owners Tata had previously warned of the possibility of bringing forward the closure of both remaining blast furnaces, citing safety concerns due to a staff walkout. Unite’s proposed strike had drawn criticism from other unions, who feared it would hasten the shutdown of blast furnace number four, initially scheduled for closure in September.

Both the Community and GMB Unions were hoping to use the time until September to negotiate an extension of the furnace’s operational life, potentially under a new government.

The UK government has pledged a £500m grant to develop a new £1.25bn electric arc furnace. This new furnace, designed to recycle scrap metal, is less energy-intensive but will require significantly fewer staff. The closure of both blast furnaces would result in the loss of 2,800 jobs, whereas extending the life of one furnace could save 2,000 of those jobs until the new electric arc furnace is operational, a process that could take up to three years.

Sources close to the situation told the BBC that Unite had given Tata an excuse to accelerate job losses by planning the strike. However, Unite officials refuted this, claiming their action “had helped focus minds” and resulted in a victory by ensuring further talks after the upcoming election.

In a letter from Tata to the unions, the company had already agreed to further discussions post-election. Alun Davies, national officer for the Community union, commented: “Tata have confirmed that if the strike is called off they are ready to resume discussions on a potential memorandum of understanding. The truth is Tata never walked away from those discussions, and at our last meeting on 22 May all unions agreed to conclude the negotiations and put the outcome to our members. Community would welcome resuming those discussions, but we regret that zero progress has been made since 22 May.”

Officials from other unions criticised Unite, stating that their actions had caused “nothing but chaos” and financial losses for their members. This comment refers to an earlier overtime ban that Unite implemented without consulting other unions.

Union officials admit there is no guarantee Tata will agree to extending the life of the blast furnace beyond its scheduled shutdown in September. However, they express hope that if Labour wins the election, their manifesto commitment to invest £2.5bn in the steel industry could provide a crucial lifeline.

Welcomes discussions: Sam Kurtz (Image: Handout)

Samuel Kurtz MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Economy and Energy, commented on the latest developments: “We welcome any discussions that bring both the steelworkers and Tata to the table to iron out how best jobs can be supported in the short term, as an early closure of the blast furnaces will bring additional distress to communities already dealing with enough as it is.”

He further criticised the Welsh Labour government, saying, “The Welsh Labour government have only paid lip service to Tata’s workforce, failing to contribute a penny to the transition board, and UK Labour’s manifesto says nothing on what it would do differently to support Port Talbot’s steelworkers.”

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “This is a significant development in the battle to protect jobs and the long-term future of steel making in South Wales. Investment from Labour secured by Unite will be key to the future of the site. 

“This breakthrough would not have come about without the courage of our members at Port Talbot who were prepared to stand up and fight for their jobs. Workers were simply not prepared to stand idly by while steel making ended and their communities were laid to waste.

“It is essential that these talks progress swiftly and in good faith with the focus on fresh investment and ensuring the long-term continuation of steel making in South Wales.”

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