THE PICTURESQUE waters of Fishguard recently welcomed the majestic tall ship, ‘The Pelican of London,’ as it embarked on its summer journey under the auspices of...
IN a remarkable display of determination, a group of impassioned volunteers from the local community has brought the Cross Inn, the sole pub in Hayscastle Cross,...
THE NEYLAND community have rallied together to raise funds for local man Keri Matthews and his family. Keri, described by those who know him as a...
THE COMMANDING Officer of Fishguard Sea Cadets, Lieutenant Chris Peake, passed away unexpectedly on the evening of Friday, May 12, leaving behind a community in mourning....
AS the Pembrokeshire Coast Charitable Trust celebrates its 5th birthday, a call has been made for individuals who are passionate about the National Park to help...
HIS MAJESTY’S Lord-Lieutenant of Dyfed, Miss Sara Edwards, praised the outstanding achievements of four Pembrokeshire residents as she presented them with their insignia in a prestigious...
GREAT news for all pub-goers! The Old Point House, a fantastic pub in Angle, Pembrokeshire, is now open every day until further notice. Whether you’re a...
THE SIXTH FORM students at Ysgol Greenhill in Tenby recently organised a fundraiser in memory of their beloved science teacher, Mr John Swancott, who passed away...
THE COMMUNITY volunteers arranging the purchase of the Crymych Arms as a community pub are celebrating a successful and busy first open day for promoting the...
COED CADW, the Woodland Trust in Wales, are urging people to take advantage of the final weekend of the Welsh Government’s tree giveaway, My Tree Our...
THREE woodland projects in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Cardiff are the latest to benefit from a Welsh Government environmental grant programme. Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water is getting...
PRESELI Pembrokeshire MP Stephen Crabb has called for action to halt the growing quantity of litter discarded on roadside verges across Pembrokeshire. “Litter plaguing county could...