CHALLENGES and problems that farmers in the UK face are not so different to those faced by farmers in Malawi, a delegation of Farmers’ Union of...
DEPUTY MINISTER for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans, met with representatives from Future Farmers of Wales to discuss opportunities for young farmers to progress in the...
DEPUTY MINISTER for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans, met with representatives from Future Farmers of Wales to discuss opportunities for young farmers to progress in the...
A DAIRY calf resembling a zebra has been born on an RSPCA Freedom Food farm to the amazement of a West Sussex farmer. The one-day-old ‘zow’...
A DAIRY calf resembling a zebra has been born on an RSPCA Freedom Food farm to the amazement of a West Sussex farmer. The one-day-old ‘zow’...
REBECCA EVANS AM – Deputy Minister for Farms and Food, visited the Haverfordwest Creamery to better understand the challenges facing the dairy sector and the plans...
A GOVERNMENT that understands farm businesses, wants agriculture to grow and has the policies that send the right signals to Welsh farmers, will be the key...
ENFORCEMENT officers will soon be able to seize vehicles suspected of being involved in fly-tipping thanks to enhanced powers to crack down on waste crime, Resource...
FIRST MILK has confirmed that under its new A & B pricing structure for April, that the A price will be set at 20.87ppl for the...
NFU CYMRU President Stephen James used the opportunity to brief Phil Hogan on the importance of food and farming to the economy of Wales. They also...
THE DEPUTY MINISTER FOR FARMING AND FOOD has asked members of the public to report sightings of any dead badgers they find to help tackle bovine...
NFU Cymru, the NFU and British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) have agreed the scope of this code which is now set to be introduced. At last...