YM MHENTRE’ Cymreig Llanifeiliaid rydych chi’n siŵr o ddod o hyd i ambell i gymeriad! Ar un ochr y pentref mae Enid ac Elsi, dwy sydd...
DYLAI Llywodraeth Cymru glustnodi deg miliwn o bunnau o’i chyllideb prentisiaethau i’r Coleg Cymraeg er mwyn sicrhau bod llawer mwy ar gael yn Gymraeg, yn ôl...
MAE SAITH o fusnesau yn Sir Benfro sy’n ymddiddori mewn bywyd gwyllt wedi gwella profiadau ymwelwyr a bioamrywiaeth ar eu heiddo drwy gynnal prosiectau cadwraeth fel...
THE CONSERVATIVES have called for Carwyn Jones’s replacement as Labour leader in Wales to be chosen sooner rather than later. Andrew RT Davies, leader of the...
A ROW has erupted following the election of Carolyn Harris MP as the new deputy leader of the Labour Party in Wales. And the row could...
HOUSING and Regeneration Minister Rebecca Evans has announced an independent review of affordable housing supply in Wales, with a visit to newly built affordable houses and...
SWANSEA UNIVERSITY’S Medical School, through its partnership with Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, is to be one of the centres to deliver advanced medical therapies...
SCHOOLS across Wales are to benefit from 80 new teachers as a result of a £36 million fund to reduce infant class sizes, Education Secretary Kirsty...
THE QUALIFICATION at the heart of the Welsh Baccalaureate offers a valuable learning experience and gives students the skills they need for their future, according to...
ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY has won the Postgraduate category in the What Uni Student Choice Awards 2018. For the second year running, Aberystwyth also picked up a silver...