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Labour promises ‘energy revolution’ with ‘historic investment in ports’



ON a visit to the Port of Milford Haven, Shadow Energy Secretary Ed Miliband and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs Huw Irranca-Davies, will today pledge to make Wales a ‘world leader’ in cutting edge energy technologies, as Labour sets out plans for a landmark investment in clean energy to ‘reindustrialise Wales’.

Ed Miliband will pledge that if Labour wins on 4 July it will deliver the biggest investment in ports in a generation. Ports like Milford Haven are ideal candidates for this investment to deliver vital upgrades and support the growth of new clean energy technologies such as floating offshore wind, including in the Celtic Sea.

Labour has said that one of its six steps to change Wales would be to set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned energy company to invest in clean homegrown power. GB Energy will prioritise investing in floating offshore wind, creating good jobs and unleashing significant private investment into Wales.

Alongside this, under Labour a National Wealth Fund will invest in rebuilding our industrial strength including £1.8bn of public investment to modernise and upgrade our ports, crowding in billions more. Labour’s plans will put Wales at the front of the global race to lead in cutting edge technologies with major export potential.

Ed Miliband with local parliamentary candidate for Labour Henry Tufnell

Under the Conservatives, support is so inadequate that they have only moved two ports forwards for funding in their recent Floating Offshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme, dropping projects like Milford Haven, when we need 11 ports to lead the world in floating offshore wind according to industry experts.

Today’s announcement is one part of Labour’s plan to deliver the biggest investment in clean energy in British history to boost energy security, create good jobs, and cut bills for good. This landmark investment will reindustrialise Wales, reversing fourteen years of industrial decline under the Conservatives, and help create 29,000 good, well-paid jobs across Wales.

Working with the Welsh Labour Government and building on the work of Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru, Labour will invest in clean energy and good jobs, cut energy bills once and for all, and make Britain energy independent

Labour’s plans are partly funded by a proper windfall tax on oil and gas giants, so they pay their fair share to investing in Wales and delivering energy security.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Shadow Energy Secretary Ed Miliband said: ‘Labour will put Wales at the cutting edge of the clean energy revolution, working with the Welsh Labour Government to seize the opportunities of new technologies such as floating offshore wind.

We will set up GB Energy, a publicly owned clean energy company, to scale the deployment of new technologies, boost energy security and cut bills for good.

By also delivering the biggest investment in ports in a generation, we will make Wales a powerhouse of Labour’s clean power mission.

The plans we’re setting out today will help reindustrialise Wales, creating good jobs and rebuilding the strength of Welsh industry.’

Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs Huw Irranca-Davies said: ‘Under Labour, Wales will benefit from the biggest investment in clean energy in our history.

GB Energy will harness the power of Wales’ natural resources to take back control of our energy supply and make Wales a world leader in new technologies.

After 14 years of Tory governments failing Wales, only Labour has a plan to unleash the investment needed to lower bills, deliver the next generation of good jobs and boost energy security.’


The following people have been nominated for election as a member of the UK Parliament for Mid and South Pembrokeshire constituency:

Hanna Andersen (Women’s Equality Party);

Alistair Cameron (Welsh Liberal Democrats);

Stephen Crabb (Welsh Conservative);

Stuart Marchant (Reform UK);

James Purchase (Green Party);

Vusi Siphika, (Independent);

Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru);

Henry Tufnell (Welsh Labour).


Police appeal for information following assault at railway station



OFFICERS in Pembrokeshire are investigating a report of an assault on a woman that happened outside Haverfordwest Railway Station at approximately 8:10pm on Monday (Jun 17).

One man, aged 49, was arrested on suspicion of common assault and remains in police custody.

Did you witness the assault or have any information that could help officers with their investigation? If so, get in touch:

🖥️ |

📧 | [email protected]

💬 | Direct message us on social media

📞 | 101

Quote ref: 24*537044

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Busy weekend for the rescue team at HM Coastguard Dale



HM Coastguard Dale said they were paged at 05.35 HRS to assist police in the Milford Haven area on Sunday (Jun 16).

Police received a call at 5am, raising concern for the welfare of an individual.

The individual is now safe they said.

Angle Lifeboat RNLI also attended the incident

Then at 10.13 HRS the team were called on again after a vessel reported a person face down on a cliff near Wooltack point. The team made their way to the scene and rendezvous with NCI Wooltack Point. It was quickly ascertained that this was a false call with good intentions. Team then stood down.

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Tributes paid to ‘much-loved’ couple who died in A477 collision



THE FAMILIES of a much-loved couple who died in a collision on the A477 on Thursday, June 13, 2024, have paid tribute to them.

Katie Worrell, aged 25, and Adam Muskett, aged 27, were involved in a two-vehicle collision between Llanddowror and Red Roses at around 4pm on Thursday, June 13. Two cars were involved in the collision – a black Jaguar and a black Ford Fiesta.

A statement from Katie’s family said: “Katie was a much-loved daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and cousin. She lived life to the full, loving to travel and achieving so much in such a short time, she graduated with a Masters and worked hard. She loved her friends and Adam beyond words. Katie was kind, caring and beautiful and our lives will never be the same without her.”

Adam’s family have issued a statement to say: “Adam, our loving son, brother, grandson and nephew. He loved life, his friends, Tenby, football and Katie very much. How do we move on without you, your big kind heart and cheeky smile. We are heartbroken and forever proud.”

Anyone travelling on the A477, at or near to that location at the time, is requested to contact Police.

Investigating officers would particularly like to speak to any motorists who were in the area at that time who have dash cam in their vehicles.

Anyone with any information can contact the police on 101.

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