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Three of seven boy racers jailed following A40 smash



crashThree of seven boy racers who swarmed up Arnold’s Hill on the A40 at up to 100mph have been jailed this morning (Dec 22).

The other four received suspended sentences and all were banned from driving.

Judge Paul Thomas told them at Swansea crown court their racing had been childish, immature, astonishingly bad and dangerous.

The seven had been in a convoy of up to 40 cars that had met at a Murco garage in Haverfordwest on August 11, 2013, to drive to Swansea.

Stephen Murray, 23, of 50 Lawrenny Street, Neyland and Ieuan Power, 18, of 17 Harbour Close, Milford, began showing off almost immediately by racing round and round a roundabout, said Robin Rouch prosecuting.

As the convoy reached Arnold’s Hill, where the east bound carriageway opened to two lanes, several cars began racing and using the third, oncoming lane, as an additional overtaking lane, effectively turning that stretch of the A40 into a one way street.

Power became blocked in and undertook a car before swerving back into the regular overtaking lane. As the vehicles slowed at the top of the hill Scott Beavis, 21, of 23 Skomer Drive, Milford Haven could not control his braking and swerved into the oncoming lane at 80mph, hitting head on a Seat Ibiza being driven by Andrea Gainfort.

She suffered a punctured lung and was in hospital for 13 days. Her daughter Zoe and her mother Maureen Howells were also injured.

Beavis himself had to be airlifted to Morriston hospital, Swansea.

Today, Beavis was jailed for six months and banned from driving for two years.

Ian Lloyd, 22, of 66 College Park, Neyland, received the same sentence. Judge Thomas said he had set the pace going upArnold’s Hill and others had followed his example.

Jack Murdoch, 18, of 31 Main Road, Waterson, was jailed for 16 weeks and banned from driving for 12 months. He had told a jury “bare faced lies,” said Judge Thomas.

Edward Adams, 19, of Green Cottage, Thornton Road, Steynton, was jailed for 16 weeks, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work for the community

James Adams, 23, also of Green Cottage, Stephen Murray, 23, of 50 Lawrenny Street, Neyland and Ieuan Power, 18, of 17 Harbour Close, Milford, were jailed for 12 weeks, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to do 150 hours of work.

All seven will have to take extended driving tests before getting their licences back and to pay government surcharges.

Judge Thomas said they had driven “like idiots” on what would have been a busy summer Sunday afternoon in Pembrokeshire.

Beavis had caused the accident but it could have been anyone one them as they had all “driven like lunatics, competing to see who could drive the fastest.”

“Cars are not toys for little boys. It is a culture amongst young men of your age in Pembrokeshire to show off, to pose at ridiculous speeds, buzzing and swarming like bees,” added Judge Thomas.

The judge said he noted that even before August 11 Beavis had received five written warnings from police about his driving. James and Edward Adams had each received two notices and Edwards Adams had once been banned for driving at 107mph in a 60mph area. Lloyd, Power and Murdoch had each received one warning.

Lloyd and Murdoch had denied dangerous driving but had been convicted by a jury after a trial. The other five defendants had entered pleas of guilty.

Judge Thomas again raised concern about the evidence given by two witnesses on behalf of Lloyd and Murdoch.

Mr Rouch said, “It will not be overlooked. It is not going to go away as far as they are concerned.”

Racing before the smash: Scott Beavis

Racing before the smash: Scott Beavis



  1. Adam Jenkins

    December 22, 2014 at 3:02 pm

    The photograph at the bottom of your page of Scott is at pembrey race circuit! Not before the accident at all

  2. Tom K

    December 22, 2014 at 3:11 pm

    About time the boy racers of Haverfordwest got punished. Maybe now the others will learn not be such idiots, but I won’t hold my breath.

    They all got what they deserve.

  3. admin

    December 22, 2014 at 3:30 pm

    Judging by the state of the car, I doubt it was after the crash

  4. Anon

    December 22, 2014 at 4:26 pm

    Dangerous driving has been an issue for many years and does not appear to be something that is going away very quickly.

    Something has got to change in the way we prevent and deal with these cases, or we risk losing more loved ones in a particularly gruesome and painful way.

    I have personally lost 2 of my friends in 2 separate car crashes and my wife has also lost one of her friends in another separate incident. All 3 were teenagers at the time.

    As painful as it was for us at the time, It was even worse watching our friends’ families come to terms with their loss. This has left a lasting impression in our memories.

    Now I’m no angel myself, I’ve been guilty of enjoying the risk of speeding around the country roads of Pembrokeshire when I was a teenager/in my early 20s.

    I don’t think its an age thing, as I often see grown men driving extremely dangerously on their morning commute, but it does seem to mostly be males that are to blame here.

    However since I became a father a couple of years ago, I’ve looked at things slightly differently. What if, through no fault of my own, someone crashed into my car and killed one or more of my family?

    My wife and/or I could be deprived of seeing our daughter growing up, or our daughter could have to grow up without one or both of her parents. Not to mention the effect on Grandparents, Friends, Aunts, Uncles, and so on.

    How could someone possibly put other people and their families at risk for their own self satisfaction and bravado?

    One, two, or all three generations of Andrea Gainfort’s family could have been lost in that accident, with their fate decided by an entirely pointless act of selfishness.

    I’m not pretending that I have all the answers, there are people far cleverer than me who may have better ideas, but I do believe that dangerous drivers should be made to see the damage they create.

    They should also be made to understand the impact it has on their own families, who may have to live with the knowledge that their own child has caused the death of another.

    For anybody reading this, I have one request to make before you next get into the driving seat – please, PLEASE THINK:

    What if, through driving too fast, me or one of my friends causes the death of my mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister…??

    I’ll leave that thought with you.

  5. tomos

    December 22, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    I think adam was trying to be a pedant but admin corrects him perfectly 🙂

    these guys should have had a longer custodial sentences – THAT would keep them off the roads.
    ps the “unreliable witnesses” thought themselves SO clever – better pack your bags too, and don’t forget if you’re bending down to pick up the soap – straight backs 😉

  6. Rhys quigley

    December 22, 2014 at 5:37 pm

    THE PICTURE YOU HAVE USED OF SCOTT IS BEING FALSELY USED You have picked this picture and put a diffrent title to it because this picture is taken on a private track not a public road so this photo has no relevance to the crash. You as a newspaper should be state facts and the truth not miss leading the public with irrelevant imformation and photos

  7. anon

    December 22, 2014 at 5:56 pm

    Whether the photo is from the racetrack or not, it just shows that he has learnt bugger all from track days, as to how to control his car. it is just a pity it was not one of his own family that he crashed into,

  8. Joe Baldry

    December 22, 2014 at 6:40 pm

    Beavis and his mates are imbeciles and deserve even harsher sentences. They drove around like idiots, almost causing many other incident…..this accident was just a matter of time.

    Longer custodial sentences and much longer driving bans were needed here….for all of them.

    So, for the ones who were jailed, have a nice Christmas inside. I just hope you have time to reflect on what you’ve done but somehow I doubt you will. It seems that you’re all still blaming others for YOUR actions. To the rest of you who got off with suspended sentences….stay the hell away from these ‘friends’ of yours, grow the hell up and move on. Next time you will be going to prison and that really will screw up your life, job and aspirations. That said, Beavis had already done that prior to this incident. Idiot.

  9. Anon

    December 22, 2014 at 7:03 pm

    i rang up the herald earlier and you lot hung up on me because i stated that you titled the photo incorrectly and shoudnt of used this and you saying it was before the crash you lot know nothing because it isnt actually him in the drivers seat of that saxo on the track day shows how much you lot know about this photo and his driving . yes he had an accident but it has nothing to do with him learning or not learning anything on a track day .. And the one who wished it on his parents thats low you cant wish anyone to be hurt in a accident your just sick and i hope you lot read this comment because it states facts and as for the herald your as bad as norris of coronation street with your gossip!!! Get all the facts before writing and using other peoples photos which has nothing to do with him being in an accident!

  10. Rhys quigley

    December 22, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    ANON you have gone off the subject that I was on because I was just telling everyone that didn’t know the truth that this picture is a misleading picture and has no relevance to this article,what scott done in his spare time and OFF the PUBLIC ROAD is no else’s business apart from his.
    How dare you wish it was one of his family this wasn’t planned it was a complete incident

  11. Anon

    December 22, 2014 at 7:36 pm

    People were nearly killed and all you\’re concerned about is the caption under the bottom photograph? If the photo was indeed taken at a circuit – then it raises the question… if people are able to race their cars on circuits (at their own risk), why do they still insist on racing them on public roads at the risk of innocent people? It might not have been planned, but the collision was entirely his own fault and the fault of the other idiots at the time.

  12. Mike r

    December 22, 2014 at 7:55 pm

    One things clear is these boys had a lot of friends who are unwilling to see the seriousness of the incident. A slightly different angle, slightly slower reaction time and you\’d be talking fatalities! They should spend their time in prison considering how lucky they are it didn\’t result in anything more serious, and their immature friends arguing how \’people don\’t know anything\’ should use this as an example and sort their driving out! We do know by the way because it\’s been to court and they\’ve been prosecuted for it, don\’t really need any more proof than that.

  13. Arran

    December 22, 2014 at 7:55 pm

    As regards the photograph the caption is entirely accurate. It is a picture of him racing before the accident. Maybe a couple of months before but still prior to it.

  14. TAM

    December 22, 2014 at 11:13 pm

    There are some jokers on here now, trying to defend their dullard mates…..there’s no defending them, that\\’s why the best you can pull out of the bag is something to do with a picture caption. Your mates are idiots and deserve longer prison sentences and driving bans, accept that and don\\’t defend their stupidity!

  15. Anon

    December 22, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    Big lolz arron it wasnt even him driving the car in the photo haha get your facts right taaaaada

  16. Anon

    December 23, 2014 at 2:17 am

    Have a thought for the victim in seat and then think about their family and what they\’ve been threw, there all a bunch clowns so I don\’t understand how u can stick up 4 all those idiots, what if it was one of your family in that seat???

  17. Anon

    December 23, 2014 at 6:08 am

    Regardless of what track that pics from. If that was my family he had hit. He’d be I a coffin. Utter pricks should never be allowed to ever go near a car again.

  18. Billy McG.

    December 23, 2014 at 9:59 am

    You little boys have not yet learned what life is about. I have been in prison myself many years ago for a short stretch for sorting out some mug like this lot in a pub fight.

    When you come out of prison you will be a different person. You will realise that all the public bravado of your driving, your boasts on social media, your heavy drinking sessions proving what hard men you are will count for nothing when you come across real hardened criminals in prison who will make you their bitches. You will spend most of your time in the toilets shitting yourselves with nervousness trying to hide from the bad men that will own your asses (literally) once they realise you are just soft punks from a little nothing town in west Wales.

    To the others who received suspended sentences, you’ll reign in your activities for sure. You’ll all be shitting yourselves now, getting buses everywhere or scrounging lifts off your other mug, low life mates who think life is all about the speedometer and getting “wrecked” at the weekend. If I was the family of the people who were injured I’d be making sure you paid more than the price of a government surcharge and losing your licence.


  19. Willie G

    December 23, 2014 at 11:26 am

    @ Rhys QuigleyBit more thinking required here. The photos description is 100% accurate. The f***wit is indeed racing and it is before the crash. It just does not say how long before the crash or where. It beggars belief that you are sticking up for this clown when he could easily have killed someone or himself. Would you be so supportive if he put your mother in hospital ????

  20. ian

    December 23, 2014 at 6:18 pm

    plenty of beavis’s butthead mates here defending the indefensible – I suggest you have a look at facebook where this story is mentioned by news outlets and his mates using their real names – I suggest you have a look, make a note of their names and businesses and avoid them as they don’t sound like ppl decent ppl would want to associate with

  21. Dan

    December 24, 2014 at 1:11 pm

    I am not trying to stand up for Scott as he and a few others were beyond stupid for what they done I just want to point out that yes the picture of the car was on a race circuit, was before the incident but I think that maybe it could have been worded slightly different as the way it\\\’s worded makes it sound like it was taken on the day of the accident. I have made a complaint to the herald about this but sadly I was confronted by a man who became aggressive over the phone and didn\\\’t let me get my point across, I found this very unproffecional and will be taking the matter further.

  22. IAN

    December 24, 2014 at 6:38 pm

    I congratulate the Pembrokeshire Herald for standing up to these silly ppl complaining about a picture

  23. Liam Ferris

    January 20, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    They all should have received life bans and longer sentences. No wonder my car insurance is so damn expensive. It’s because of idiots like these.

  24. Edward Tomp

    January 20, 2015 at 12:42 pm

    Only six month sentences? Surely they should all have had been jailed and for a whole lot longer than what they got? I almost guarantee that several of these clowns will not have learned their lesson.

    Watch this space.

  25. Adam John

    January 22, 2015 at 1:30 pm

    Scum, the lot of them. Lock them all up and throw away the key. The length of sentences and the ban durations are an absolute joke. These idiots should never be let behind the wheel again.

    All their friends and families are all over Facebook trying to defend them. This only shows that they will never hold their hands up, take responsibility and accept what they did wrong.

    The sentences are unduly lenient and people need to contact the CPS or Attorney General’s Office to complain.

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Public reminded to stay away from Ward’s Yard and Criterion Quay



THE PORT of Milford Haven is reminding members of the public to stay away from Ward’s Yard in Milford Haven and Criterion Quay (sometimes known as the offshore jetty) in Pembroke Dock due to concerns over public safety. 

Despite significant security measures, people continue to access the sites illegally, ignoring and sometimes damaging the onsite signage and fences.

Niall Yeomans, Head of Health, Safety and Security at the Port of Milford Haven said: “Safety is our key priority. Members of the public are continuously putting themselves and members of our team at risk of serious harm by trespassing in these areas.”

“Both Ward’s Yard and Criterion Quay are unsafe for public access. They are isolated areas next to deep water and are susceptible to slips, trips and falls.”

Both sites are owned by the Port of Milford Haven and are private property. Anyone found onsite without consent is trespassing, and any criminal damage could result in prosecution.  

Anyone who sees any suspicious activity at Ward’s Yard or Criterion Quay is asked to contact Dyfed Powys Police on 101 urgently.

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‘Sophisticated’ organised crime gang trafficked cocaine and cannabis to Aberystwyth



FIVE people have been found guilty or admitted to conspiring to supply cocaine and cannabis as Dyfed-Powys Police continues its efforts to dismantle organised crime gangs.

Officers seized cocaine with a street value of more than £400,000 from gang members, who continually changed tactics to avoid arrest.

Six defendants have appeared in court in the latest phase of Dyfed-Powys Police’s Operation Burleigh, which sought to disrupt the trafficking and onward supply of class A and B drugs into Aberystwyth, with all but one admitting their charges or being found guilty by a jury.

This brings the total number of people awaiting sentence under the operation to 15.

The court heard that officers from Dyfed-Powys Police’s Serious and Organised Crime Team and Ceredigion Priority Policing Team led the investigation into the OCG, which was described as ‘sophisticated, well-organised and evolving’.

Detective Sergeant Steven Jones said: “This conspiracy operated on a County Lines model, where controlled drugs are trafficked into a smaller rural town from a larger city, and the operation is controlled by one or more ‘drugs lines’.

“In this case there were a total of four lines controlling the supply of cocaine and cannabis within Aberystwyth.

“The conspirators frequently evolved their actions to frustrate the authorities and evade capture.”

The OCG embedded members were mainly asylum seekers brought to Aberystwyth by Toana Ahmad and another man who remains outstanding, with the sole purpose of dealing drugs. The drug lines were initially based in Swansea, and later in areas of Birmingham. 

Three properties – on Terrace Road, Alexander Road and Parc Graig Glas – were identified early in the investigation as being used to house the OCG members embedded in Aberystwyth. Substantial amounts of cash, controlled drugs and weapons were recovered from these properties, and from the people found inside. 

When arrests were made, the gang changed its tactics. Drugs began to be supplied from vehicles, and OCG members stayed in guest houses to avoid detection.

DS Jones added: “Trusted couriers were employed to transport drugs to Aberystwyth and cash back to Birmingham or Swansea. A number of vehicles, including taxis, were used as the gang attempted to avoid detection along the route, while trains were also taken when courier cars were stopped by officers.”

In June 2023, two vehicles travelling from the West Midlands towards Aberystwyth were stopped by police on consecutive days. A black sock was uncovered in the engine of the first car, which was found to contain 82g of high purity cocaine divided into 169 grip seal plastic bags.

Davinder Singh, who previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A and class B drugs, was the driver of the second vehicle, which was a taxi. A blue plastic bag was seen falling out of his shorts, which contained over 81g of high purity cocaine divided into 167 grip seal bags. 

DS Jones said: “On the basis that the amounts of cocaine transported over the 37 couriers over the course of the conspiracy period were similar, over 3kg of cocaine would have been conveyed to Aberystwyth from Birmingham.

“This equates to class A drugs with a potential street value of over £308,950.  In addition to this, class A drugs were seized from individuals and addresses with a potential street value of £103,445, along with cash totalling £11,687.

“A number of teams and departments across Dyfed-Powys Police, from analysts, CCTV operators and priority policing teams, to CAB, the Technical Support Unit, Economic Crime Team and Force Intelligence Bureau all assisted in dismantling the OCG from top to bottom.

“Their dedication and relentless efforts have assisted in making Aberystwyth a safer place to live without the threat and harm of drugs being made easily available on the street.”

After a seven-week trial at Swansea Crown Court earlier this year, the following three defendants were found guilty for their parts in the conspiracy:

  • Toana Ahmad, aged 33, of Lee Gardens in Smethwich, West Midlands
  • Barzan Sarhan, aged 31, of no fixed address
  • Ahmed Piro, aged 26, of no fixed address

The jury failed to reach a verdict on two defendants during the earlier trial. They have been subject to a retrial starting on July 1, with the following outcomes:

  • Hawre Ahmed, aged 35, of Pinderfields Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, was found guilty by the jury of conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs.
  • Diar Yousef Zeabari, aged 35, of Flat 5, 41 Bryn Road, Swansea, was found not guilty of conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs.

Karwan Karim, aged 39 of 125 Griffith John Street, Swansea, also stood trial, and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs on day three.

In addition to the OCG members found guilty during the most recent trials, the following have previously pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to supply class A and class B drugs under Operation Burleigh:

  • Davinder Singh, aged 36, of Huntingdon Road, West Bromwich
  • Daban Khalil, aged 23, of Streetly Road, Birmingham
  • Kastro Omar, aged 30, of Junction Road, Northampton
  • Karwan Jabari, aged 26, of Weedon Close, Northampton
  • Walid Younis Abdal, aged 34, of St Anne’s Road, Doncaster
  • Saman Aziz, aged 41, of Kirk Road, Merseyside
  • Adel Mustafa, aged 39, of Hubert Road, Newport
  • Charlotte Roberts, aged 21, of Sutton Hill, Telford

The following have previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A drugs:

  • Akasha Smith, aged 24, of Third Avenue, Aberystwyth
  • Luqman Jarjis, aged 21, of Wake Green Road, Birmingham
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Community asked for views on allocation of new St Davids homes



THE FIRST phase of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Glasfryn housing development in St Davids is progressing well with the second phase also underway.

The development being built by GRD Homes Ltd, began in November 2023, with a first phase completion date of Winter 2024 looking hopeful, ahead of the scheduled plans.

The first phase consists of seven properties, including a mixture of one and two bedroom bungalows

As completion draws closer the properties will be advertised via Pembrokeshire Choice Homes.

Ahead of this, the Council’s housing team will be holding community engagement on the 13th August 2024 at the Ty’r Pererin Centres, Quickwell Hill, St Davids, SA62 6PD, 5pm-7pm.

This will be a chance for officers to liaise with the local community about the allocation process for these properties.

Glasfryn’s second phase is well underway, with the initial groundwork already completed. This phase includes a further 11 two bedroom bungalows, with a completion date in late 2025.

These bungalows will meet the latest Welsh Government’s Development Quality Requirement, and will be energy efficient, built to EPC A specification and include solar panels to help tenants with running costs.

The Glasfryn development is funded in partnership with Welsh Government.

Cabinet Member for Housing Cllr Michelle Bateman said: “We are really keen to work with the community on a local lettings policy for these new properties, as we have done for our developments in other parts of the County.”

If you have any queries please email the Customer Liaison Team on [email protected], phone them on 01437 764551, or visit Housing’s Facebook page.

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