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Badger and the legend of Leighton’s gold



badger84imageTHIS Friday is an important one for Pembrokeshire, readers. It may seem like any other Friday at this time of year, marking time to the inevitable twinkling of sleigh bells and relentless smuggery of Christmas, but this Friday is different. For this Friday, local authorities across Wales are due to answer to the call of Welsh Labour’s Local Government Minister Leighton Andrews and tell him exactly how they intend to throw themselves on the bonfi re of democracy that he wants to take place sooner rather than later. Now, after all that has happened over the last few years, readers might expect Badger to face the potential dissolution of Pembrokeshire County Council with equanimity. You would be wrong readers. Badger believes, fi rmly believes, in the ability of Pembrokeshire’s people to govern themselves. You can say what you like about the incompetence and fatuity of members of our current council. Badger has. Often. But we can at least say that, whatever their manifest shortcomings, those governing us from County Hall were elected by and are accountable to us. That is the nature of representative democracy.

Now, however, without a democratic mandate of any sort, Welsh Labour in Cardiff Bay has decided that it needs to sweep away local democracy and replace it with – well – readers, there is the question. For all Leighton’s big words and posturing, he is very thin on detail. In short, he is asking council’s to mortgage their futures not on a false prospectus but on moonshine and moon beams. Let’s look at some basic arithmetic, readers. Welsh councils face carving out £900m from their budgets in cuts over the coming years. Those are cuts that follow on from the Welsh Government’s decision to slash the grants it gives to councils so they can pay for essential services. Like education, bin collections, and elderly social care. We have already seen the effects of those cuts in the last couple of years, and there is a long way to travel down that path of pain yet. More and deeper cuts are the order of the day. But Labour will do nothing to ease the burden of cuts: Instead – and in a moment of blind panic – Ed Milliband signed up to a cross-party promise to keep in place a funding formula that costs Wales (very conservatively) £400m A YEAR in grants from the UK Treasury.

Into that toxic mix, Leighton has decided to throw in a fundamental shake-up of Welsh councils for no better reason than it suits Welsh Labour in Cardiff Bay to emasculate a tier of government and raise the Senedd above the level of a glorifi ed County Council. Think about it readers: Do you seriously see Mark Drakeford and his ilk as people with the nous and ability to outwit a stunned herring, let alone get to Westminster and occupy senior stations on the Labour benches? But to return to our fun with sums. On top of £900m in cuts, Leighton wants to burden councils with a shakeup that could cost as much as £268m.So: While services are slashed and burned, Leighton thinks it a jolly good idea to get councils to fund their own dissolution by fi nding another quarter of a billion pounds to go with the near billion they are expected to find already.

Leighton has given heavy hints that he expects councils to fund all of this from their reserves. Readers, there is fi scal illiteracy and blind stupidity. Badger would not seek to burden Leighton and Carwyn et al with an accusation of crass stupidity. Let’s just settle for fi scal illiteracy. If county councils dump capital onto the market – for example, commercial properties and assets – in a fi re sale to realise Leighton’s levy, what do you think will happen to property and fi nancial markets, readers? And what about the duty of councils to realise the best commercial price for their assets? Leighton doesn’t care. In his prison of fi scal illiteracy he does not think of consequences just of grand schemes. Like Del Boy in Peckham Market he will knock it off on the cheap to get it off his hands. So, with Welsh local government, in the hole to – say – £1.1bn, how much does Leighton think will be saved? £80m a year.

Maybe. He has not got a clue. Nobody does. In ten years, possibly, 12, the cuts and the costs will be made up for by alleged savings in local government. Maybe. He has not got a clue. Nobody does. Leighton’s gold is without substance because it has no basis in reality. He has not got a clue. Badger has a word for the idea that changing local government a la Leighton will deliver meaningful service improvements at a lower cost. Bulls***. Shedding a few Chief Offi cers will save bugger all in the grand scheme of things. Their scalps are just a convenient peg upon which Leighton can hang his hat. Emperor Leighton has no clothes. He is trying to bully councils with unspecifi ed penalties and even more nebulous (and probably) unlawful intervention if they do not bend to his will.

‘No change is not an option’, is Leighton’s call. Badger has heard that before, from Mark Drakeford, Carwyn’s Health Minister. Remember that one, readers? Consult on proposals and then press ahead anyway with a policy already determined by a panel appointed by the Welsh Labour Government. The Welsh Government carved up the Welsh NHS in such a way as it could force through its programme of cuts and closures in the teeth of public disapproval. That is what the Welsh Government wants to do to Welsh local government. Having centralised health policy in the Bay, the Welsh Labour Government wants to do the same with local democracy. There are those who might think it couldn’t be worse than what we have at the moment. Badger invites them to consider whether turning the Welsh NHS into an unresponsive, centrally run, bureaucratic mess operated by placemen and hacks is a template for success or failure. Put another way, do you trust Leighton enough to leap into the dark holding his hand in yours? Badger doesn’t. After all, Leighton was too gutless to be interviewed by The Herald.

What faith could you have in a man who will not subject himself to even the gentlest of quizzing? If you are still nodding along with Leighton at this point, readers, please bear this in mind: Leighton was in Carwyn’s Cabinet before. He resigned from his role as Education Minister after campaigning in his own constituency against a policy he was enforcing on the rest of Wales. This is the man Carwyn has charged with ramming through local government change. This is the man who tells us he is doing this not for party advantage but to deliver the best local government for Wales. ‘Hypocrisy’ is a terrible word, readers. But if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks… And don’t forget to ask your Labour candidate their views. After all ‘hypocrisy’ is a terrible word, readers.

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Bridgend man masterminded national phishing scam



A MAN from Bridgend has been identified as the mastermind behind a national phishing scam that sought to harvest personal data from unsuspecting victims.

An investigation led by Tarian, the Regional Organised Crime Unit for southern Wales, uncovered that 22-year-old Blaine Flatt, of Broadlands, Bridgend, created a fraudulent website designed to mimic Amazon’s official page. The scam was commissioned by Ewan McGavin, 31, from Horwich, Bolton, who intended to use the fake site to steal sensitive information from members of the public.

Flatt, who pleaded guilty to multiple offences, including making or supplying articles for use in frauds, was sentenced in February 2024. He received a two-year suspended custodial sentence and was ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work.

Meanwhile, McGavin, who was out of the country during his co-conspirator’s trial, was arrested upon his return to the UK and remanded in custody. Following a trial, he was found guilty on January 10, 2025, and has now been sentenced to 30 months in prison for intentionally encouraging or assisting in the commission of an offence.

Temporary Detective Sergeant Jack Harris, of Tarian, said: “I hope this case demonstrates to cyber criminals and fraudsters operating in the UK that you will be pursued by us and brought to justice. This type of offending can cause serious harm and distress to members of the public who are unfortunate enough to be targeted by phishing scams.”

He urged people to be vigilant against phishing scams, where criminals use fake websites or emails to trick victims into revealing personal or financial information. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) provides advice on staying safe online at NCSC.GOV.UK.

“If you believe you may have been affected by a phishing website or email, report it to Action Fraud at,” he added.


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Net-zero Wales and the generation game



THIS WEEK’S episode of Panorama explored the significant clean energy projects creating tension across Britain.

“Rewiring Britain: The Race to Go Green” examined the UK’s efforts to create a greener, more sustainable energy infrastructure. It highlighted the challenges and opportunities associated with reducing carbon emissions, increasing renewable energy sources, and modernizing the national grid.

The programme incidentally highlighted an unusual set of data about Wales’s contribution of net-zero energy to the UK’s National Grid.

BBC Reporter Justin Rowlatt visited the headquarters of the National Energy System Operator (NESO). NESO ensures that Great Britain has the necessary energy by matching supply with demand every second of every day.It also monitors the contributions made to the UK energy grid from net-zero sources.

In a cutaway shot establishing that just over half of the UK’s energy came from net-zero sources.
The UK is divided into six distribution network licence areas, as shown in the screenshot accompanying this article.

What draws the eye, at least Welsh eyes, is the amount of net-zero energy provided by the area covering South Wales and South West England.

That amount was zero on the day the BBC attended NESO HQ. Given the number of large green energy infrastructure projects in South Wales, this seems astonishing. It is even more astonishing when one considers the large green energy projects across the South West of England.

An examination of the data underlying the chart shows why that is the case: almost three-quarters of ALL energy generated in South Wales comes from fossil fuels. That means that all of the net-zero energy generated in South Wales is consumed in the region and is not exported as surplus to the UK Grid.

To check our conclusion we asked NESO a series of questions, the answers to which confirmed that South Wales (the figures for North Wales are in the North West area on the screenshot), was not a net exporter of green energy to the grid.

When we checked earlier this week, we confirmed that was still the case.

Those data appear to run a coach and horses through claims that Wales is leading the way in green energy.

As it stands, South Wales isn’t even generating enough net-zero energy to power homes and businesses across South Wales. As planned green energy projects, such as the controversial plan to erect a chain of pylons and windfarms across rural Wales, focus on energy production for homes and businesses outside Wales, the benefits to the South Wales economy of supposedly “green” infrastructure projects appear marginal.

The UK government asserts that building new pylons, solar plants, wind turbines, and electricity substations is essential for achieving its ambitious goal of decarbonizing the country’s electricity by 2030. To expedite these projects and stimulate the economy, the government plans to “streamline” the planning process. However, many protesters contend that this approach risks overlooking their objections.

While some praise the UK government’s reforms, which aim to accelerate energy projects, there has also been significant criticism. Many stakeholders—including environmental groups, local communities, and planning experts—express concerns about the erosion of local democracy and community input. Critics warn that these proposed changes may undermine local decision-making by prioritizing national targets over community interests and feedback.
Despite the necessity of green energy projects for reducing carbon emissions, there are worries that large developments, such as solar farms and wind turbines, could negatively impact local ecosystems and biodiversity if not carefully managed.

Furthermore, the government faces criticism for not adequately addressing how to balance the need for renewable energy with other priorities, including housing development and infrastructure. The use of agricultural land for solar farms or bioenergy crops raises additional concerns about food security and the loss of productive farmland.

Large-scale renewable projects, especially wind turbines, can significantly alter landscapes. This has led to resistance from residents and conservationists who value the rural areas’ visual and cultural heritage. For example, in Lincolnshire, proposed solar farms are set to cover an area larger than Greater Manchester. Critics argue that the government’s focus on large-scale projects overlooks the potential benefits of smaller, community-led initiatives and energy efficiency measures, which could also play a crucial role in decarbonization.

The drive to achieve net zero, or at least energy self-sufficiency and energy security, is admirable in intent. However, marrying ambitions and outputs with the views of those whose homes, land, and lives will be most affected by the infrastructure and structures needed to support them is as far away as ever.

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Pembrokeshire households could face £250 council tax rise



COUNCIL TAX in Pembrokeshire could rise by nearly 17 percent this year, adding more than £250 to the annual bill, in a series of proposals to be considered by senior councillors next week.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet, meeting on February 10, is recommended to support one of four options for the council tax element of the forthcoming 2025-’26 budget.

The proposed rises, and the increase for the average Band D property are.

  • 9.85 percent (£148.81)
  • 11.14 percent (£168.29
  • 16.58 percent (£250.48)

The fourth option, proposed by the council’s Liberal Democrat group members, would see, amongst other changes to the three outlined above, a 12 percent increase (£181.29).

For many years Pembrokeshire has had the lowest Band D Council Tax in Wales.

Following the 12.5 percent increase in 2024-25 Pembrokeshire moved to the fourth lowest in Wales with a base Band D Council Tax of £1,510.72 per year, before town and community council and police precepts are added.

A report for members ahead of the Cabinet meeting says the council’s projected funding gap for 2025-26 has been reduced from £34.1m to £27.4m after a better-than-expected Welsh Government local government settlement but says: “Based on the current projected funding gap of £27.4m, it is evident that major budget savings as well as a significant council tax increase will be required in order to deliver a balanced budget for 2025-26. The lower the Band D council tax increase, the higher the budget savings requirement will be, with the consequential adverse impact on the provision of council services.”

The report lists 171 potential council savings to help balance the budget, ranging from green (achievable with impact) to red (very challenging with significant impact ) and deep red (statutory failings and/or very significant impact), saying: “The cumulative total of the Green to Deep Red savings (171 measures) is £23.9m.  Implementation of all these budget savings options will be challenging, with some considered to be particularly unpalatable to council and the public.”

Of the total savings listed, they are categorised as red from 105 onwards and deep red from 146.

Of the three main council tax increase proposals, a 9.85 percent rate would need savings up to 132, well into the red, 11.14 percent up to 128, and even the 16.58 percent rate going into the red savings at 108.

On the potential use of reserves, the report says: “The current analysis of reserves indicates that the absolute maximum of uncommitted reserves that council might consider using in exceptional circumstances is up to £1.3m but this remains subject to the Section 151 Officer’s continuing assessment.”

The S151 officer, in the report has said: “Unless there is a clear plan to replenish, any utilisation of reserves to balance the budget would only be a sticking plaster and will add to the projected funding gap for the following year.”

The final decision on the council budget will be made by all members of the council, meeting next month, with next week’s Cabinet choice forming a recommendation.

For this coming year, the Dyfed-Powys Police precept part of the overall council tax bill is rising by 8.6 percent, bringing the rate for a Band D property to £360.68.

Neighbouring authority Ceredigion is proposing an increase of just under 10 percent but an alternative proposal around the six percent mark is being mooted.

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