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Miller’s plans derailed



Speaking to press before the meeting: Cllr Paul Miller

Speaking to press before the meeting: Cllr Paul Miller

AN ATTEMPT by Cllr Paul Miller, the Labour Leader on Pembrokeshire County Council, to ‘recall’ the proposed education changes in Pembrokeshire has failed. At an extra-ordinary meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council at County Hall on Tuesday (Apr 14), councillors voted 29 to 22 against the recall of the plans. This now means that the consultation process currently underway will continue.

Miller secured the signatures of fifteen councillors to ‘request a recall’ of the proposed education changes, which are to close five sixth forms on Pembrokeshire and replace them with sixth form provision at Pembrokeshire College has been met with stiff opposition by students, teachers, and the public at large. The Council’s plans were set in motion long in advance of the consultation. The Herald showed last week that both the council and the College were in talks since 2013. Cllr Miller, along with Stephen Crabb and Paul Davies AM have all called for post 16 education to be kept on school sites in north Pembrokeshire.

HUNDREDS PROTEST AT COUNTY HALL A protest of hundreds of pupils, parents and staff took place at the council offices before the meeting. A councillor took a petition into chambers signed by over 600 pupils from Sir Thomas Picton, who are angry that their school might lose its sixth form if the proposed plans go ahead. LEAKED DOCUMENTS Some of the protestors were handing out print-outs from The Herald’s website to the councillors and students.

The Herald uploaded the story, written following a leak of documents from a secret source, to it’s website at 10pm on Monday night. The late night news report revealed that the minutes of the council’s Corporate Management Team threw new light on the Authority’s plans. The story explained that the Corporate Management Team considered the engagement of the Full Council in the schools reform matter as “a risk”, which suggests its members were rather depending on not too many probing questions being asked. Had they been asked, the minutes reveal that the Council has embarked upon a deeply divisive consultation – which even those behind it concede is now out of date – without waiting to establish the Welsh Government’s position in respect of the type of projects proposed in the consultation document.

The fact that the Council has been working hand in glove on the provision of the 21CS programme with a member of the College’s own staff seconded to assist; with the College as a key partner; and with all indications being that the public are being presented with Hobson’s choice on the future of secondary education, the open consultation that the public have been assured would take place appears to be – as this newspaper reported in last week’s edition – nothing more than a fix. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER The atmosphere was tense at in the council chamber.

One of the first to speak was Cllr Pat Davies who said that there had to be a cohesive sixth form policy, county-wide. She was also loud in her criticism of the idea of a centre for excellence in the south of the county that she suggested may not be accessible by those in the north. She also expressed a worry that pupils moving from their school of five years to a tertiary site would miss out on communal extra-curricular activities that only a school could offer. She called for a clearer vision by the council than the one on offer. Cllr Tony Wilcox also opposed the current path and said more consultation was desperately required and any decisions should certainly not be rushed and he was joined in his calls for a re-think by Cllr Viv Stoddart who stated that as far as she knew no input had come from ‘the people who matter’, the sixth form pupils themselves. She stated a firm belief that this was a fundamental flaw in the Council’s thinking, and they had to consider children’s rights.

Cllr Tessa Hodgson, went even further, stating that she believed the consultation should have started two years earlier. ‘HELD TO RANSOM’ Also speaking at the meeting, Cllr Jonathan Nutting said that Pembrokeshire County Council had “shot itself in the foot” and that the re-organisation had ‘descended into farce’ with no merit whatsoever given to children, parents and teachers. This was, he said, the ‘biggest decision we will make as county councillors’ and he went further by saying the leader was using a process of ‘moral blackmail’ and that it was ‘divisive’ and being ‘railroaded’ through. The council, he said, were ‘being held to ransom’ by the college and that the whole policy looked like it was constructed on the ‘back of a fag packet’. He claimed it was time to ‘bin the shambolic plan’. A ‘HALF-COCKED’ PLAN Cllr Thomas Tudor, who was told he was unable to vote, said it was “imperative we listen to the needs of people and their concerns”, pointing to evidence that sixth forms improve results at GCSE and A level grades and implored the Council to think about the devastating impact such a move would have on the wider school community and its success as an academic centre. He was also keen to point out how important the sixth formers themselves are to a school as a valuable human resource.

Cllr. Mike Edwards accused the supporters of the consultation, in particular Jamie Adam’s IPPG, of using a strategy of “divide and conquer to drive through a half-cock plan”. Cllr Edwards said the council was using “divisive politics.” Cllr Evans said: “The condition of education [in Pembrokeshire] is another legacy of Bryn. This is the chaos that exists in this plan and in our education department, and Jamie [Adams], you are responsible for this chaos as it stands.” HERALD BROKE THE NEWS Cllr. Jacob Williams cited The Herald’s revelations last week that the Council had been talking with Pembrokeshire College about post- 16 education a long time before the consultation began, saying he believed that was prejudiced and ‘putting things at risk’ and Cllr David Howlett, the leader of the Conservative group accused council leader, Cllr Jamie Adams, of having tied the arms behind the councillor’s backs and that any decision would have ramifications for generations to come.

Cllr Stan Hudson, another Conservative supporting Labour leader Paul Miller’s motion thanked The Herald for having brought to his attention the collusion between the council and the college. Cllr Peter Stock referred to the many criticisms by the county’s leading professionals of the current option on the table and stated: “can all these people who object be wrong? I don’t think so – many are professionals” and referring to apparent collusion between PCC and the College, he said: “It strikes me as pre-empting a decision of the consultation”. Those opposed to Paul Miller’s motion were equally as passionate in their arguments, as the issue clearly divided the chamber. Cllr Sue Perkins went on the offensive. She criticised the county’s schools performances, deriding them for not having achieved an Estyn level of good or outstanding. She believed the option that is preferred

would “present a sound strategy to improve standards – county wide”. She also said the council must make “tough decisions”, and to have “no green category schools, a measure of a successful school according to Estyn, just wasn’t good enough”. She claimed that there was no choice but for change. Perkins implored council to allow the consultation to continue, and was adamant that all parties were being consulted, including the pupils in the county. PERKINS ON THE DEFENSIVE Cllr Perkins added: “Our young people deserve better. Our young people lack choice, yes they have the choice over where to study but not the choice of courses. There seems to be an obsession of comparing schools with Pembrokeshire College – but this is irrelevant.

The proposal is for a NEW sixth form centre. It will be a new entity and will not result in A Level courses being run by Pembrokeshire College.” Cllr Perkins batted away criticism by saying that the council was “absolutely consulting with everyone” and to say that the council wasn’t is “unfair”. BINNING CONSULTATION ‘RECKLESS’ Cllr David Lloyd rubbished the idea that the process had not been thorough. He claimed that to bin the consultation now would be “reckless”. The member for St. David’s said: “The council should stay around the table and not go back eighteen months”. Cllr Mike John agreed, saying the council should see the consultation out. Brian Hall, also opposed the motion in fear that it may adversely affect any future funding for education.

Joining him in protest at the radical motion was Keith Lewis who also believed the consultation was working and to stop the process would throw the whole situation into chaos. Another member, Cllr Pearl Llewellyn, took a more Pembrokecentred view, saying she could not put Pembroke’s new school, as proposed in the consultation’s preferred option, in jeopardy, and wouldn’t support the motion. Jamie Adams, IPPG and Council Leader, who is keen to get through the preferred option and move post 16 education to Pembrokeshire College, as per discussions the council have already had with the tertiary site, commented on the many points raised from the debate. He started by saying there was an inference that the consultation was not honest or deep enough, which he denied point blank.

To say ‘his’ council weren’t listening, he said, was a fallacy, saying that for a 2nd option to the one preferred from the consultation was for the public to tell him and the council. Adamant he and his group were right in their pursuit of their preferred plan, Adams said: “Convince me the preferred option is not the right one. I need evidence. This is not a referendum. We are deciding on the best outcome for the children of this county. Consultation will allow this and provide every opportunity. This is a jigsaw and members must understand that.

21st century funding will be available to facilitate the outcome; stop the consultation and funding is at risk”. He finished by saying he wanted ‘a guarantee not a gamble’. Before putting the motion to the vote, summing up Cllr Paul Miller said that the 21st century schools programme presented a fantastic opportunity, but said the county may miss that opportunity if the current set of proposals, dominated he said by Bush school, lead to the wrong outcomes. He said: “We need a more grown up debate. We cannot just make a decision today.

Just because we have come so far it doesn’t mean we can’t change our approach. We are making a model in this county on the fly, not the right way, we are making it up as we go along. It’s not right for communities. A loud majority sixth form education. This (the preferred option) is the wrong solution for Pembrokeshire and the community. We need to get this right for the future of our county. If we get it wrong, we could leave a 50 year legacy of inadequate provision.” THE VOTE IS LOST The motion was narrowly defeated by 29 votes to 22, with an abstention from Cllr Pearl Llewellyn.

The Herald spoke with Paul Miller directly after the meeting, who said in response to the result and defeat of his motion: “I am very disappointed. The Council had the opportunity to look again at these proposals, and we understood from the debate today that they have been framed by previous decisions. Particularly around Bush school campus, that are now dictating the educational reorganisation and £100million capital programme for this authority, and they shouldn’t be. This should all be about getting the right educational outcomes for our children, getting the right model for delivering education across Pembrokeshire and we (The council) are just not getting that.

I am bitterly disappointed that councillors rejected our proposal that would have allowed them back to the drawing board”. The Herald asked if Mr Miller was heartened by Cllr Jamie Adams’ assertion that the consultation period might offer another option, to which he responded: “Well I hope it does, but the reality is if they are going to significantly change from the single option they are putting forward as part of the consultation, they are going to have to run another statutory consultation process, and I think there will be all sorts of pressure on them not to do that. Also, they are not being honest with people about the actual effects this will have across Pembrokeshire.

This is a county wide strategy they are engaged upon, it will, whatever they decide on here today, impact on Milford and Greenhill’s 6th form sustainability.” However, Cllr Owen James who opposed the motion told The Herald: “I think the consultation process is perfectly adequate as it is and we don’t need to mess around with it. We have had some full and interesting responses. We need to go through those and act accordingly.” Cllr James was also prepared to comment on the pre-consultation collusion between the Council and Pembrokeshire College, saying: “I think we do need partnerships, and they do need to be strong ones, and I don’t think that is a disadvantage in any way.”

I AM PRO-CHOICE Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies joined the hundreds of protestors outside County Hall ahead of the full Council meeting, saying: “I sincerely hope that Councillors think very carefully about the future of our sixth forms across Pembrokeshire. Pe m b ro k e s h i re County Council must find a way to deliver education services locally that also meets the needs of communities’ right across the County. Mr Davies AM added: “I strongly believe in young people having choice in the education system, and the current proposals to remove sixth form education from schools in North Pembrokeshire and Haverfordwest will eliminate choice for many students. This would lead to a postcode lottery, meaning that some students will have access to local sixth form provision, and others won’t – and that’s simply unacceptable. I hope that following today’s meeting, the Council will commit to delivering first-class sixth form provision in schools for all children and young people across Pembrokeshire.”

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Public reminded to stay away from Ward’s Yard and Criterion Quay



THE PORT of Milford Haven is reminding members of the public to stay away from Ward’s Yard in Milford Haven and Criterion Quay (sometimes known as the offshore jetty) in Pembroke Dock due to concerns over public safety. 

Despite significant security measures, people continue to access the sites illegally, ignoring and sometimes damaging the onsite signage and fences.

Niall Yeomans, Head of Health, Safety and Security at the Port of Milford Haven said: “Safety is our key priority. Members of the public are continuously putting themselves and members of our team at risk of serious harm by trespassing in these areas.”

“Both Ward’s Yard and Criterion Quay are unsafe for public access. They are isolated areas next to deep water and are susceptible to slips, trips and falls.”

Both sites are owned by the Port of Milford Haven and are private property. Anyone found onsite without consent is trespassing, and any criminal damage could result in prosecution.  

Anyone who sees any suspicious activity at Ward’s Yard or Criterion Quay is asked to contact Dyfed Powys Police on 101 urgently.

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‘Sophisticated’ organised crime gang trafficked cocaine and cannabis to Aberystwyth



FIVE people have been found guilty or admitted to conspiring to supply cocaine and cannabis as Dyfed-Powys Police continues its efforts to dismantle organised crime gangs.

Officers seized cocaine with a street value of more than £400,000 from gang members, who continually changed tactics to avoid arrest.

Six defendants have appeared in court in the latest phase of Dyfed-Powys Police’s Operation Burleigh, which sought to disrupt the trafficking and onward supply of class A and B drugs into Aberystwyth, with all but one admitting their charges or being found guilty by a jury.

This brings the total number of people awaiting sentence under the operation to 15.

The court heard that officers from Dyfed-Powys Police’s Serious and Organised Crime Team and Ceredigion Priority Policing Team led the investigation into the OCG, which was described as ‘sophisticated, well-organised and evolving’.

Detective Sergeant Steven Jones said: “This conspiracy operated on a County Lines model, where controlled drugs are trafficked into a smaller rural town from a larger city, and the operation is controlled by one or more ‘drugs lines’.

“In this case there were a total of four lines controlling the supply of cocaine and cannabis within Aberystwyth.

“The conspirators frequently evolved their actions to frustrate the authorities and evade capture.”

The OCG embedded members were mainly asylum seekers brought to Aberystwyth by Toana Ahmad and another man who remains outstanding, with the sole purpose of dealing drugs. The drug lines were initially based in Swansea, and later in areas of Birmingham. 

Three properties – on Terrace Road, Alexander Road and Parc Graig Glas – were identified early in the investigation as being used to house the OCG members embedded in Aberystwyth. Substantial amounts of cash, controlled drugs and weapons were recovered from these properties, and from the people found inside. 

When arrests were made, the gang changed its tactics. Drugs began to be supplied from vehicles, and OCG members stayed in guest houses to avoid detection.

DS Jones added: “Trusted couriers were employed to transport drugs to Aberystwyth and cash back to Birmingham or Swansea. A number of vehicles, including taxis, were used as the gang attempted to avoid detection along the route, while trains were also taken when courier cars were stopped by officers.”

In June 2023, two vehicles travelling from the West Midlands towards Aberystwyth were stopped by police on consecutive days. A black sock was uncovered in the engine of the first car, which was found to contain 82g of high purity cocaine divided into 169 grip seal plastic bags.

Davinder Singh, who previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A and class B drugs, was the driver of the second vehicle, which was a taxi. A blue plastic bag was seen falling out of his shorts, which contained over 81g of high purity cocaine divided into 167 grip seal bags. 

DS Jones said: “On the basis that the amounts of cocaine transported over the 37 couriers over the course of the conspiracy period were similar, over 3kg of cocaine would have been conveyed to Aberystwyth from Birmingham.

“This equates to class A drugs with a potential street value of over £308,950.  In addition to this, class A drugs were seized from individuals and addresses with a potential street value of £103,445, along with cash totalling £11,687.

“A number of teams and departments across Dyfed-Powys Police, from analysts, CCTV operators and priority policing teams, to CAB, the Technical Support Unit, Economic Crime Team and Force Intelligence Bureau all assisted in dismantling the OCG from top to bottom.

“Their dedication and relentless efforts have assisted in making Aberystwyth a safer place to live without the threat and harm of drugs being made easily available on the street.”

After a seven-week trial at Swansea Crown Court earlier this year, the following three defendants were found guilty for their parts in the conspiracy:

  • Toana Ahmad, aged 33, of Lee Gardens in Smethwich, West Midlands
  • Barzan Sarhan, aged 31, of no fixed address
  • Ahmed Piro, aged 26, of no fixed address

The jury failed to reach a verdict on two defendants during the earlier trial. They have been subject to a retrial starting on July 1, with the following outcomes:

  • Hawre Ahmed, aged 35, of Pinderfields Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, was found guilty by the jury of conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs.
  • Diar Yousef Zeabari, aged 35, of Flat 5, 41 Bryn Road, Swansea, was found not guilty of conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs.

Karwan Karim, aged 39 of 125 Griffith John Street, Swansea, also stood trial, and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs on day three.

In addition to the OCG members found guilty during the most recent trials, the following have previously pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to supply class A and class B drugs under Operation Burleigh:

  • Davinder Singh, aged 36, of Huntingdon Road, West Bromwich
  • Daban Khalil, aged 23, of Streetly Road, Birmingham
  • Kastro Omar, aged 30, of Junction Road, Northampton
  • Karwan Jabari, aged 26, of Weedon Close, Northampton
  • Walid Younis Abdal, aged 34, of St Anne’s Road, Doncaster
  • Saman Aziz, aged 41, of Kirk Road, Merseyside
  • Adel Mustafa, aged 39, of Hubert Road, Newport
  • Charlotte Roberts, aged 21, of Sutton Hill, Telford

The following have previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A drugs:

  • Akasha Smith, aged 24, of Third Avenue, Aberystwyth
  • Luqman Jarjis, aged 21, of Wake Green Road, Birmingham
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Community asked for views on allocation of new St Davids homes



THE FIRST phase of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Glasfryn housing development in St Davids is progressing well with the second phase also underway.

The development being built by GRD Homes Ltd, began in November 2023, with a first phase completion date of Winter 2024 looking hopeful, ahead of the scheduled plans.

The first phase consists of seven properties, including a mixture of one and two bedroom bungalows

As completion draws closer the properties will be advertised via Pembrokeshire Choice Homes.

Ahead of this, the Council’s housing team will be holding community engagement on the 13th August 2024 at the Ty’r Pererin Centres, Quickwell Hill, St Davids, SA62 6PD, 5pm-7pm.

This will be a chance for officers to liaise with the local community about the allocation process for these properties.

Glasfryn’s second phase is well underway, with the initial groundwork already completed. This phase includes a further 11 two bedroom bungalows, with a completion date in late 2025.

These bungalows will meet the latest Welsh Government’s Development Quality Requirement, and will be energy efficient, built to EPC A specification and include solar panels to help tenants with running costs.

The Glasfryn development is funded in partnership with Welsh Government.

Cabinet Member for Housing Cllr Michelle Bateman said: “We are really keen to work with the community on a local lettings policy for these new properties, as we have done for our developments in other parts of the County.”

If you have any queries please email the Customer Liaison Team on [email protected], phone them on 01437 764551, or visit Housing’s Facebook page.

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