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Simon Hart wants a repeal of the hunting ban



The South Pembrokeshire Hunt

The South Pembrokeshire Hunt

A LOCAL MP has told press that the newly elected government should repeal the hunting ban sooner rather than later.

Simon Hart MP, a former chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, was quoted in a front page article in The Independent on Saturday (May 16) as saying: “We need to get on with this and I am sure the Government will want to resolve the matter quickly and efficiently. The commitment to a vote on repeal has been in the manifesto since 2005 and we now have the opportunity to deliver that and get rid of a law that has been a running sore in the countryside for over 10 years.”

All for hunting with dogs: Simon Hart MP

All for hunting with dogs: Simon Hart MP (Pic A Evans)

Mr Hart added: “The vast majority of my colleagues understand that this whole debate was never really about hunting or animal welfare, but about Labour MPs having a go at what they thought was an easy Conservative target.”

“The election result has shown once and for all that Labour’s obsession with fighting a class war has rendered it unelectable, so it is only right that we remove laws based on this prejudice from the statute book.”

Supporting Mr Harts view, Sir Barney White-Spunner, executive chairman of the Countryside Alliance said that the Hunting Act had been a farce from the start: “Even Tony Blair has admitted that it was a mistake. The new Parliament has an opportunity to right a wrong that was done 10 years ago and we are confident that MPs will take it.

David Cameron is an enthusiastic supporter of hunting, and before becoming Tory leader in 2005 he rode with the hounds as part of the Heythrop Hunt.

Speaking against plans for a repeal, Chris Pitt, deputy director of campaigns for the League Against Cruel Sports said: “A repeal of the Hunting Act would be a massive backwards step for animal welfare and we cannot accept the cruelty that it would legalise.”

The Independent reported that any repeal could be given a free vote within the next 12 months, with 56 SNP MP’s expected to abstain as Scotland has its own hunting law.



  1. Peter Warrennder

    May 17, 2015 at 8:50 pm

    Who voted for this cruel waste of space? I do not know anyone who voted Tory, nor would I want to. The sixty odd percent of the country that did not vote Tory, will not allow them to stay in power. The people will remove this heartless government anyway they can, one thing for certain is that they will not wait 5 years or waste their time with the ballot box.

  2. stephanie martine

    May 17, 2015 at 9:48 pm

    well of all the problems that need solving in the world, let alone right here..what a waste of time and space..regressive moves..yeah! lets be backward, why bother improving anything..lets go chase and kill foxes for fun..tally ho..this man is paid?

  3. tomos

    May 17, 2015 at 10:38 pm

    Really cannot understand what the fuss is about, you need to control foxes – the who ha is just because they look cuddly wuddly likkle anumals, no one cares about ugly amimals or slugs do they?
    If these ppl complaining about this mp didn’t eat farmed animals in which animals suffer then killedin their millions but were vegans I’d more readily accept their opinions but its just silliness and class war.
    ps I’m working class and I v oted for him, indeed a majority of ppl did here in Pembrokeshire

  4. Bob

    May 17, 2015 at 11:52 pm

    Tomos, how did you get that a majority voted for him? He had the most votes, yes, but it wasn’t a majority. Including those that did not cast a vote, over 40,000 people didn’t vote for Simon Hart. Of those that did vote, over 22,700 didn’t vote for him, so his 17,626 votes being less than those that didn’t vote for him, it’s not a majority. His true vote was just over 30% of the ward electorate, so just under 70% didn’t want him as their MP. The actual vote being 43.7% means that 56.3% don’t support him, me being one of them. I hope Peter is right and the people rise up against these self serving conservative t$*@s.

  5. Alison

    May 18, 2015 at 7:28 am

    ‘Based on prejudice’ he says ‘Obsession with a Class war’ he says

    Oh my! you are precious aren’t you Mr Hart ? Rubbing your hands at the chance to Rip foxes to bits while on horse back donning your uniforms symbolic, of the Class war the upper echelons imposed on the poor

    don’t flatter yourself Mr hart, For us, the banning of this archaic and barbaric act is about not wanting animals to experience unnecessary pain when there are less barbaric methods to deal with this issue

    For you and your cronies however its quite apparent that you all see the banning of this truly disgusting act has been evidence of the crumbling tyranny of the upper classes and rural elite So much did that disturb you Mr Hart, you took a huge pay drop to become an MP under the guise of someone who cared about people in Carmarthenshire.

    Yet you still voted yes for the bedroom Tax while there are only 30 unsupported one bedroom council properties. Many people in trapped in poverty here as a result of those supporting this including you Mr hart.

    oh an there was that Yes vote for fracking/coal gasification! How will it pay for the NHS Mr hart ? will that be because many lives will be cut short in the future as a result ?

    You don’t care about your people Mr hart all you care about is voting yes to wars and yes to blood sports Yes to badger culls that did not bring back one dead badger with TB

    I put it to you MR hart that you are a one policy man this is the policy to restore a sport symbolic of your hegemony. How dare you accuse the ordinary working man of starting a class war ? How dare you scream prejudice towards us when the rich and the upper echelons have built your fortunes by pressing your boot of discrimination upon the necks of generation after generation. ?

    You and your cronies were contrived by such acts to keep the best part of the working class Broken

    I put it to you that you Mr hart who took a massive pay drop to become an MP in order overturn the ban are the one obsessed with a class war. We just want opportunity to raise our children in a healthy world run my leaders with compassion and respect for the land and all living on it

    Time will hold your actions your utterances as shameful

  6. Paris

    May 18, 2015 at 8:35 am

    Well what a surprise……I don’t think.

    I hate the way supporters of this cruel sport imply that it is only town/city people want this ban well let me tell you it is not. I want this ban and all of my friends want this ban and we live in the country. ( Tomas I love all animals including the ugly ones, oh and I don’t eat meat). Before someone jumps on the bandwagon and mentions the rich this is not the case, you can fox hunt with out being rich.

    Simon Hart only got in because some people were too apathetic to vote and others were scared into believing the Conservative party hype about the SNP. Perhaps if they had read his voting record on They Work For You website they would have changed their minds.
    How about standing up for the poor in this county for a change.

  7. Delyth

    May 18, 2015 at 11:27 am

    If having you re-elected was not such a serious issue for the many in your constituency you have failed to speak for I would find your comments amusing. We are in the year 2014. Labours official opposition is no longer brimming with the working class/ ‘class war’ types you talk of, nor was it when the Hunting Act came into effect so this stance you are taking in this article makes your accusation appear as hideous as you look when you gentrify yourself by dressing up in your scarlet uniform and cravat to go out with a pack of hounds to kill foxes in such a cruel way, a tradition in your circles which has been historically practised in order for gentrify ones identity

    I am glad someone raised that this is not a class issue because its really not. what makes it a class issue is this sport would have been banned years ago if it was not for the hunt being such a domineering group in society fighting for what sets them apart from the rest.

    Talking of prejudice as well as having obvious prejudices towards those who are anti hunt, you also have prejudices against the foxes you kill.

    A while back research was conducted on farmer’s opinions towards foxes in Wiltshire. Rabbits and badgers were seen as more of a threat to farms than foxes. Two thirds of farmers did not see foxes as pests and actually argued that foxes can be seen as ‘beneficial by consuming rabbits and other pests of agricultural crops. ’

  8. Paris

    May 18, 2015 at 11:30 am

    What are you going to do about people have to use food banks in this county, surely this should be more of a priority looking out for their welfare?

  9. Paris

    May 18, 2015 at 11:37 am

    “The election result has shown once and for all that Labour’s obsession with fighting a class war has rendered it unelectable, so it is only right that we remove laws based on this prejudice from the statute book.”

    I think you have a cheek saying this Mr Hart, as far as I am concerned it not not a class issue although the Conservative Party like to imply it is.

    I do not believe in animal cruelty in any form, I am just as concerned about the hounds and the horses welfare as I am the foxes.
    Saying it is a class issue is making you sound quite snobbish which is not a nice trait. As far as I am concerned we are all equal but someone us like tearing foxes to pieces some of us don’t.

  10. Paul King

    May 18, 2015 at 4:17 pm

    This can only really be described as a complete testicle festival on behalf of the tory elite

  11. Flashbang

    May 19, 2015 at 3:41 am

    Bob, “His true vote was just over 30% of the ward electorate, so just under 70% didn’t want him as their MP. The actual vote being 43.7% means that 56.3% don’t support him, me being one of them”
    Your logic escapes me, if 56.3% didn’t vote that means they didn’t support anyone else either. If they can’t be bothered to turn up then it doesn’t matter to them who wins.

  12. Delyth

    May 19, 2015 at 4:43 am

    Baring in mind Bob was responding to Tomos who said “Most people in Pembrokeshire voted for him” The logic in his response is very easy to grasp Flashbang.

    Sorry to read about your struggle with syllogism

  13. Delyth

    May 19, 2015 at 6:17 am

    Most people who disagree with this disgusting sport know there is nothing ‘Classy’ about it Mr Hart. All that is demonstrated from those advocating and taking part in this sport, is that there are section of people in society who get a kick out of watching animals suffer, some going as far as to dress it all up with a bit of pomp and ceremony to furnish themselves with the delusion of a position further up social stratus than other individuals in society

    It’s awfully puke worthy to hear such a person then claim, that those who do not fit into their self congratulating imaginary position, are picking on them for due their imaginary position. it appears that your head is so far up your backside it is reappearing out of your mouth.

    Paint it how you will Mr Hart your narcissism is unbecoming

  14. Delyth

    May 19, 2015 at 6:37 am

    I’m hoping that being a devolved issue there will never be a reverse in Wales Mr Hart, but don’t threat, it seems your party have an alternative cruelties you can enjoy in your own community! such as the highest inequality in Europe crippling the most vulnerable… Oh and also you will get to watch young people working 30 hours a week for less than minimum wage, who will not doubt be talking up jobs that were previously at least that. Oh Joy!

  15. tomos

    May 19, 2015 at 3:10 pm

    oh alison, its you thats perpetuting the class war thing.

    another goes on about cruelty to animals then I guess we should all be forced to be vegans and all you scummy socialists going on about the voting system ?


    you had 13 years to chage it, but when bliar got a majority despite getting fewer votes than for decades you must have thought it’ was ok then?

    just proves you have no principles

    there are some good points made in this discussion aboutfood banks inequality, but lets not forget inequality gre even faster under blair than that “dreadful” thatcher woman

    I’m now off to chuck some poor dear out of her home, then I’ll rub a few oiks togetherso I can have a fire this evening to cook peacock and chips 😉

  16. Paris

    May 19, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    Tomas I resent being classed as ‘another’.

    Being kind to animals and being a vegetarian are two different things. I love animals that is why I don’t eat meat, some people are not really interested in animals as such but think it is unhealthy to eat meat.

    I can never understand this class thing you are going on about.

    There are members of the Labour Party that are exceedingly wealthy, with families that are multi millionaires, to me it seems to be the Conservative Party that bring up the class thing all the time.

    How do you know that I don’t come from a wealthy background? You don’t have to be poor to stand up for the least well-off in life.

  17. alison

    May 19, 2015 at 7:33 pm

    Firstly, I was never a Blairite

    Secondly, ‘you had 13 years to chage it,’ Change what ?

    Thirdly I am not a labour supporter so many assumptions!

    Forthly My very first point was those like him who dress this barbaric sport up as a class issue just like he has here are the ones waging class war where do I perpetuate it ? I was not the one that raised the stupid assumption that is was a class war but instead responding to the idiotic delusion that a class war is being waged on the rich with regards to the issue of tearing foxs up for fun. when historically the ‘class war’ this proper fool speaks of, was waged from the top down

    My last point to say that a Class war is being waged by a Blarite government is the most hideous accusation and how am I perpetuating a war through opinion ? It was not me who chucked my rattles out the pram putting myself forward as an MP over a single issue gearing myself up for ‘class war’ over a classless barbaric sport. to hell with the other issues that need addressing in this this area.

  18. Flashbang

    May 20, 2015 at 5:31 am

    Delyth, people in glass houses……. “Baring”
    As for syllogism, it looks like you found the word of the day somewhere and tried to hang it on to something where it doesn’t belong. 56.3% not voting does not mean they are supporting anyone, it just means that most of them couldn’t be bothered to get off their arses and vote.

  19. Paris

    May 20, 2015 at 7:37 am


    Whilst part of this statement is correct some of it isn’t.

    Yes many people didn’t vote, some were unable due to illness, some because they couldn’t walk to the polling station, some were still waiting for their postal vote to come through and others didn’t bother.

    Of the ones that didn’t bother there were some that said “Well they’re all the same” but then there are the ones that when asked if they voted and they answered “No” if you then went on then to ask them if they were Conservative then, they would spit and splutter and say “No Way” or something such- like.

    If these people had bothered to think about this before hand we may have had a different MP for the county.

  20. Flashbang

    May 20, 2015 at 9:43 am

    Good for you Paris for putting words and opinions into the mouths of those who didn’t vote. It’s all pure speculation on your part. This is not about who won or lost it’s about people coming to the conclusion that because people didn’t vote they automatically were against the winner.

  21. Paris

    May 20, 2015 at 9:52 am

    That’s where you are wrong Flashbang.

    After the election I asked many people in the town where I live about the results, everything I have written in the above comment was said to me by these people.

    I have not made anything up so it is not speculation on my part. One person I spoke to didn’t even know who David Cameron was.

  22. Bob

    May 20, 2015 at 11:51 am

    Now you are misquoting me Flashbang. I did not say 56.3% didn’t vote, it was 56.3% that voted for someone other than Simon Hart. It was 30.1% that didn’t vote. Which ever way you look at it, Tomos was wrong to say a majority voted for him. He simply got more votes than any of the other candidates.

  23. Paris

    May 20, 2015 at 11:53 am

    Thank you Herald for putting the Reply/Quote facility that I asked for. 🙂

  24. Delyth

    May 20, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    Flashbang word analysis
    Give it time to sink in.

  25. Delyth

    May 20, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    @ Flashbang:

    You’re struggling with both English and maths Flashbang.

    Maybe there is to many numbers going on in Bobs Comment for your mind to follow
    Simple maths. Get yourself a calculator if you need one. you can forget the ‘over’ Just use the numbers.

    17,626 voted for Simon Hart over 40,000 people didn’t vote for Simon Hart.

    Drop the ifs and the buts

    What is the answer?

    Take your time.

  26. J Williams

    May 20, 2015 at 4:19 pm

    Shame on you Mr Hart. Most upsetting

  27. tomos

    May 20, 2015 at 5:05 pm

    Bob wrote:

    Now you are misquoting me Flashbang. I did not say 56.3% didn’t vote, it was 56.3% that voted for someone other than Simon Hart. It was 30.1% that didn’t vote. Which ever way you look at it, Tomos was wrong to say a majority voted for him. He simply got more votes than any of the other candidates.

     Like3 Dislike1

    tell us then Bob, how should democracy work – I agree the voting system is broken but will ppl in power ever change a system that got them elected?

    Between them the nutter greens who think meat eating is more deadly to the planet than terrorism and UKIP (what can you say about them:) ) got roughly half of the tory vote but got two MPs.

    I’ve now digressed as well – rememer we’re talking about fox hunting ?

  28. Paris

    May 20, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    J Williams wrote:

    Shame on you Mr Hart. Most upsetting

     Like1 Dislike1

    Can you expect anything more from a man who supports the bedroom tax and is against increase of benefits for long term sick.

  29. Delyth

    May 21, 2015 at 10:10 pm

    Not sure what you mean by Glass houses with regards to that response either. I copied and pasted you and asked what you meant by change with out digging you out for a typo at all. It happens!

    Quite a typical move, when you are loosing an argument to be picking words out in an attempt to deflect from the obvious It is hardly anyone else’s fault that you can not see the logic in bobs response to a comment claiming a majority of people in Pembrokeshire voted for Simon Hart, when in fact a majority never voted for Simon Hart

  30. English man

    May 22, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    Well done simon….

  31. Paris

    May 23, 2015 at 8:14 am

    English man wrote:

    Well done simon….

     Like2 Dislike2

    Would that be…

    Well Done Simon for supporting the bedroom tax?


    Well Done Simon for voting strongly against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability?

    Well Done Simon for voting very strongly against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices?

    Before you say Well Done Simon again perhaps you should look at the voting record of this gentleman on They Work For You.

  32. English man

    May 23, 2015 at 5:55 pm

    YES bedroom tax public housing is a privilege and should be used as a stop gap
    YES to gearing the benefit system towards those who are willing to work it’s there a a fall back not as a life choice.
    If we keep wasting resources we will not have the ability to help those in most need.

  33. Paris

    May 23, 2015 at 6:10 pm

    @ English man:
    So where do you expect those in council houses to go to if there is no smaller properties available? They may be classed as a stop gap now but they weren’t when they were built. What happens if a person cannot afford to buy their own house?

    But what do you class as those in most need? Does this apply to physical and mental problems?

  34. English man

    May 23, 2015 at 6:23 pm

    I believe that people with even very extreme disabilities find help fulfilment and self worth from employment .and to those that really can’t do any work they’re the ones that should be targeted with most help. and All social housing should be means tested

  35. Nearlygoodboyo

    May 24, 2015 at 3:29 pm

    Shame that Simon Hart’s comments for the support of fox hunting did not appear during the run-up to the recent election. I am sure he gained confidence when scuttling around south Pembs. seeing all those blue posters attached to field fence posts. Well, enough to state those comments now with the backing of the PM and another guaranteed 5 years in the job with a 17% pay increase on the horizon. Problem is there are too many small holders in South Pembs. that consider themselves to be the landed gentry. By the way, where is my superfast broadband?

  36. English Man

    May 25, 2015 at 7:58 pm


    May 24, 2015 at 3:29 pm

    Shame that Simon Hart’s comments for the support of fox hunting did not appear during the run-up to the recent election”

    What the man who gave up the country side alliance to become an MP an ex master of fox hounds….Really hid his support for country sports under cover…..

    BUT I agree about MP pay un believable. Even though Call me Dave can cancel ministers pay rise even if its been approved by appointed (by him )”independent panel” yet he cant step into the independent panel (that he appointed from government cronies)

  37. chizy

    May 26, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    You reap what you sow, isn’t that how the old saying goes.

    I find what keeps me going is the thought that with every day that passes, it’s a day less that Dave,Gideon,Boris and their CONservative chums are in office.

    **Don’t forget that Si also kept quiet about voting against OSA immunity for abuse whistle blowers.

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Public reminded to stay away from Ward’s Yard and Criterion Quay



THE PORT of Milford Haven is reminding members of the public to stay away from Ward’s Yard in Milford Haven and Criterion Quay (sometimes known as the offshore jetty) in Pembroke Dock due to concerns over public safety. 

Despite significant security measures, people continue to access the sites illegally, ignoring and sometimes damaging the onsite signage and fences.

Niall Yeomans, Head of Health, Safety and Security at the Port of Milford Haven said: “Safety is our key priority. Members of the public are continuously putting themselves and members of our team at risk of serious harm by trespassing in these areas.”

“Both Ward’s Yard and Criterion Quay are unsafe for public access. They are isolated areas next to deep water and are susceptible to slips, trips and falls.”

Both sites are owned by the Port of Milford Haven and are private property. Anyone found onsite without consent is trespassing, and any criminal damage could result in prosecution.  

Anyone who sees any suspicious activity at Ward’s Yard or Criterion Quay is asked to contact Dyfed Powys Police on 101 urgently.

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‘Sophisticated’ organised crime gang trafficked cocaine and cannabis to Aberystwyth



FIVE people have been found guilty or admitted to conspiring to supply cocaine and cannabis as Dyfed-Powys Police continues its efforts to dismantle organised crime gangs.

Officers seized cocaine with a street value of more than £400,000 from gang members, who continually changed tactics to avoid arrest.

Six defendants have appeared in court in the latest phase of Dyfed-Powys Police’s Operation Burleigh, which sought to disrupt the trafficking and onward supply of class A and B drugs into Aberystwyth, with all but one admitting their charges or being found guilty by a jury.

This brings the total number of people awaiting sentence under the operation to 15.

The court heard that officers from Dyfed-Powys Police’s Serious and Organised Crime Team and Ceredigion Priority Policing Team led the investigation into the OCG, which was described as ‘sophisticated, well-organised and evolving’.

Detective Sergeant Steven Jones said: “This conspiracy operated on a County Lines model, where controlled drugs are trafficked into a smaller rural town from a larger city, and the operation is controlled by one or more ‘drugs lines’.

“In this case there were a total of four lines controlling the supply of cocaine and cannabis within Aberystwyth.

“The conspirators frequently evolved their actions to frustrate the authorities and evade capture.”

The OCG embedded members were mainly asylum seekers brought to Aberystwyth by Toana Ahmad and another man who remains outstanding, with the sole purpose of dealing drugs. The drug lines were initially based in Swansea, and later in areas of Birmingham. 

Three properties – on Terrace Road, Alexander Road and Parc Graig Glas – were identified early in the investigation as being used to house the OCG members embedded in Aberystwyth. Substantial amounts of cash, controlled drugs and weapons were recovered from these properties, and from the people found inside. 

When arrests were made, the gang changed its tactics. Drugs began to be supplied from vehicles, and OCG members stayed in guest houses to avoid detection.

DS Jones added: “Trusted couriers were employed to transport drugs to Aberystwyth and cash back to Birmingham or Swansea. A number of vehicles, including taxis, were used as the gang attempted to avoid detection along the route, while trains were also taken when courier cars were stopped by officers.”

In June 2023, two vehicles travelling from the West Midlands towards Aberystwyth were stopped by police on consecutive days. A black sock was uncovered in the engine of the first car, which was found to contain 82g of high purity cocaine divided into 169 grip seal plastic bags.

Davinder Singh, who previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A and class B drugs, was the driver of the second vehicle, which was a taxi. A blue plastic bag was seen falling out of his shorts, which contained over 81g of high purity cocaine divided into 167 grip seal bags. 

DS Jones said: “On the basis that the amounts of cocaine transported over the 37 couriers over the course of the conspiracy period were similar, over 3kg of cocaine would have been conveyed to Aberystwyth from Birmingham.

“This equates to class A drugs with a potential street value of over £308,950.  In addition to this, class A drugs were seized from individuals and addresses with a potential street value of £103,445, along with cash totalling £11,687.

“A number of teams and departments across Dyfed-Powys Police, from analysts, CCTV operators and priority policing teams, to CAB, the Technical Support Unit, Economic Crime Team and Force Intelligence Bureau all assisted in dismantling the OCG from top to bottom.

“Their dedication and relentless efforts have assisted in making Aberystwyth a safer place to live without the threat and harm of drugs being made easily available on the street.”

After a seven-week trial at Swansea Crown Court earlier this year, the following three defendants were found guilty for their parts in the conspiracy:

  • Toana Ahmad, aged 33, of Lee Gardens in Smethwich, West Midlands
  • Barzan Sarhan, aged 31, of no fixed address
  • Ahmed Piro, aged 26, of no fixed address

The jury failed to reach a verdict on two defendants during the earlier trial. They have been subject to a retrial starting on July 1, with the following outcomes:

  • Hawre Ahmed, aged 35, of Pinderfields Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, was found guilty by the jury of conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs.
  • Diar Yousef Zeabari, aged 35, of Flat 5, 41 Bryn Road, Swansea, was found not guilty of conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs.

Karwan Karim, aged 39 of 125 Griffith John Street, Swansea, also stood trial, and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A and B controlled drugs on day three.

In addition to the OCG members found guilty during the most recent trials, the following have previously pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to supply class A and class B drugs under Operation Burleigh:

  • Davinder Singh, aged 36, of Huntingdon Road, West Bromwich
  • Daban Khalil, aged 23, of Streetly Road, Birmingham
  • Kastro Omar, aged 30, of Junction Road, Northampton
  • Karwan Jabari, aged 26, of Weedon Close, Northampton
  • Walid Younis Abdal, aged 34, of St Anne’s Road, Doncaster
  • Saman Aziz, aged 41, of Kirk Road, Merseyside
  • Adel Mustafa, aged 39, of Hubert Road, Newport
  • Charlotte Roberts, aged 21, of Sutton Hill, Telford

The following have previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A drugs:

  • Akasha Smith, aged 24, of Third Avenue, Aberystwyth
  • Luqman Jarjis, aged 21, of Wake Green Road, Birmingham
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Community asked for views on allocation of new St Davids homes



THE FIRST phase of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Glasfryn housing development in St Davids is progressing well with the second phase also underway.

The development being built by GRD Homes Ltd, began in November 2023, with a first phase completion date of Winter 2024 looking hopeful, ahead of the scheduled plans.

The first phase consists of seven properties, including a mixture of one and two bedroom bungalows

As completion draws closer the properties will be advertised via Pembrokeshire Choice Homes.

Ahead of this, the Council’s housing team will be holding community engagement on the 13th August 2024 at the Ty’r Pererin Centres, Quickwell Hill, St Davids, SA62 6PD, 5pm-7pm.

This will be a chance for officers to liaise with the local community about the allocation process for these properties.

Glasfryn’s second phase is well underway, with the initial groundwork already completed. This phase includes a further 11 two bedroom bungalows, with a completion date in late 2025.

These bungalows will meet the latest Welsh Government’s Development Quality Requirement, and will be energy efficient, built to EPC A specification and include solar panels to help tenants with running costs.

The Glasfryn development is funded in partnership with Welsh Government.

Cabinet Member for Housing Cllr Michelle Bateman said: “We are really keen to work with the community on a local lettings policy for these new properties, as we have done for our developments in other parts of the County.”

If you have any queries please email the Customer Liaison Team on [email protected], phone them on 01437 764551, or visit Housing’s Facebook page.

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ELUNED MORGAN has announced she is “giving serious consideration” to standing for the leadership of Welsh Labour and, by extension,...

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