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Port of Milford Haven purchases St Brides Spa Hotel in Saundersfoot



THE PORT of Milford Haven has today (May 28) announced that it has completed on the purchase of St Brides Spa Hotel, in Saundersfoot – one of Pembrokeshire’s most prestige hotels. 

The investment includes a management agreement with The Celtic Collection to manage and operate the hotel on the Port’s behalf.  Together with Ty Hotel Milford Waterfront, this adds another quality offering to the Port’s hospitality and tourism portfolio and strengthens the range of profitable investments linked to its diversification strategy. 

For over ten years, the Port has been actively pursuing a strategic objective to reduce its dependency on the oil and gas sector and seek out additional revenue streams that provide long term, stable, financial resilience for the business. 

Tom Sawyer, Chief Executive at the Port of Milford Haven, said: “We are proud to, once again, be partnering with The Celtic Collection to deliver another high-quality hospitality and tourism offer in Pembrokeshire. This latest investment in St Brides Spa Hotel allows us, through our partnership, to promote the fantastic coastal community of Saundersfoot and support Visit Pembrokeshire’s ambition for the county to become a top 5 UK destination choice.”

“Historically, we have been highly dependent on the oil and gas sector, a commodities market that is prone to fluctuation and outside of our control.  But over the last decade, though a diversification strategy focused on developing and building our business based upon high levels of expertise and excellent facilities, we have successfully created new opportunities in port services, renewables and engineering at Pembroke Port, and hospitality and tourism at Milford Waterfront.

“The continuing success and growth of St Brides Spa Hotel brings economic, social and cultural benefits to the whole of Pembrokeshire whilst at the same time strengthening the Port’s financial resilience.  This is exactly what our Trust Port status is about: investing profits for the benefit of future generations.

“This investment in no way undermines our ability to invest in our core purpose to operate the UK’s largest energy port safely, effectively and responsibly, which will always remain our primary focus.”

The transition to the new ownership and management will be seamless with no detrimental impact on guests and the jobs of all current St Brides team members safeguarded.

The Celtic Collection Chief Executive Ian Edwards said: “We are excited to be taking on the management of St Brides Spa Hotel and expanding our partnership with the Port of Milford Haven to deliver more exceptional hospitality in Pembrokeshire. St Brides is a very successful business that has established itself as a spa destination of real prestige in a wonderful location. We look forward to working with the hotel’s talented and experienced team of staff and welcoming them into the Celtic Collection family as we seek to build on this strong platform and grow the business further.

“We know all about the beauty and the draw of Pembrokeshire to visitors from all over the world from our experience of the last two years operating and growing the Tŷ Hotel Milford Waterfront. This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse ourselves further in the Pembrokeshire community, working closely with local suppliers and businesses, and delivering positive impacts for the local economy.”

The Port of Milford Haven worked with Hugh James for legal support during the purchase. Gerallt Jones, Partner and Head of the Corporate/Commercial team, Hugh James commented: “We’re thrilled to collaborate again with The Port of Milford Haven to support further investment in the hospitality and tourism sector in South Wales. After supporting the Port on its first hotel investment at Milford Waterfront, we have no doubt that the acquisition of St Brides Spa Hotel, with its iconic infinity pool known around the world, will be equally as successful. We’re excited to see the diversification of the Port and the additional benefits its partnership with The Celtic Collection will bring to this stunning coastal area.”

Outgoing owners Andrew and Lindsey Evans, who have operated St Brides Spa Hotel for the past 24 years, said: “We would like to thank the fantastic team at St Brides for their dedicated service and commitment to making the hotel such an amazing place to stay. We would also like to thank our loyal guests and clients, and all the local businesses we have partnered with to benefit the community and promote Saundersfoot and Pembrokeshire as an outstanding tourist destination. We know that we leave our team, our guests and our partners in very good hands with the Port of Milford Haven and The Celtic Collection and we wish them every success with the continued growth of the business.”

St Brides becomes the eighth hotel in The Celtic Collection portfolio with a ninth to open at Tŷ Hotel Newport in June.

Is the purchase of a hotel in south Pembrokeshire within the remit of what the Port of Milford Haven should be doing? – The Herald explains.

The Milford Haven Port Authority (MHPA) operates as a Trust Port, which means it reinvests all profits back into the port and its related activities. The statutory duties of MHPA, as outlined in the Milford Haven Port Authority Act 2002, include regulating and maintaining navigation, conserving natural beauty, and providing port and harbor services.

While the Acts give MHPA powers to manage and develop the port and its surrounding areas, they do not explicitly mention investments such as purchasing property far from the port area. However, as a commercial entity, MHPA might consider investments that provide economic returns to support its operations and development projects. Therefore, buying a hotel in Saundersfoot could be seen as a strategic investment if it aligns with their broader goals of supporting regional economic growth and sustainability​


Royal George Pembroke’s kitchen closes ‘due to construction site’



The Royal George pub has announced the closure of its kitchen until further notice, citing a significant decline in customers due to local construction works. The announcement, made yesterday, follows ongoing disruptions caused by the closure of the South Quay Car Park and the commencement of major building projects in the surrounding area.

In a statement, the pub’s proprietor Phil Lewis expressed deep regret over the decision, explaining that the impact of the construction on their food service has been profound. “After a great deal of thought and with reluctance, I have come to the decision to close our kitchen due to a significant decline in custom,” he said. The Landlord also noted that the disruption is expected to worsen as the construction project continues over the next 18 months.

The kitchen closure comes after a steady drop in food sales, which he attributed directly to the reduced footfall in the area. “Food sales have dramatically slumped and cannot sustain continued trading to the standards that Mandy and I have worked so hard to uphold,” he added.

Despite the kitchen closure, the Royal George will remain open for business. Phil has reassured patrons that bar services, including the sale of ales, wines, and spirits, will not be affected. “The pub will battle on!” he declared, thanking regular customers for their continued support over the years.

The pub hopes to resume kitchen services once the disruptions subside and some level of normality returns.

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Samuel Kurtz MS Visits Pembroke Dock Jobcentre Plus



SAMUEL KURTZ, Member of the Senedd for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, recently visited the Jobcentre Plus in Pembroke Dock to learn more about their work in supporting local residents to return to employment, access skills training, and claim the benefits to which they are entitled.

During his visit, Samuel toured the facility and met with Work Coaches to discuss their vital role in connecting jobseekers with employers, as well as helping individuals develop the skills needed for future opportunities. The staff also provide advice on employment benefits and assist in the transition to Universal Credit.

Commenting after the visit, Samuel said: “I wanted to gain a better understanding of the current employment landscape in Pembrokeshire and the support available to those seeking work. We had productive discussions about addressing the increasing number of economically inactive people and explored innovative ways to match jobseekers with suitable roles.

“The staff at Jobcentre Plus do an excellent job in linking individuals with government employment and benefit services, and they do so with great professionalism and compassion. I look forward to working closely with them to help fill upcoming job opportunities, particularly with the exciting prospects in the Celtic Freeport and Pembrokeshire’s growing renewable energy sector.”

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Council votes to cut Council Tax for second home owners



PEMBROKESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL has voted to reduce the Second Home Council Tax premium from 200% to 150%, following a close decision on Thursday, October 17.

The change, set to take effect from next April, comes after a Conservative motion to cut the premium in half was decisively defeated. Currently, second homeowners pay three times the standard rate, with a Band E property’s tax rising to around £7,000 annually, compared to £2,300 for local residents.

The reduction was achieved through an Independent Plus Group (IPG) amendment, which passed by a narrow margin.


Whatever the reasoning behind the Conservative amendment, the debate centred on potential future Council Tax rises and deeper service cuts.

Cllr Jordan Ryan was surely correct when he said that those who supported halving the Second Homes Premium were also those most unlikely to support increasing Council Tax to make up the money lost from the Council Budget in 2025/26.

Cllr Di Clements, Conservative Group Leader, proposed halving the Premium, arguing that the current level risked harming tourism in Pembrokeshire. She said it was important to be honest about how the Council used the money the Premium raised. The original intention of the Second Home Premium was to fund affordable housing. However, it was now being used to buttress the shortfall in the Council’s Budget.

She said she had to wonder about the local authority’s financial stability if it was so dependent on the Premium.

Cllr Clement claimed the Council’s message to second-home and holiday accommodation owners is clear: “We don’t want you.”

Cllr John Cole, who supported Cllr Clement, said the Cabinet member for Finance, Cllr Joshua Beynon, had dismissed second-home owners’ representations about the Premium’s impact.

Cllr Beynon responded briskly to Cllr Cole’s suggestion. He reminded the Merlin’s Bridge councillor that part of the purpose of setting a budget was to weigh evidence and reach a conclusion. On balance, the need to reduce the size of any future Council Tax rise on local residents and preserve essential services outweighed second-home owners’ interests.

He reminded Cllr Clements that the decision to use the money raised from the Premium for general funding was made by the Full Council, not the Cabinet. Cllr Beynon said the issue would be debated during next year’s budget setting.


Cllr Mark Carter raised the issue of how the Coucil Tax Premium operated. Not only the County Council precept trebled, but also the precepts for community councils and policing. He found it hard to justify that the policing precept raised in Pembrokeshire was funding policing elsewhere.

Cllr Beynon replied that he would examine the issue raised and report back. However, he added, he could not tell Dyfed Powys Police where to spend its money.

Former Cabinet Member for Finance Cllr Alec Cormack boiled the debate down to brass tacks and asked the Director of Resources to outline the effects of supporting the Conservative motion.

Jon Haswell replied that each 25% cut to the Premium would reduce the Council’s revenue by £1.3m.

In the context of the Conservative motion, that would lead to an additional £5.2m pressure on the Council’s Budget in addition to the existing £32.8m pressure.

That meant that, even if the Council used £3m of its reserves, in addition to deeper cuts to services, the Council would need to increase Council Tax for 2025/26 by 18.87%.

Cllr Cormack observed that councillors ignored Mr Haswell’s warnings last year, and as a result, they faced even tougher choices next year.

Without making deep cuts, the Budget won’t balance, he added.

Alec Cormack said: “If we cut the Premium today, we are voting for a bigger increase in Council Tax in February.”


Cllr Alistair Cameron agreed with reducing the Second Homes Premium but said the Council could not afford to do so because of grave budgetary pressures.

“We are having this difficulty because we are trying to pay for care, provide homes, and care for vulnerable children. We cannot afford to make next year’s Budget any harder than it should be.

Alan Dennison said he did not want his voters in Milford Haven to subsidise second-home owners but wanted to find a middle ground.

Cllr Beynon said that if the Conservative amendment passed, schools’ budgets would suffer a 4% cut next year.

Aled Thomas supported Di Clements. He said that suggesting that the only way to balance the Budget was to increase Council Tax was fundamentally flawed.

Cllr Thomas claimed the administration had sown a seed of division between the Pembrokeshire people, the tourism industry, and second-home owners.

He claimed councillors were being gaslit on the Council’s budgetary pressures.

Cllr Tony Wilcox said that councillors should not pander to a minority interest. His mailbox about the need to cut the Second Home Premium was zero.

He added: “Our residents aren’t affected by this. We cannot penalise our voters to pander to those who can afford a second home.”

Tenby Cllr Sam Skyrme-Blackhall said, “I cannot justify raising Council Tax on our residents to reduce second-home owners’ bills.”

Cllr Paul Miller said the impact on tourism was unknown. However, he added: “If you own properties in Tenby and Saundersfoot and you can’t let them for 182 days a year, you’re doing something wrong.”


Michelle Bateman said, “75% of the Premium goes to affordable housing. We must increase all kinds of affordable housing; we will not solve housing problems with social housing alone.

She added that the Council would introduce options for shared ownership and equity in spring.

“Any reduction in the Premium meant fewer people would benefit from those schemes.”

She continued: “Housing must be a priority for this Council. I cannot believe that councillors are justified deferring to a well-heeled and articulate minority ahead of those who need this funding.”

Cllrs Delme Harries and Bethan Price highlighted the lack of benefits the Premium brings to rural wards.

Cllr Mike John intervened to highlight the difference between those who inherited old family homes and contributed to local communities and those who did not, ate up the supply of affordable houses, and rented them out on Airbnb.

Josh Beynon sympathised with Cllrs Harris and Price and said services – especially social care – cost more to deliver in rural areas. However, before the pot of money was divided, the Council needed to know what was in it.

He took Aled Thomas to task. Cllr Beynon said this was not scaremongering. He and officers have tried to explain the position in budget seminars, and he would be happy to come to councillors’ wards to discuss it if they wanted. He emphasised seeking a centre ground that addressed reality.

Mike Stoddart was having none of it. He would support the Conservative motion and believed the policy was economically illiterate.

Huw Murphy sought a more radical solution. The system was overcomplicated, he said. Every residential property in Pembrokeshire should pay Council Tax, Cllr Murphy said, and there are too many properties paying nothing.


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Michelle Bateman, responded to the debate.

Addressing Cllr Bethan Price, she said £1.4m of funding was being used to develop affordable housing at Glasfryn in St Davids.

Cllr Bateman continued by saying that her sympathy for second-home owners was outweighed by her sympathy for Pembrokeshire’s homeless and those waiting on the housing register.

Cllr Alec Cormack endorsed Michelle Bateman’s view, saying: “We should think of those with no houses, not those with two houses.

The Conservative motion fell.


The Council moved to debate Cllr Huw Murphy’s amendment to reduce the Second Home Premium to 150%

Cllr Murphy kept his remarks brief and to the point. He said he supported the idea of a premium and was keen to explore other ways the Council could use the Premium system to raise money more effectively.

Council Leader John Harvey intervened in the debate.

Cllr Harvey said it was wrong for the Council to prioritise the interests of second-home owners over those of permanent residents.

He observed that Cllr Murphy seemed to have retreated from his position last year, when he supported the 200% Premium, even though nothing had changed since last December when he supported it.

Cllr Harvey added: “We don’t have the data to change horses now, though we might next year.

“What worries me more is the loss of income.”

Jon Harvey asked councillors: “What are you prepared to cut or lose, or are you prepared to increase Council Tax to make up the gap?

“I am not prepared to say I voted to reduce second homes Council Tax and put the burden on residents.”

The IPG amended passed by 30 votes to 26 and slashed the Second Home Premium.

The next task for those who voted to shave £2.6m off the Council’s Budget will be to identify cuts or choose Council Tax increases over and above those already forecast in the Medium-Term Financial Plan.

As Cllr Jordan Ryan cynically suggested, those who voted to cut the Premium have no intention of doing either.

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