JACKIE MORRIS is a world-renowned children’s author and artist, who lives just outside of St. David’s. Jackie exhibits her painting nationwide and has worked with authors...
A YEAR long review was published this week that will dramatically change the whole of the Welsh education system. Prof Graham Donaldson, of Glasgow University, was...
P E M B R O K E S H I R E COLLEGE is leading the way for environmental change by investing in cutting-edge green...
PUPILS at Lamphey Primary School can be very proud of their sporting achievements this term. The girls gymnastics team of Charlotte, Destiny, Lena, Hannah, Millie, Rhian,...
EARLIER this week Baroness Randerson visited Pembrokeshire College as part a tour of west Wales exploring energy, education and women entrepreneurs. During her visit to the...
1974 OEDD Y FLWYDDYN. Mis Mai. Gwesty Scotts yng Ngill Airne yng ngorllewin Gweriniaeth Iwerddon oedd y lleoliad. Yr achlysur oedd yr Ŵyl Ban-Geltaidd. Roedd yno...
MAE BWRDD IECHYD PRIFYSGOL HYWEL DDA wedi llongyfarch Ysgol Holy Name yn Abergwaun sydd wedi bod yn defnyddio’u creadigrwydd i hyrwyddo negeseuon byw’n iach. Cyflwynodd y...
MAE AFONYDD Cymru yn rhai o asedau naturiol mwyaf gwerthfawr y wlad ac mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) a’i bartneriaid yn chwarae rôl bwysig yn y...
THE DEPUTY MINISTER FOR FARMING AND FOOD has asked members of the public to report sightings of any dead badgers they find to help tackle bovine...
NFU Cymru, the NFU and British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) have agreed the scope of this code which is now set to be introduced. At last...