CABINET SECRETARG for the Economy, Ken Skates, has highlighted the achievements and issues faced by the automotive sector in Wales during his keynote speech at this...
AR DDYDD Iau, 7 Mehefin, cwrddodd nifer o bwysigion o Fadagascar gydag aelodau Cyngor Sir Ceredigion fel rhan o ddathliadau y cafodd eu cynnal yng Ngheredigion...
BYDD RHESTR gynhwysfawr o enwau lleoedd Cymru yn cael ei chyhoeddi gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg ar 20 Mehefin, fydd yn cynnig sillafiad safonol ar gyfer enwau...
THE ROAD into Main Street, Pembroke, from the direction of Pembroke Dock is currently closed following a collision involving a car and a cyclist. Four police...
MAE MAM o Sir Benfro yn teimlo bod ganddi fwy o gysylltiad â’i chymuned leol ar ôl dysgu Cymraeg ac mae’n galw ar eraill i wneud...
UN O nosweithiau pwysicaf y byd llenyddol yng Nghymru yw Seremoni Wobrwyo Llyfr y Flwyddyn, a gynhelir yn flynyddol o dan ofal Llenyddiaeth Cymru. Bydd yr...
THE CONTINUING wrangle over an inquiry into the circumstances which led to the death of former AM Carl Sargeant has intensified this week after a suggestion...
THE ANNOUNCEMENT by the UK Government that it is to release funding for the NHS, claimed hilariously as a ‘Brexit Windfall’, will result in funding being...
A PHOTOGRAPHY competition on the subject of Welsh roads has been launched by a National Assembly committee. The Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee is asking people...
LAST week, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Team MCR had an impressive visit to Silverstone Circuit last week. The student-led team came 2nd at...