AFTER an 18-month long campaign researchers working on the West Wales War Memorial Project (WWWMP) have at last succeeded in securing formal recognition for the death...
ARE you a past or present Commonwealth Games athlete? Then your county needs you! Sport Pembrokeshire are asking any Commonwealth athletes living in the county to...
A GROUP of mature Pembrokeshire trainees are helping support a local charity. Members of Experience Counts are raising money for PATCH (Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship)...
COUNCILLOR Peter Stock is supplying Pembrokeshire flags to many shops around the county. All the profits from the sale of the flags will go to the...
MEMBERS of staff from Portfield School are the first to graduate from Signalong training run by Portfield School Signalong trainer Mrs Alison Swain. Mrs Swain is one of only a few accredited...
CYFLWYNWYD Cynllun Perfformiad Blynyddol Cyngor Sir Ceredigion i’r Cyngor ar 24 Hydref 2013. Mae’r Cynllun yn rhoi golwg gytbwys o berfformiad y Cyngor a’i gymharu â...
MAE AWDURDOD Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn parhau i flaenoriaethu gwaith clirio yn dilyn y tywydd difrifol parhaus ac mae’n ymdrechu i gadw mynediad yn agored...
MAE’R GWEINIDOG Addysg a Sgiliau, Huw Lewis, wedi croesawu’r adroddiad ‘”Rhagorol” a roddwyd i awdurdod lleol Ceredigion gan Estyn. Galwodd hefyd ar i awdurdodau lleol ledled...
FARMERS have welcomed the opportunity, provided by the Department of Transport, to review the maximum speed limit for tractors on public roads. At a meeting with...
“FARMERS are concerned with the impact that this prolonged wet weather will have on adhering to some cross compliance rules,” says NFU Cymru President, Stephen James, in...